

胡光全, 主编







IntroductiOnChapter One The Different Features of Legal English Unit 1 Overview of Legal English Vocabulary Typical Features of Legal English Vocabulary The Common Prefix and Suffix of Legal English Unit 2 Oyerview of Legal English Sentence Charaderistics of the Syntadic Strudure of Legal English Typical Legal English Sentence TranslationChapter Two Introduction to American Legal System Unit 1 Legal Systems Text: Legal Systems Supplementary Reading: Civil Law System Unit 2 Legal Education Text American Legal Education Supplementary Reading: Legal Education in the U.S.

IntroductiOnChapter One The Different Features of Legal English Unit 1 Overview of Legal English Vocabulary Typical Features of Legal English Vocabulary The Common Prefix and Suffix of Legal English Unit 2 Oyerview of Legal English Sentence Charaderistics of the Syntadic Strudure of Legal English Typical Legal English Sentence TranslationChapter Two Introduction to American Legal System Unit 1 Legal Systems Text: Legal Systems Supplementary Reading: Civil Law System Unit 2 Legal Education Text American Legal Education Supplementary Reading: Legal Education in the U.S. Unit 3 Legal Profession Text :, American Legal Profession Supplementary Reading: Judges Unit 4 Constitution Ⅰ Text: The Contents of American Constitution Supplementary Reading: The Amendments Unit 5 Constitution Ⅱ Text: The Theories of American Constitution Supplementary Reading; British Constitution Unit 6 Court System Text: American Court System Supplementary Reading: British Court System Unit 7 Jury System Text: Jury System Supplementary Reading: The Supreme Court of the United States Unit 8 Administrative Law Text: American Administrative Law Supplementary Reading: Administrative Law Unit 9 Civil Law Text: Copyright Law Supplementary Reading: Civil Rights Act of 1964 Unit 10 Contract Law Text: Contract Law Supplementary Reading: Real Property Law Unit 11 Criminal Law Text: American Criminal Law Supplementary Reading: American Criminal Procedure LawChapter Three Case Studies Unit 1 Case Study Methods How to Understand English Case How to Brief a Case Case Terms Abbreviated Unit 2 Typical Case Studies Case 1 Marbury v. Madison(1803) Case 2 Brown v. Board of Education(1954) Case 3 Miranda v. Arizona(1966) Case 4 Gibbons v. Ogden(i824) Case 5 United States v. Nixon(]974) Case 6 World-wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson (1980) Case 7 Pennoyer v, Neff(1877) Case 8 Milliken v. Meyer(1940) Case 9 Internatiorial Shoe Co v State of Washington (1945) Case 10 United States et el. v. Locke et el. (1985)Appendix Moot CourtReferences


本教材的目的是将英美法,尤其是美国法的核心内容全面介绍给国内学界,主要用于满足涉外法律教学的迫切需要。全书分为三个部分。第一部分介绍法律英语的典型特点,围绕三个方面展开,即法律英语的词汇特点、法律英语句法特点以及特定法律英语句式的翻译。第二部分以美国法为主,辅以英国法的相关介绍,分11个单元全面介绍了英美国家基本法律制度。第三部分围绕英美法案例教学的核心内容展开,首先介绍了理解英美国家案例的方法和案例中常用缩略语,然后精心挑选了涉及联邦宪法以及相关部门法的10个典型案例,是原汁原味的英文法律文本。 本书可作为高等院校法律专业的法律英语教材,也可作为法学院西方法律制度课程的双语教材、英语专业英美法律概况的教材,以及有志于从事涉外工作的人员的自学教材。




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 280 印数 3100


法律英语是郑州大学出版社于2010.9出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 法律-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。