迈向社会和谐 : 亚洲社会心理学的新使命

迈向社会和谐 : 亚洲社会心理学的新使命

张建新, 杨宜音, 刘力, 周明洁, 主编







Part One Interpersonal Relations in Terms of Harmony and Trust

1. Perception and Metaperception of Leaders:Trust and Respect as Mediators

Smita Singh

2. Formation of Cross-cultural Relationships with International Students:

An Analysis of the Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies Adopted by

Homestay Families in Rural Japan

Yuri Okunishi,Tomoko Tanaka

3. Harmony as a Social Indicator of Confucius-based Society:A Multi-level

Analysis of Antecedents of Harmony

Xiaopeng Ren,Xinwen Bai,Rui Zheng

4. Investigation of the Social Skills of the Elderly to Enhance Relationship

Formation with Youth

Tomoko Tanaka

5. The Dilemma Perception of Harmony Pathway in Indonesia

Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi,Ardiningtiyas Pitaloka,Tutut Chusniyah

Part Two Understanding Indigenous Concepts against Cultural


6. What Does It Mean “Being Lazy”? Cross-cultural Research of

the Phenomenon

Anna Leybina,Amanda Ong,Hui Zhong

7. What can China and the West still Learn from the Other in New

Times? Towards a Social Psychology of Comparative Knowledge Systems

Cameron Richards

8. Social Skill Learning Focused on Japanese Indirect Expressions:

An Experimental Session Using Teaching Aids such as Cultural Assimilators

Koji Mikushi,Tomoko Tanaka

9. Fathers,Sons,and Daughters:Differential Paternal Involvement

in Rearing Children of Javanese Family

Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto,S. Psi,M. A,Endang Ekowarni

Part Three Understanding College Students' Mind on

Themselves and Others

10. Self-esteem Instability and Expectation for the Future amongst

Italian Students

Ai Fukuzawa,Susumu Yamguchi,Gian Vittorio Caprara,Guido Alessandri

11. The Content and Structure of College Students' Counterfactual Thinking

Dun Niu,Gang Li,Tingting Chen

12. Loneliness and Their Relationship to Explicit and Implicit Self-esteem

Yuanyan Hu,Yule Jin,Xiangyi Chen,Huamin He

13. Distributive and Pragmatic Features of Chinese Characters Used in

the Given Names of College Students in Mainland and Taiwan

Hongjie Dong,Zhaoxu Li

Part Four Social Behaviors in Environments of Different Levels

14. Behavioral Research in Urban Road Safety Management

Kan Shi,Nan Jiang,Barry Watson,Han Guo

15. Public Concern of Environment in Ten Cities of China

Jianping Wu,Fei Zi,Guangxin Wang,Zhihui Yang,Xianwei Liu,

Jinhua Jiang,Qiuling Li

16. The Contested Space of Taking Care and Controlling in Mental

Hospitals:Rethinking “Mental Illness”

Amitava Sengupta

17. Workplace Guanxi and Ethics:Qualitative Evidence for a

Model of Working and Backdoor Guanxi

Olwen Bedford




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尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数印数 1000


迈向社会和谐 : 亚洲社会心理学的新使命是教育科学出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 C912.6 的主题关于 社会心理学-研究-亚洲-英文 的书籍。