

王其钧, 著







王其钧,Born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, in 1954, Wang Qijunbeganhis professional studies at the Department of FineArts, Nanjing ArtCollege, later obtained his master'sdegree from the DepartmentofArchitecture, ChongqingCollege ofArchitectural Engineering. Heused to be aneditor with the China Architecture & BuildingPress, buthas, since graduating from Nanjing Art College, alsobeena painter, many ofhis works for which he has beenawarded a numberof prizes been shown at exhibitionsboth on a national andprovincial level. A number of hispaintings have appeared in FineArts and other journals.His monograph, Chinese VernacularDwellings,examines the type, layout, structure, workmanshipandaesthetics of these buildings. Drawings in traditionalstyleaccompany the text. The author has later onwritten another book onthe subject, Chinese TraditionalDomestic Architecture, and recentlyhad a number ofpapers published in the following journals:Architects,Architectural Journal, Fine Arts and Studies on FineArts, among others.


Map of Vernacular DwellingsCave Dwelling Ateas and Surrounding Historic Sites and ScenicSpotsGeneral IntroductionThe History of Vernacular Dwellings-Theif History, Soufce and DevelopmentI. Vernacular DweLlings of the Pre-Qin PeriodII. Vernacular DweUings of the Qin, Han and Two Jin DynastiesIII. Vernacular DweUings of the Tang and Song PeriodsIV Vernacular Dwenings of the Ming and Qing PeriodsBuilding Forms of Vernaculaf Dwellings-Residences Implying Public Awareness, the Style Conforming withLocal ConditionsI. Classification of LayoutsII. A Combination of FormsIH. The Layout of Towns and VillagesThe Artistic Characteristics of Vernacular Dwellings

Map of Vernacular DwellingsCave Dwelling Ateas and Surrounding Historic Sites and ScenicSpotsGeneral IntroductionThe History of Vernacular Dwellings-Theif History, Soufce and DevelopmentI. Vernacular DweLlings of the Pre-Qin PeriodII. Vernacular DweUings of the Qin, Han and Two Jin DynastiesIII. Vernacular DweUings of the Tang and Song PeriodsIV Vernacular Dwenings of the Ming and Qing PeriodsBuilding Forms of Vernaculaf Dwellings-Residences Implying Public Awareness, the Style Conforming withLocal ConditionsI. Classification of LayoutsII. A Combination of FormsIH. The Layout of Towns and VillagesThe Artistic Characteristics of Vernacular Dwellings-Rusticity Hiding Preeminence, Simplicity ContainingInspirationI. The Appropriate Employment of Space and Compactness, EmptinessandDenseness Complementing Each OtherII. A Solid External Appearance and a TranqLul Interior, ArtisticConcepts Playing a Primary RoleIII. Simple and FLlegant Techniques Employed to Communicate BetweenInterior and ExteriorIV A Richness of Decoration, Beauty not Characterized byConventionV The Poetic, Pictorial and Musical F:ssence of VernacularDweLlingsNotes on the PhotographsNorth ChinaMiddle Gate of a Residence in Lishi Lane, Dongcheng District,BeijingArm-Corridors of a Residence in Lishil.ane, Dongcheng District,BeijingScreen Wall and Pendant Floral Gate of the Cheng Family Residencein Wenchang Lane, BeijingThe Second Gate of Mei Lanfang's Home, BeijingEastern Wing of Mei Lanfang's Home, BeijingAntecourt of the Kong Family Mansion, Qufu County, ShandongHallway of the Kong Fanuly Mansion, Qufu County, ShandongTower of Refuge in the Kong Family Mansion, Qufu County,ShandongNorthern Panel of the Screen Door of the Inner Court Gate in theKong Family Mansion,A Cave DweLling in Zhangzhao Village, Sanmenxia City, HenanA Residence in the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County, ShanxiCourtyard No. 1 in the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County, ShanxiInterior Furnishings of the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County,ShanxiA Pendant Floral Gate in the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County,ShanxiA Courtyard in the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County, ShanxiCourtyard No. 2 in the Qiaojiabu Block, Qixian County, ShanxiYixiantian Lane in Pingyao County, ShanxiA Residence in Shajia Alley, Pingyao County, ShanxiEntrance to a Residence at Shitoupo, Pingyao County, ShanxiA Cave DweUing at Shitoupo, Pingyao County, ShanxiGate of a Residence in Pingyao Count}, ShanxiDecorat/ons on the Eaves of the Zhu Family Residence in XucunVillage, Huoxian County, ShanxiVernacular DweUings in Pingyao County, ShanxiDangjia Village in Hancheng County, ShaanxiA Cave Dwelling in Xihou Village, Pinglu County, ShanxiInterior of a Cave DweUing in Xihou Village, Pinglu County,ShanxiThe Jiang Family Mansion at Liujiamao, Mizhi County, ShaanxiCentral ChinaWood-Carved Ornaments on the Chenggong Flat Brackets and HangingPillars in the Fuyuan Hall,Dongyang County, ZhejiangFront Gallery of the Main Building in the Fuyuan Hall, DongyangCounty, ZhejiangA Bird's-Eye View of the Fuyuan Hallin Dongyang County,ZhejiangA Corbie Gable of a Residence in Xidi Village, Yixian County,AnhuiVernacular DwelLings in Doushan Street, Shexian County, AnhuiVernacular Dwening in Xidi ViUage, Yixian County, AnhuiA Moon Poolin Hongcun Village, Yixian County, AnhuiPaifang Archways in Tangyue Village, Shexian, AnhuiVernacular Dwellings in Wangkou Village, Wuyuan CountyjiangxiThe Li Family Residence in Xinli Village, LongnanCountyjiangxi……South ChinaWest ChinaAppendices


尺寸21 × 16装帧精装


民居建筑是中国建筑工业出版社于2012.5出版的中图分类号为 TU241.5 的主题关于 民居-建筑艺术-中国-英文 的书籍。