

谭志明, 主编







Unit 1 Text A The Gift of Love Text B Poetry in MotionUnit 2 Text A Can Ethics Be Taught? Text B Who's That Strange Monkey in the Mirror?Unit 3 Text A China,A Land with the Culture for the Living Text B School Where Chinese Is CompulsoryUnit 4 Text A Speech by Jiang Zemin at the Banquet to Celebrate the Opening of the '99 Fortune Global Forum in Shanghai Text B Welcome to America!Unit 5 Text A Long March's Peak. China's Admission to WTO Text B Guests Welcome

Unit 1 Text A The Gift of Love Text B Poetry in MotionUnit 2 Text A Can Ethics Be Taught? Text B Who's That Strange Monkey in the Mirror?Unit 3 Text A China,A Land with the Culture for the Living Text B School Where Chinese Is CompulsoryUnit 4 Text A Speech by Jiang Zemin at the Banquet to Celebrate the Opening of the '99 Fortune Global Forum in Shanghai Text B Welcome to America!Unit 5 Text A Long March's Peak. China's Admission to WTO Text B Guests WelcomeUnit 6 Text A Why Girls Worry More than Boys Text B Yoga's Growing Popularity in U. S. Attracts CashUnit 7 Text A Transformed by Tomatoes Text B Are They Getting the Message?Unit 8 Text A Parenting President--Interview with Former President George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush (Excerpts) Text B New IOC Chief Seen as "Mr, Clean"Unit 9 Text A How Jazz Began? Text B Give Residents a Place to ParkUnit 10 Text A The Lost Phoebe Text B Mothers in Many TonguesUnit 11 Text A A Hard Day in the Kitchen Text B The Race against Avian FluUnit 12 Text A Work, Labor and Play Text B Did He Say Chickens?Unit 13 Text A Moment of Protest Text B The Silent KillerUnit 14 Text A Your Happiness Is in Your Hands Text B Can Sunny Thoughts Halt Cancer?Unit 15 Text A I Got My B.A. by Sheer Luck (Part One) Text B I Got My B. A. by Sheer Luck (Part Two)Unit 16 Text A Remembering Richard Nixon Text B Find the Fun in ShakespeareAppendixes Appendix 1 W.ord List Appendix 2 Phrases and Expressions Appendix 3 Key to the Exercises  Appendix 4 Additional Readings  1.Foreign Minister on International Issues and China's Foreign Policy  2.李肇星谈国际问题和中国外交政策


《新编英语泛读教程》是高等学校英语专业的系列泛读教材,旨在有效提高学生的英语应用技能。本册教程旨在帮助学生通过阅读更长更难的文章进一步扩大词汇量和知识面,进一步提高阅读速度和阅读理解能力。全书16 个单元,每单元包含两篇文章,各有词汇、注释及练习。书后附有生词表、词组和表达方式、练习答案及外交部长李肇星答记者问以供阅读欣赏。  本教程供高等学校英语专业学生作为泛读教材,尤其适合高职高专院校学生使用,对自学者提高英语阅读能力也大有裨益。




页数印数 4000


新编英语泛读教程是西北工业大学出版社于2006.09出版的中图分类号为 H319.4 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。