

房玉靖, 刘海燕, 韩敏, 裘颖, 吴小平, 张妍, 编著







Module 1 Merchant/Investment Inviting 招商引资

Task 1 Name Cards 名片

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Name Card

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 2 Enterprise Profile 企业形象

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Enterprise Profile

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 3 Commercial Advertisement 商业广告

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Leam Something About Commercial Advertisements

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Module 2 Foreign Trade Operations 外贸业务

Task4 Business Correspondence 商务信函

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Business Correspondence

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 5 Instruction Manual 产品说明书

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Instruction Manual

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 6 Business Documents 商务单证

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Business Documents

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 7 Business Contract 商务合同

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Business Contract

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Module 3 Routine Activities 公司日常活动

Task 8 Routine Files 日常办公文本

Warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Rutine Files

Discussion: Talk About How to Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect

Extend Your Eyes

Task 9 Business Travel 商务旅游

warm-up: Have a Try

Background: Learn Something About Business Travel

Discussion: Talk About How to.Do the Task Well

Follow-up: Do It Yourself

Homework: Practice Makes Perfect


Module 4 Enterprise Management 企业管理

Reference Version 参考译文

Bibliography 参考文献


《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语翻译教程》是专门为高职高专英语翻译教学所编写的。本着“实用为主、够用为度”的指导思想,按照外经贸工作的实际需求,针对高职高专学生的学习特点,本书将常用商务文本分为四大模块,以大量实例解析各种商务文本的翻译技巧。本书着重翻译实务,尽量使用通俗易懂的语言讲解较为抽象的翻译理论,力求使学生掌握实用的商务英语翻译能力。 《全国高职高专专业英语规划教材:商务英语翻译教程》 适用于高职高专院校商务英语专业翻译课程教学,也可供国际贸易、国际商务等相关专业作为选修课之用,同时也可供从事翻译、外事、外经贸、旅游等涉外人员及有较好基础的英语自学者使用。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 227 印数 4000


商务英语翻译教程是清华大学出版社于2011.出版的中图分类号为 H315.9 的主题关于 商务-英语-翻译-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。