英语学术论文的体裁分析 : 理论与应用

英语学术论文的体裁分析 : 理论与应用

杨瑞英, 著







序前言AbstractAcknowledgementsPART I THEORETICAL ISSUES Chapter I Introduction 1.1 The importance of genre knowledge 1.2 The ESP genre approach 1.3 Aims of the book Chapter 2 Genre Definition and Classification 2.1 Overview 2.2 The definitions of genre in applied linguistics 2.3 A new definition of genre 2.4 Comparison of the three approaches 2.5 SummaryPART II RESEARCH ARTICLES IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS Chapter 3 Data and Data Analysis 3.1 Overview 3.2 General principles of data collection 3.2.1 The selection of journals 3.2.2 Defining 'research' in applied linguistics 3.2.3 The selection procedure of research articles 3.3 The general procedure of analyses 3.4 The RA abstracts 3.5 The macro-structure of research articles 3.6 The unit of analysis of RA micro-structure 3.7 Lexical signals and the analysis of moves and steps 3.8 The principles of analysis 3.9 Working definitions of moves and steps 3.9.1 The moves and steps in the abstracts, introductions, theoretical basis and literature review sections in primary and secondary RAs 3.9.2 The moves and steps in the distinctive sections in primary RAs 3.9.3 The moves and steps in the distinctive section in secondary RAs 3.9.4 The moves and steps in the conclusion and pedagogic implication sections 3.10 Summary Chapter 4 The Abstract of Research Articles 4.1 The structure of APP abstracts 4.2 The structure of TESOL abstracts 4.3 The structure of ESP abstracts 4.4 The structure of ELT abstracts 4.5 Comparison of the abstracts from the four journals 4.6 The potential structure of RA abstracts Chapter 5 The Macro-Structure of Research Articles 5.1 The macro-structure of primary RAs 5.2 The section headings of primary RAs 5.3 The macro-structure of secondary RAs 5.4 Summary Chapter 6 The Introduction, Theoretical Basis and Literature Review Sections 6.1 The structure of the introduction section 6.1.1 Absence and low occurrence of some steps in the CARS model 6.1.2 Varied sequence of moves and steps 6.1.3 High cyclicity of moves and steps 6.1.4 The presence of new steps 6.2 The structure of the theoretical basis section 6.3 The structure of the literature review section Chapter 7 The Method Section of Primary RAs 7.1 The structure of the method section 7.2 Journal and disciplinary characteristics Chapter 8 The Argumentation Section of Secondary RAs 8.1 The argumentation of the theoretical-orientated secondary RAs 8.2 The argumentation of pedagogic-orientated secondary RAs 8.3 The argumentation of the application-orientated secondary RAs 8.4 The structure of sub-arguments Chapter 9 The Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Pedagogic Implications Sections 9.1 Occurrences of related sections and section headings 9.2 The structure of the results section 9.3 The structure of the discussion section 9.4 The structure of the conclusion section in both primary and secondary RAs 9.5 The structure of the pedagogic implications section 9.6 SummaryPART III RESEARCH ARTICLES IN ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES Chapter 10 RAs in Three Engineering Disciplines 10.1 Data collection 10.2 The method of analysis 10.3 Research findings 10.3.1 The structure of the abstract 10.3.2 The RA macro structure 10.3.3 The structure of the introduction section 10.3.4 The structure of the method section in experimental RAs 10.3.5 The structure of the theoretical analysis section in theoretical RAs 10.3.6 Structure of the results and discussion section 10.3.7 The structure of the application/implementation section 10.3.8 The structure of the conclusion section 10.4 SummaryPART IV GENRE-BASEDPEDAGOGY Chapter 11 Implications and Application 11.1 Pedagogic implications 11.1.1 Awareness-raising of the shared features and variations 11.1.2 Pattern-seeking pedagogic activities 11.1.3 Integration of situated learning and explicit teaching 11.1.4 Exploration of underlying motivations 11.2 Genre-based pedagogic approach 11.3 Task design 11.4 Summary Chapter 12 Conclusion ReferencesAppendixes Appendix I. Selected RAs in Applied Linguistics Appendix II. Selected RAs in Mechanical Engineering Appendix III. Selected RAs in Electronics and Information Engineering Appendix IV. Selected RAs in Energy and Power Engineering


杨瑞英编著的这本《英语学术论文的体裁分析--理论与应用》对体裁分析三大流派、分析的方法和过程以及如何将分析结果应用于教学进行了全面、系统的阐述。全书共分四个部分。第一部分的创新性内容是关于体裁的定义及分类方法。第二部分是基于“专门用途英语”(ESP)体裁分析传统对应用语言学学科学术论文全文进行的非常系统的分析,既揭示了学术论文宏观和微观层面的共性,又用实例展示了因具体研究设计或作者因素所存在的个性。第三部分汇报了三个工科学科学术论文的语篇结构特征并讨论了学科之间的异同。最后,本书结合二语习得与体裁分析的研究成果,提出了基于体裁的学术英语教学应该遵循的原则。 该书的出版有弥补空白的作用。对有志从事体裁分析研究的应用语言学领域的年轻教师和研究生有指导意义,对高校有志于运用体裁分析理论推动英语教学改革,使之满足高层次的学术英语需求有很高的实用价值。


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尺寸21 × 14装帧精装
页数 240 印数


英语学术论文的体裁分析 : 理论与应用是科学出版社于2015.1出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-论文-写作-研究-英文 的书籍。