Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007从入门到精通

Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007从入门到精通

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本书让你一步轻松学会使用Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007。



Information for Readers Running Windows XP

Managing the Practice Files

Using the Start Menu

Navigating Dialog Boxes

Features and Conventions of This Book

Using the Books CD

Whats on the CD?

Minimum System Requirements

Installing the Practice Files

Using the Practice Files

Removing the Practice Files

Using the .stp Site Templates

Removing the .stp Site Templates

Deleting a Practice Site

Getting Help

Getting Help with This Book and Its CD

Getting Help with SharePoint Designer

1 Introducing SharePoint Designer

Understanding SharePoint Designer

Using SharePoint Designer to Carry Out Common Tasks

Understanding Windows SharePoint Services

Exploring a SharePoint Site

Understanding the Relationship Between Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server 2007

Considering Complications of Upgrading Customized SharePoint Sites

Key Points

2 Working in SharePoint Designer

Exploring the SharePoint Designer Workspace

Using Toolbars

Using Task Panes

Creating a SharePoint Site Hierarchy

Sidebar: Publishing Site Templates

Sidebar: Best Practices for Naming URLs

Deleting a SharePoint Site

Key Points

3 Customizing a Web Page

Exploring a

Adding a Web Part and Modifying Web Part Properties

Attaching a Master Page

Creating a Web Page from a Master Page

Deleting aWeb Page

Key Points

4 Creating and Modifying Web Pages

Creating a Basic Meeting Workspace Site

Creating a Web Part Page by Using a Browser

Creating an ASPNET Page

Inserting a Web Part Zone

Adding a Web Part and Modifying Web Part Properties

Attaching aMaster Page

Creating aWeb Page from a Master Page

Deleting a Web Page

Key Points

5 Working with Lists and Libraries

Creating a List

Sidebar: Content Types and Site Columns

Creating a List View Web Part

Customizing a List View Web Part

Modifying a Built-In List View Page

Creating a List View Page

Modifying a Built-In List Form Page

Key Points

6 Working with Data Views

Creating Data Views

Customizing Data Views

Sidebar: An XML Primer

Applying Conditional Formatting

Using XSLT

Allowing Insertions, Deletions, and Updates

Using CAML

Converting a List View Web Part to a Data View Web Part

Deploying Web Parts

Key Points

7 Working with Data Sources

Using the Data Source Library

Working with XML Data

Connecting to an RSS Feed XML File

Connecting to an RSS Feed Server-Side Script

Connecting to an XML Web Service

Using Linked Sources

Displaying the Contents of a List on Another Site

Connecting Web Parts

Key Points

8 Using Controls in Web Pages

Inserting and Modifying Controls

Using Standard ASP.NET Controls

Using ASP.NET Validation Controls

Using Share Point Data View Controls

Using Share Point Server Controls

Key Points

9 Working with Master Pages

Understanding Master Pages

Customizing a Master Page

Changing the Default Master Page

Managing Content Placeholders and Content Regions

Sidebar: Creating a Master Page

Resetting a Master Page to the Site Definition

Key Points

10 Changing the Look and Feel of Pages by Using Cascading Style Sheets

Understanding the CSS and Color-Coding Options

Sidebar: CSS Primer

Identifying Styles in Cascading Style Sheets

Creating, Modifying, and Deleting Styles

Using the Style Application Toolbar

Creating and Attaching CSS Files

Understanding CSS Inheritance in Share Point

Using CSS Reports

Key Points

11 Managing Web Content in a Share Point Server Environment

Understanding Web Content Management Enhancements in Share Point Server 2007

Understanding the Page Model

Creating a Page Layout

Modifying a Page Layout

Restoring an Earlier Version of a Page Layout

Detaching and Reattaching a Page Layout

Key Points

12 Understanding Workflows

13 Building a Windows SharePoint Services Application

Appendix: SharePoint Designer Workflow Conditions and Actions



About the Author


Experience learning made easy-and quickly teach yourself how to build custom sites and solutions with SharePoint Designer 2007. With Step by Step, you set the pace-building and practicing the skills you need, just when you need them!
  ·Master the tools for building and editing pages visually-no code
  ·Use master pages and CSS to control how sites look and work
  ·Connect to lists, libraries, XML data, and RSS feeds Add interactive and collaborative features with Web Parts and controls
  ·Create workflows and other business-process applications
  ·Manage user settings, accessibility, and site maintenance 。


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Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007从入门到精通是上海世界图书出版公司于2008.10出版的中图分类号为 TP393.092 的主题关于 主页制作-应用软件,SharePoint Designer 2007-英文 的书籍。