

徐红莉, 杨桂荣, 主编







Unit 1 Admitting a Patient Task 1 Taking a medical history of a patient Task 2 Using active listening strategies to put a patient at ease Task 3 Giving a nursing handover Task 4 Charting blood pressure and pulse Task 5 Charting respiratory rates Task 6 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 2 Taking Medical Specimens Task 1 Explaining taking an MSU specimen Task 2 Checking understanding and softening a request Task 3 Contacting other staff Task 4 Explaining urinary catheters Task 5 Reading a pathology report Task 6 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 3 Administering Medications Task 1 Preparing and checking medications Task 2 Doing a cross-check Task 3 Identifying a patient and administering medications Task 4 Reading a prescription chart Task 5 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 4 Giving Intravenous Infusions Task 1 Reviewing IV infusions Task 2 Assessing IV cannulas Task 3 Taking a message about patient care by telephone Task 4 Charting fluid intake and output Task 5 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 5 Assessing a Preoperative Patient Task 1 Giving preoperative patient teaching Task 2 Allaying anxiety in a patient Task 3 Preparing a patient for surgery Task 4 Using preoperative checklists Task 5 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 6 Assessing a Postoperative Patient Task 1 Giving a postoperative handover Task 2 Checking a postoperative patient Task 3 Explaining postoperative pain management Task 4 Dealing with aggressive behavior Task 5 Using pain assessment tools Task 6 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 7 Managing Wound Task 1 Assessing the wound Task 2 Discussing wound Management Task 3 Asking for advice on wound care Task 4 Using a wound assessment chart Task 5 Giving an oral report of the caseUnit 8 Making Discharge Planning Task 1 Attending the ward team meeting Task 2 Referring a patient by telephone Task 3 Explaining the effects of a stroke Task 4 Using patient discharge planning forms Task 5 Giving an oral report of the case附录1 Commonly Used Nursing Terms 常用护理操作用语附录2 Commonly Used Nursing Supplies 常用护理用物附录3 Organization and Members of a Health Care Facility 医院部门及主要职务术语




尺寸19 × 26装帧平装


涉外护理英语是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2013.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 护理学-英语-教材 的书籍。