

(美) 施密特 (Schmitt,C.) , (美) 辛普森 (Simpson,K.) , 著





本书通过你能够在项目中直接使用的众多实用配方,这本手册可以帮助你赢得HTML5的多个功能的实践经验。从标记语义、Web表单以及音频和视频元素到诸如地理定位和富JavaScript API之类的相关技术,你将应用各种知识来获取解决问题的明确方案。


Preface1. Fundamental Syntax and Semantics 1.1 Specifying the DOCTYPE 1.2 Specifying the Character Set 1.3 Specifying the Language 1.4 Optimizing s and s 1.5 Adding Document Structure with HTMLS's New Elements 1.6 Choosing Between and 1.7 Checking Your Document Outline 1.8 Modifying the Document Outline 1.9 Emphasizing Text 1.10 Adding Importance to Text 1.11 Highlighting Text for Reference 1.12 Marking Up Small Print 1.13 Defining Acronyms and Abbreviatio 1.14 Adding Links to Block-Level Content 1.15 Marking Up Figures and Captio 1.16 Marking Up Dates and Times 1.17 Setting the Stage for Native Expanding and Collapsing 1.18 Controlling the Numbering of Your Lists 1.19 Hiding Content to Show Later 1.20 Making Portio of a Page Editable 1.21 Setting the Stage for Native Drag-and-Drop2. Progressive Markup and Techniques 2.1 Adding More Semantic Meaning 2.2 Picking a Markup Style 2.3 Undetanding Browser Support for HTML5 2.4 Making Internet Explorer Recognize HTML5 Elements 2.5 Detecting HTML5 Features with JavaScript 2.6 Using HTML5 Boilerplate 2.7 Validating HTML5 2.8 Mapping HTML5 Elements to ID and Class Names3. Forms 3.1 Displaying a Search Input Field 3.2 Contact Information Input Fields 3.3 Utilizing Date and Time Input Fields 3.4 Number Inputs 3.5 Selecting from a Range of Numbe 3.6 Selecting Colo 3.7 Creating an Editable Drop-Down 3.8 Requiring a Form Field 3.9 Autofocusing a Form Field 3.10 Displaying Placeholder Text 3.11 Disabling Autocomplete 3.12 Restricting Values 3.13 Making HTML5 Work in Older Browse 3.14 Validating Form Data in Older Browse with JavaScript 3.15 Example; Sample Form4. Native Audio 4.1 Adding HTML5 Audio 4.2 Manipulating the Audio Stream 4.3 Generating UsingJavaScript 4.4 Visualizing Using 4.5 Sample Design; Custom Audio Player5. Native Video 5.1 Adding HTML5 Video 5.2 Euring Multi-Browser Video Support 5.3 Setting Video Dimeio 5.4 Displaying a Placeholder Image Before Video Plays 5.5 Making Video Loop 5.6 Sample Design; Manipulating Video with 6. Microdata and Custom Data 6.1 Adding Microdata to Markup 6.2 Using Microdata and 6.3 Adding Custom Data to Markup 6.4 Accessing Custom Data with JavaScript 6.5 Manipulating Custom Data 6.6 Example; Creating a Map Application Using Custom Data7. Accessibility 7.1 Writing Appropriate alt Text Descriptio 7.2 Identifying Abbreviatio and Acronyms 7.3 Identifying Sectio of a Page Using ARIA Landmark Roles 7.4 Creating More Accessible Navigation Links 7.5 Associating Form Fields with Their Labels 7.6 Grouping Form Fields Logically 7.7 Enabling a fieldset Dynamically 7.8 Identifying Required Form Fields 7.9 Using ARIA Live Regio to Announce When Dynamic Content Is Updating8. Ge010cation 8.1 Getting Basic Geolocation Data 8.2 Getting Basic Geolocation Data with a Fallback 8.3 Revee Geocoding an Address with Latitude and Longitude 8.4 Converting an Address into Latitude and Longitude 8.5 Getting Directio from the Current Location 86 Example; Starbucks to Starbucks9. 9.1 Drawing on a 9.2 Using Traparency 9.3 Setting Dimeio 94 Using Gradients, Patter, and Line Styles 9.5 Pulling External Images into a Drawing 9.6 Setting Color Traformatio 97 Working with Geometric Traformatio 9.8 Placing Text on a 9.9 Clipping Drawings 9.10 Animating Drawings 9.11 Drawing Graphs with 912 Saving a Drawing to a File10. Advanced HTML5 JavaScript 10.1 Local Storage 10.2 Application Caching 10.3 Drag and Drop 10.4 Web Worke 10.5 Web Sockets 10.6 History 10.7 Local FilesAppendix; HTML5 ResourcesIndex


《HTML5参考手册(影印版)(英文版)》由Christopher Schmitt、Kyle Simpson著,内容包括: ·测试浏览器的HTML5支持度,并且使用特定技术来应用不支持的特性 ·了解HTML5如何使得Web表单的实现变得更加简单 ·克服实现本地音频和视频元素的挑战 ·学习在ARIA无障碍访问原则下使用HTML5的技术 ·探索各种示例,包括在你的应用中使用地理定位数据 ·利用绘制图像、使用透明特性、增加渐变色和模式等等 ·通过多个高级JavaScript API把HTML5特性带入现实生活中 《HTML5参考手册(影印版)(英文版)》由Christopher Schmitt、Kyle Simpson著,通过你能够在项目中直接使用的众多实用配方,这本手册可以帮助你赢得HTML5的多个功能的实践经验。从标记语义、Web表单以及音频和视频元素到诸如地理定位和富JavaScript API之类的相关技术,你将应用各种知识来获取解决问题的明确方案。 《HTML5参考手册(影印版)(英文版)》每个内容丰富的配方都包括示例代码和针对方案为何和如何生效的详细讨论。对于中等水平的人来说,这本手册是成长为高级Web和移动互联网开发者的最佳选择,它可以让你选择适合你的HTML5特性——并且帮助你熟悉其余的部分。 【作者简介】 Christopher Schmitt是Heatvision.com公司的首席工程师。这是一家处理新媒体事件、设计和发布的公司。他从1993年就开始从事与Web相关的工作,同时也是《CSSCookbook》(O'Reily)的作者。 Kyle Simpson是来自于德克萨斯州Austin公司的JavaScr’ipt系统架构师。他主要关注于JavaScript、Web性能优化和“中端”应用架构。Kyle还维护着若干个开源项目,包括LABjs。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


HTML5参考手册是东南大学出版社于2012.6出版的中图分类号为 TP312-62 的主题关于 超文本标记语言,HTML 5-程序设计-手册-英文 的书籍。