

( ) 巴德, ( ) 帕金, 著







罗宾·巴德(Robin Bade)于澳大利亚昆士兰大学获数学与经济学专业学士学位,1970年获澳大利亚国家大学博士学位。曾在苏格兰的爱丁堡大学、澳大利亚的邦德大学以及加拿大的曼尼托巴大学、多伦多大学和西安大略大学任教。她关于国际资本流动的研究成果发表于《国际经济评论》(In


preface introduction chapter 1getting started  1.1 definition and questions  1.2 the economic way of thinking  eye on the past chapter 2the u.s. and global economies  2.1 what, how, and for whom?  2.2 the circular flows chapter 3the economic problem  3.1 production possibilities  3.2 opportunity cost  3.3 economic growth  3.4 specialization and trade chapter 4demand and supply

preface introduction chapter 1getting started  1.1 definition and questions  1.2 the economic way of thinking  eye on the past chapter 2the u.s. and global economies  2.1 what, how, and for whom?  2.2 the circular flows chapter 3the economic problem  3.1 production possibilities  3.2 opportunity cost  3.3 economic growth  3.4 specialization and trade chapter 4demand and supply  4.1 demand  4.2 supply  4.3 market equilibrium  4.4 price rigidities  part 2 monitoring the macroeconomy chapter 5 gdp and the standard of living  5.1 gdp income, and expenditure  5.2 measuring u.s. gdp  5.3 the use and limitations of real gdp  appendix: measuring rea] gdp chapter 6 the cpi and the cost of living  6.1 the consumer price index  6.2 the cpi and other price level measures 135  6.3 nominal and real values chapter 7jobs and unemployment  7.1 labor market indicators  7.2 labor markeltrends and fluctuations  7.3 the sources and types of unemployment  part 3 the real economy chapter 8potential gdp and the natural unemployment rate  8.1 potential gdp  8.2 the natural unemployment rate chapter 9economic growth  9.1 the basics of economic growth  9.2 the sources of economic growth  9.3 theories of economic growth chapter 10investment, saving, and the real interest rate  10.1 physical capital and finandal capital  10.2 the market for loanable funds :  10.3 government in loanable funds market  part 4 the money economy chapter 11the monetary system  11.1 what is money?  11.2 the banking system  11.3 the federal reserve system  11.4 regulating the quantity of money chapter 12money, [interest, and inflation  12.1 money and the interest rate  12.2 money, the price level, and inflation  12.3 the cost of inflation  part 5 economic fluctuations chapter 13 as-ad and the business cycle  13.1 bus[ness-cycle definitions and facts  13.2 aggregate supply  13.3 aggregate demand  13.4 understanding the business cycle chapter 14 aggregate expenditure  14.1 expenditure plans and real gdp  14.2 equilibrium expenditure  14.3 the expenditure multiplier  14.4 the ad curve and equilibrium expenditure 355 chapter 15 the short-run  policy tradeoff  15.1 the short-run phillips curve  15.2 short-run and long-run phillips curves 370  15.3 expected inflation  part 6 macroeconomic policy chapter 16fiscal policy  16.1 the federal budget  16.2 the supply side and potential gdp  16.3 the demand side: stabilizing real gdp chapter 17 monetary policy  17.1 how the fed conducts monetary policy  17.2 monetary policy transmission  17.3 alternative monetary policy strategies 术语索引


在国外众多的宏观经济学教材中,由著名经济学者帕金和巴德夫妇合著的foudattion of macroeconomics是一本独具特色的入门教材。  简明扼要  区别于许多大部头的同类教材.本书力求以最简洁的方式将初学者领入经济学的门槛。内容编排简明清晰理论阐述扼要概括,有助于读者在最短的时间里掌握宏观经济学的要点和基本知识。  联系实际  本书在强调宏观经济学核心原理的同时.提供了丰富的现实内容。大量更新的案例及实证分析帮助读者运用所学理论来分析现实经济问题,增加学习兴趣。  读者导向  本书紧紧围绕读者的学习需要,精心设置了章首学习要点、各节检查站、各章检查站等栏目,在阐述重点概念时特别采取曲线图、文字和表格三种方式。


在国外众多的宏观经济学教材中,由著名经济学者帕金和巴德夫妇合著的foudattion of macroeconomics是一本独具特色的入门教材。  简明扼要  区别于许多大部头的同类教材.本书力求以最简洁的方式将初学者领入经济学的门槛。内容编排简明清晰理论阐述扼要概括,有助于读者在最短的时间里掌握宏观经济学的要点和基本知识。  联系实际  本书在强调宏观经济学核心原理的同时.提供了丰富的现实内容。大量更新的案例及实证分析帮助读者运用所学理论来分析现实经济问题,增加学习兴趣。  读者导向  本书紧紧围绕读者的学习需要,精心设置了章首学习要点、各节检查站、各章检查站等栏目,在阐述重点概念时特别采取曲线图、文字和表格三种方式。


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宏观经济学原理是中国人民大学出版社于2010.出版的中图分类号为 F015 的主题关于 宏观经济学-双语教学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。