

《大学英语听力》项目组, 编







Unit 1

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 Zimbabwe Children Are "Wasting Away"

Passage 2 Fashions

Passage 3 When Did Americans Begin Sending Greeting Cards?

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 Manners and Customs in Different Cultures

Passage 2 Laziness

Passage 3 Direct and Indirect Taxation

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 Jump

Passage 2 White and Black

Passage 3 The Origin of the Song——"Happy Birthday to You"

Unit 2

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 The Effects of the Internet

Passage 2 Windows XP

Passage 3 Internet Blogs

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 Finding Friends on the Internet

Passage 2 Emotion-Sensitive Computer

Passage 3 Roborior: A Robot House-Sitter

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 Low-Cost Computer Under Research

Passage 2 The Process of Information Transferring

Passage 3 Good Aspects of the Disaster

Unit 3

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 Why Do Sharks Bite Human Being?

Passage 2 A Spiders Story

Passage 3 The Fish in Great Danger

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 The Complex Social Structure of Ant Societies

Passage 2 Snakes Are Not as Fearful as You May Have Thought

Passage 3 Secrets of the Spider Web

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 The Study on Birds Sleep

Passage 2 The Biggest Disney World

Passage 3 Crime as a Worldwide Problem

Unit 4

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 The Legal Marriage Age for Young Americans

Passage 2 The Nuclear and Extended Family

Passage 3 Obama Talks About Fatherhood

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 Saving for a Baby

Passage 2 Problems with Parent-Child Relationships

Passage 3 The History of the Custom of Eating with a Fork

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 Why Do Americans Love Uniforms?

Passage 2 Pizza: a World Popular Food

Passage 3 The Trends of Interdependent Future

Unit 5

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 The Differences Between Teaching and Learning

Passage 2 Being a Writer Is Not Easy

Passage 3 A Biography of Alexander Fleming

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 The Magic Memory Glasses

Passage 2 Doubts About Speed Reading

Passage 3 Education in China

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 A Love Story in Greek Mythology

Passage 2 A Scientific Research on the Power of Positive Thinking

Passage 3 Unofficial Strikes in Britain Unit

Unit 6

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 Are Small Aircraft a Good Alternative?

Passage 2 Tour in London

Passage 3 Electromagnetic Interference: a Cause of Aircraft Crashes

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 The Victoria Line: a Special Railway

Passage 2 Why Do People Enjoy Traveling?

Passage 3 What Will the 2020 Car Look Like?

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 The Wright Brothers and Flying Machines

Passage 2 Cars Continued Popularity

Passage 3 Who Doesnt Need to Wear a Seat Belt?

Unit 7

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 Special Methods to Reduce Population in Brazil

Passage 2 Its Time to Protect the Earth

Passage 3 Beautiful Cities out of Garbage

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 The Jujube Plant That Will Save Whales

Passage 2 The Weather Prediction for Asia in 2050

Passage 3 Lack of Water and Solutions to It

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage 1 Water Erosion

Passage 2 The Way to Reducing Car Pollution

Passage 3 Agriculture in the U.S.A.

Unit 8

SectionⅠMain Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 A Guide to Health for Tourists

Passage 2 Avian Influenza

Passage 3 Cola: a Cure for Headache

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 Health Is Most Precious

Passage 2 Keeping Pets to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Passage 3 Concerns over Lack of Sleep in the U.S.A.

Section Ⅲ Optional Listening Exercises

Passage I The Importance of Rest in Athletic Training

Passage 2 The Importance of Medical Insurance

Passage 3 Negative Attitudes Toward Euthanasia

Unit 9

Section Ⅰ Main Ideas and Important Details

Passage 1 Visual Communication

Passage 2 Forms of Pub-Talk

Passage 3 The Way People Communicate

Section Ⅱ Listening-Based Integrated Exercises

Passage 1 The Advantage of Emails

Passage 2 IPod Media Players and MP3 Players


Unit 10

Key to Exercises and Transcripts




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页数印数 13000


大学英语听力是高等教育出版社于2009.8出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-听说教学-高等学校-教材 的书籍。