

张新安, 编著







Doctor Xin-an Zhang was born January1 963 He worn the mathematicaI competition prize ln 1 978 when he was a senior middle school student in Xianyang City.In 1 981 atthe age of 1 8.he graduated from Northwest Instituted of Textile Science and Technology,where he remained as a facuIty member and went On to earn his Masters degree in 1989.Since then.he was employed as the associate professor of Xian Polytechnic University Being welI acquainted and good sense of fibrous materials with the research achievements of physical p rope rties Of fibrous mate rialS.in 2004,he was taken in T0ngji University as the Ph D student to performed the research in sound absorption properties of fibrous materials When not teaching and writing,Zhang PU rSUes hiS inte rest in ACUPUnctU re me ridians and exe rcises Taiji Which he believes can prolong Iife and anti-decease.



Chapter 1 Properties and Testing Methods of Sound Absorption


1.1 Properties of Sound Absorption Materials

1.1.1 Porous Absorptive Materials

1.1.2 Resonant or Reactive Absorbers

1.2 Measurement of Sound Absorption Materials

1.2.1 Measurement of Acoustic Parameters

1.2.2 Measurement Method and Apparatus of Air Permeability and Yield Strength of Fiber Layer

Chapter 2 Introduction of Conventional Sound Absorption Theories

2.1 Sound Transmission of Porous Materials

2.1.1 Sound Transmission in the Round Pipe and Narrow Slit

2.1.2 Porous Sound Absorption Materials

2.1.3 Porous Sound Absorption Materials in Several Specific Cases

2.2 Sound Absorption in Diaphragmatic Absorber

Chapter 3 An Empirical Formula for Sound Absorption of Fibrous Materials

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Sound Absorption Spectra of Several Sound Absorption Fibrous Materials

3.3 Sound Absorption Spectrum Formula

3.4 Discussion on Sound Absorption Spectrum Formula

3.5 Maximal Sound Absorption Coefficient: Material Air Permeability and Sound Absorption Coefficient Formula

3.6 Conclusion

Chapter 4 Analysis on Sound Absorption Principle of Thin Fibrous Layer

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Acoustic Analysis of Thin Fibrous Layer by Application of Membrane Vibration Theory

4.3 The Proofs of Fabric Vibration Sound Absorption Theory

4.3.1 Determination of the % Open Area of Fabric

4.3: 2 Relation Between Fabric Structure Character-istic and Specifi Acoustic Impedance

4.3.3 Analysis on Sound Absorption Characteristics Using the Micropore Viscous Sound Absorption Theory

4.3.4 Application of the Resonance Theory

4.4 Conclusion

Chapter 5 Vibration Sound Absorption Model of Porous Material

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Sound Absorption Model and Theoretical Formula of Porous Materials

5.3 Discussion and Verification

5.3.1 The Relation between the Material Structural Parameters and the Maximal Sound Absorption Coefficient

5.3.2 The Formula of Sound Absorption Spectrum

5.4 Conclusion

Chapter 6 Elastic Sound Absorption Principle of Fibrous Material

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Vibration Sound Absorption Theory

6.3 The Comparing and Discussing of the Theory Results and Testing Results

Chapter 7 Resonance Frequency Formula of Densely Porous Material and Sound Absorption Coefficient Formula of Flexible Membrane

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Resonance Sound Absorption Frequency of Densely Porous Material

7.2.1 Micro-perforation Sound Absorption Theory

7.2.2 Resonance Sound Absorption Model of Densely Porous Material

7.2.3 End Correction of Micro Perforation

7.2.4 Comparison and Discussion of Actual Measured Results

7.2.5 Situation of Larger and Smaller Perforation

7.3 Flexible Membrane Sound Absorption Model and Sound Absorption Coefficient Formula

7.3.1 Sound Absorption Model of Flexible Membrane

7.3.2 Verification and Discussion of the Sound Absorption Coefficient Formula of Flexible Membrane

7.4 Conclusion


The sound absorption material plays an important role in room acoustic and environmental noise control.In general.thetraditional sound absorption material is the porous material,perforated panel,plate and membrane material.British great classical physicist Lord Rayleigh put forward the micropore viscosity sound absorption theory of porous material more than100 years ago.Zwikker and Kosten made further development ofthe theory 50 years ago.Although the research has undergone formore than 100 years,a majority of the scientists still follow suchconcept,the pore space of the porous material and perforatedmaterial produces the viscous effect on the fluctuating air of thesound wave,with which the sound energy is converted into heatenergy.


尺寸26 × 0装帧平装
页数印数 1000


柔性材料振动吸声理论是西安交通大学出版社于2009.8出版的中图分类号为 TB39 的主题关于 柔性材料:声吸收材料-研究-英文 的书籍。