

朱子熹, 编著







朱子熹,经济学硕士,70后杂家,源于古都扬州,长于上海,求学于欧洲,毕业于荷兰格罗宁根大学经济与管理学院,师从Prof.Van Ark, Prof. MarcelTimmer等荷兰知名经济学家,精研第三世界国家经济发展。最不喜旅游,却跑遍欧洲大陆。善于融会贯通,拙于原创冥想,故喜引经据典,各种理论皆是源泉。个人著作主体多元化,已出版英语学习畅销书《单词密码:用美国人的方法背单词》、《世界500强员工必用的英语E-Mail大全》等,并翻译了多本《LonelyPlanet旅行指南系列》


001 A diamond in the rough 有潜质的人或物;璞玉002 A drop in the bucket 微不足道;分量很少003 A picture is worth a thousand words 百闻不如一见004 A piece of cake 轻而易举的事005 Absence makes the heart grow fonder 小别胜新婚006 Achilles' heel 唯一弱点,致命伤007 All hell broke loose 失去控制008 All that glitters is not gold 金玉其外,败絮其中;勿以貌取人009 An albatross around (one's) neck 挥不去的阴影010 An arm and a leg 非常昂贵;昂贵的代价011 Armed to the teeth 全副武装012 At death's door 频临死亡013 At the drop of a hat 立刻,马上014 At the eleventh hour 来得早不如来得巧;关键时刻015 At the end of (one's) rope 忍无可忍

001 A diamond in the rough 有潜质的人或物;璞玉002 A drop in the bucket 微不足道;分量很少003 A picture is worth a thousand words 百闻不如一见004 A piece of cake 轻而易举的事005 Absence makes the heart grow fonder 小别胜新婚006 Achilles' heel 唯一弱点,致命伤007 All hell broke loose 失去控制008 All that glitters is not gold 金玉其外,败絮其中;勿以貌取人009 An albatross around (one's) neck 挥不去的阴影010 An arm and a leg 非常昂贵;昂贵的代价011 Armed to the teeth 全副武装012 At death's door 频临死亡013 At the drop of a hat 立刻,马上014 At the eleventh hour 来得早不如来得巧;关键时刻015 At the end of (one's) rope 忍无可忍016 Axe to grind 生气;找人理论;别有用心017 Back to square one 前功尽弃018 Ballpark figure 大约的数目019 Ball's in your court 该是你采取行动的时候了020 Barking / bark up the wrong tree 找错对象021 Beat around the bush 拐弯抹角,旁敲侧击022 Beat it 滚开023 Beat the rap 全身而退024 Beggars can't be choosers 乞丐没得挑025 Better (to be) safe than sorry宁愿防患未然,也不要终生遗憾026 Between a rock and a hard place 进退维谷027 Big cheese 大人物028 Big wig 重要人物029 Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚030 Bite off more than (one) can chew 贪多嚼不烂;好高骛远031 Bite the bullet 忍痛,咬紧牙关032 Black sheep of the family 败家子033 Break a leg 祝好运034 Break the ice 打破僵局035 Brown nose(r) 拍马屁;马屁精036 Burn the candle at both ends 过度劳累037 Call (one's) bluff 要某人摊牌038 (The) Cat's out of the bag / Let the cat out of the bag走漏风声039 Catch (someone) red-handed 逮个正着040 Catch-22 矛盾;荒谬的两难041 Chew the fat 闲聊;八卦042 Chip on (one's) shoulder 好与人争吵的;容易发怒的043 Climb on the bandwagon 支持胜利的一方044 Close, but no cigar 接近了,但还是差一点045 Cold feet 胆怯,临阵退缩046 Cover (one's) ass 掩护(某人)047 Dark horse 出人意外获胜的选手;黑马048 (One's) Days are numbered 日子屈指可数;气数已尽049 Dead ringer 酷似某人050 Devil's advocate 唱反调的人051 Dirt poor 极其贫困的,一贫如洗052 Don't count your chickens ( before they are hatched)话别说得太早;不要打如意算盘053 Don't look a gift horse in the mouth 不要挑剔别人送的礼物054 Double whammy 祸不单行055 Down in the dumps 闷闷不乐056 Down to the wire 不到最后关头难分胜负;拮据的057 Draw a blank 忘记;脑中一片空白058 Eagle eye / Eagle-eyed 眼神锐利的;有眼光的059 (one's) Ears are burning(某人的)耳朵发烫060 Eat your heart out / Eat (one's) heart out 伤心欲绝061 Egg on (one's) face 丢脸;尴尬062 Every cloud has a silver lining天无绝人之路;凡事都有好的一面063 Everything but the kitchen sink 万事俱备064 (one's) Eyes are bigger than (one's) stomach 贪多吃不下065 Face the music 面对困难,承担后果066 Fair and square 光明正大067 Fall on deaf ears 石沉大海068 (A) Far cry from 相差很多069 Feather in (one's) cap 丰功伟业070 Fight fire with fire 以火攻火;以毒攻毒071 First-rate一流的072 Fly-by-night 不可信任的,不可靠的073 Fly off the handle 大发雷霆074 Foot the bill 付账075 For the birds 毫无价值的;糟糕的076 Foregone conclusion 不可避免的结局077 (A) Frog in (one's) throat 喉咙不舒服078 Get the sack 被开除079 Get up on the wrong side of the bed 心情不佳080 Gift of the gab 能言善道081 Give me a break 饶了我吧082 Give the thumbs up / down 称赞 / 贬抑083 Go berserk 发狂084 Go Dutch 各自付账085 Go fly a kite 滚开;一边呆着去086 Go haywire 疯狂的,混乱的087 Go out on a limb 冒险088 Goody two-shoes 假正经;伪善者089 Green with envy 嫉妒;羡慕090 Gung ho 充满热情的;带劲的091 Gut feeling 直觉;预感092 Hair-raising 令人毛骨悚然的093 Hand over fist 快速094 Hang out 和朋友一起打发时间;一起出去玩095 Hard up 生活拮据096 Have a nice day 祝你有愉快的一天097 Hit the nail on the head 一针见血;切中问题要害098 Hit the sack 就寝099 Hobnob 过从甚密100 Hold the fort 代为照顾101 Icing on the cake 锦上添花102 If the shoe fits (wear it) 接受惩罚;放手去做103 Ignorance is bliss 无知就是福104 In a nutshell 总而言之105 In limbo 混沌不明;悬而未决106 In the bag 把握到手的事物;囊中物107 In the black / In the red 获利 / 亏损108 In the doghouse 惹上麻烦;成为别人生气的对象109 In the nick of time 在最后一刻;紧要关头110 It's not over till the fat lady sings别妄下定论;不到最后,不见真章111 Jack of all trades (master of none)样样都懂,却样样不精通的人112 Jekyll and Hyde 双重人格113 (The)Jig is up 到此为止114 Jump the gun 操之过急115 Just around the corner 即将到来116 Keep it under your hat 保守秘密117 Keep mum 闭口不说118 Keep up with the Joneses 跟有钱人比排场119 Keep your fingers crossed 祈求好运顺利120 Keep your shirt on 别太激动;别生气121 Kick the bucket 死亡;翘辫子122 Kick two birds with one stone 一石二鸟123 Kiss of death 死亡之吻124 Knock on wood 老天保佑;好险125 Knuckle down 屈服;认真工作126 Kowtow to (someone) 拍马屁;卑躬屈膝127 Lame duck 无用之人;任期将满的政客128 Last straw 最后一根稻草129 (The) Law of the jungle 森林法则;弱肉强食130 Leave no stone unturned 全力以赴131 Let one's hair down 放轻松,别拘束132 Lip service 随口说说;光说不练133 (One's) Lips are sealed 守口如瓶;保密134 Live from hand to mouth 勉强度日135 Long in the tooth 年长的;老旧的136 Long shot 机会渺茫137 Long time no see 好久不见138 Loose cannon 我行我素、不顾后果的人139 Lion's share 最大、最好的部分140 Low man on the totem pole 最低阶、最不重要的人141 Mad as a hatter 非常疯狂的142 Make a mountain out of a molehill 小题大做143 Make (one's) hair stand on end 恐怖吓人;让人毛骨悚然144 Mickey mouse 低级的;品质差的145 Money is the root of all evil 钱是万恶之源146 Monkey business 胡闹,恶作剧;骗人的把戏147 Mumbo jumbo 莫名其妙的话;无意义的活动148 Murphy's law 墨菲定律149 Neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下150 Neck of the woods 某个地方151 Needle in a haystack 大海捞针152 Nest egg 老本;存款153 Nip in the bud 防患于未然154 No holds barred 没有限制;火力全开155 No love lost 没有好感,仇恨,敌意156 No strings attached 无附带条件157 Nose to the grindstone 埋头苦干158 Not all it's cracked up to be 名不副实159 Not cricket 不公平160 Not up to scratch 未达标准;不够资格161 Off the beaten track 不落俗套;独辟蹊径162 Off the cuff 即席的163 Old fogey 老顽固164 Old wives' tale 无稽之谈165 Olive branch 和平166 On cloud nine 快乐得不得了167 On the ball 留心;勤奋168 Once in a blue moon 千载难逢169 Out of the blue 突然170 Out to lunch 心不在焉;魂不守舍;发疯的171 Over a barrel 无助,受制于人172 Over the hill 下坡;过了巅峰期173 Pan out 结果是;取得成功174 Pandora's box 罪恶、麻烦的根源175 Par for the course 果不其然;意料中的事176 Pass the buck 推卸责任177 Pass with flying colors 高分过关178 Pay through the nose 付出大笔钱179 Pie in the sky 难以实现的事180 Pigeonhole 定型;分类181 Pipe dream 白日梦,空想182 Play ball 合作183 Play (it) by ear 即兴,随性的184 Pull (one's) chain 愚弄人;惹人生气185 Pull (one's) leg 开玩笑186 Pull out all the stops 全力以赴187 Pull the wool over (one's) eyes 欺骗;蒙蔽188 Push the envelope 挑战极限189 Put on the back burner 把事先搁在一旁190 Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置191 Rack (one's) brain 绞尽脑汁192 Rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨193 Rain check 延期194 Rat race 激烈的竞争;无谓的奔忙195 Read between the lines 弦外之音196 Red herring 转移注意力(以隐瞒真相)的事197 Red tape 繁文缛节198 Ring a bell 想起;忽然有了模糊记忆199 Rip off / Rip-off 敲竹杠200 Risk life and limb 冒着生命危险201 Roll with the punches 逆来顺受;大事化小202 Rub it in 给人难堪;在伤口上撒盐203 Rule of thumb 经验法则204 Run amok 发狂、失去控制205 Run of the mill 普通206 Run out of steam 筋疲力尽207 Save face 保全颜面208 Saving grace 可取之处,优点209 Seal (one's) fate 决定(某人的)命运210 See red 突然发脾气211 See the light 恍然大悟212 Settle a / the score 讨公道;算旧账;报复213 Shell out 付款214 Sitting duck 坐以待毙,待宰羔羊215 Skeleton in the closet 不可告人的秘密;家丑不可外扬216 Sleep tight 祝好梦217 Smart aleck / alec 自作聪明的人218 Smoking gun 铁证如山219 Soap opera 连续剧220 Spitting image 一模一样的人






尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


图解268句俚语是中国纺织出版社于2012.11出版的中图分类号为 H313.3 的主题关于 英语-俗语 的书籍。