

(美) 萨维奇 (Savitch,W.) , 著







Chapter 1 Introduction to C++ 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO C++  Origins of the C++ Language  C++ and Object-Oriented Programming  A Sample C++ Program   PROGRAMMING TIP: Input and Output Syntax  Layout of a Simple C+~ Program  PITFALL: Putting a Space before the include File Name  Compiling and Running a C++ Program  PROGRAMMING TIP: Getting Your Program to Run 1.2 PROGRAM STYLE  Comments  Naming Constants  Chapter Summary  Programming Projects

Chapter 1 Introduction to C++ 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO C++  Origins of the C++ Language  C++ and Object-Oriented Programming  A Sample C++ Program   PROGRAMMING TIP: Input and Output Syntax  Layout of a Simple C+~ Program  PITFALL: Putting a Space before the include File Name  Compiling and Running a C++ Program  PROGRAMMING TIP: Getting Your Program to Run 1.2 PROGRAM STYLE  Comments  Naming Constants  Chapter Summary  Programming Projectschapter 2 C++ Basics 2.1 VARIABLES AND ASSIGNMENTS  Variables  Names: Identifiers   Variable Declarations  Assignment Statements  PTFALL: Uninitialized Variables 2.2 INPUT AND OUTPUT  Output Using cout  PROGRAMMING TIP: End Each Program with a \n or endl  Include Directives and Namespaces  Formatting for Numbers with a Decimal Point  Input Using cin  Designing Input and Output  PROGRAMMING TIP: Line Breaks in I/OIV Problem Solving with C++ 6th Edition 2.3 DATA TYPES AND EXPRESSIONS  Simple Types  Introduction to the Class string  Type Compatibitities  Arithmetic Operators and Expressions 2.4 FLOW OF CONTROL  Boolean Expressions  Branching Mechanisms  Loop Mechanisms   Chapter Summary  Programming Projects chapter 3 Functions 3.1 THE BASICS OF FUNCTIONS  Using Predefined Functions  Type Casting  Programmer-Defined Functions  Namespaces Revisited  Case Study: Buying Pizza 3.2 CALL-BY-REFERENCE PARAMETERS  A View of Call-by-Value  A First View of Call-by-Reference  Call-by-Reference in Detail  PROGRAMMING TIP: What Kind of Parameter to Use 3.3 OVERLOADING FUNCTION NAMES  Introduction to Overloading  PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE: Revised Pizza-Buying Program 3.4 PROCEDURAL ABSTRACTION  The Black Box Analogy  Case Study: Supermarket Pricing 3.5 TESTINGAND DEBUGGING FUNCTIONS  Stubs and Drivers 3.6 GENERAL DEBUGGING TECHNIQUES  Keep an Open Mind  Check Common Erros  Localize the Error  The assert Macro  Chapter Summary  Programming ProjectsChapter 4 Arrays and PointersChapter 5 I/O Streams as an Introduction to Objects and ClassesChapter 6 Strings and VectorsChapter 7 Defining ClassesChapter 8 Friends,Overloaded Operators,Arrays in ClassesChapter 9 Sepailation and NamespacesChapter 10 InheritanceChapter 11 Exception Handling Chapter 12 TemplatesChapter 13 Standard Template LibraryAPPENDIX 1 C++KeywordsAPPENDIX 2 Precedence of OperatorsAPPENDIX 3 Some Library FunctionsAPPENDIX 4 Inline FunctionsAPPENDIX 5 Overloading the Array Index Square BracketsAPPENDIX 6 The this PointerAPPENDIX 7 Overloading Operators as Member Operators


本书由著名作者Walter Savitch编写,美国很多大学采用它为“面向对象程序设计(OOP)”的教材,是一本非常畅销的教材,其前5版在全球已经拥有数十万读者。作者结合自己多年的教学经验,根据教学大纲精心设计并编写了书中内容。  根据国内“C++面向对象程序设计”双语教学的需要,对原书进行了一定的改编,删去了C语言的内容,使之更适合国内OOP的教学大纲。


页数 510 印数


C++面向对象程序设计是清华大学出版社于2008.01出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 C语言-程序设计-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。