

张彦鹏, 聂志强, (美) 肖敏, 著







1 Introduction

1.1 Nonlinear Susceptibility

1.2 Coherence Functions

1.3 Suppression and Enhancement of FWM Processes

1.4 Double Dressing Schemes of Probe and Four-Wave Mixing Fields

1.5 Spatial Optical Modulation via Kerr Nonlinearities

1.6 Formations and Dynamics of Novel Spatial Solitons


2 Ultrafast Polarization Beats of Four-Wave Mixing Processes

2.1 Four-level Polarization Beats with Broadband Noisy Light

2.1.1 Basic Theory

2.1.2 FLPB in a Doppler-broadened System

2.1.3 Photon-echo

2.1.4 Experiment and Result

2.2 Ultrafast Sum-frequency Polarization Beats in Twin Markovian Stochastic Correlation

2.2.1 Basic Theory

2.2.2 Second-order Stochastic Correlation of ASPB

2.2.3 Fourth-order Stochastic Correlation of ASPB


3 Raman, Rayleigh and Brillouin-enhanced FWM Polarization Beats

3.1 Attosecond Sum-frequency Raman-enhanced Polarization Beats Using Twin Phase-sensitive Color Locking Noisy Lights

3.1.1 Basic Theory of Attosecond Sum-frequency REPB

3.1.2 Homodyne Detection of Sum-frequency REPB

3.1.3 Heterodyne Detection of Difference-frequency REPB

3.2 Competition Between Raman and Rayleigh-enhanced Four-Wave Mixings in Attosecond Polarization Beats

3.2.1 Basic Theory

3.2.2 Stochastic Correlation Effects of Rayleigh and Raman-enhanced FWM

3.2.3 The Raman and Rayleigh-enhanced Nonlinear Susceptibility in cw Limit

3.2.4 Homodyne Detection of ASPB

3.2.5 Heterodyne Detection of ASPB

3.2.6 Discussion and Conclusion

3.3 Coexisting Brillouin, Rayleigh and Raman-enhanced Four-Wave Mixings

3.3.1 Basic Theory

3.3.2 Homodyne Detection of ASPB

3.3.3 Heterodyne Detection of ASPB

3.3.4 Phase Angle

3.3.5 Discussion and Conclusion


4 Multi-Dressing Four-Wave Mixing Processes in Confined and Non-confined Atomic System

4.1 Temporal and Spatial Interference Between Four-Wave Mixing and Six-Wave Mixing Channels

4.2 Intermixing Between Four-Wave Mixing and Six-Wave Mixing in a Four-level Atomic System

4.2.1 Interplay Between FWM and SWM

4.2.2 Discussion

4.3 Coexistence of Four-Wave, Six-Wave and Eight-Wave Mixing Processes in Multi-dressed Atomic Systems

4.3.1 Parallel and Nested Dressing Schemes

4.3.2 Interplay Among Coexisting FWM, SWM and EWM Processes

4.4 Controlled Multi-Wave Mixing via Interacting Dark States in a Five-level System

4.4.1 Basic Theory

4.4.2 Numerical Results

4.4.3 Discussion

4.5 Polarization Interference of Multi-Wave Mixing in a Confined Five-level System

4.5.1 Basic Theory

4.5.2 MWM in Long Cells

4.5.3 MWM in Ultra-thin and Micrometer Cells

4.5.4 Discussion


5 Enhancement and Suppression in Four-Wave Mixing Processes

5.1 Interplay among Multi-dressed Four-Wave Mixing Processes

5.2 Observation of Enhancement and Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing Processes

5.3 Controlling Enhancement and Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing via Polarized Light

5.3.1 Theoretical Model and Analysis

5.3.2 Experimental Results

5.4 Enhancing and Suppressing Four-Wave Mixing in Electronm-genetically Induce Transparency Window References

6 Multi-Wave Mixing Processes in Multi-level Atomic System

6.1 Modulating Multi-Wave Mixing Processes via Polarizable Dark States

6.2 Polarization Spectroscopy of Dressed Four-Wave Mixing in a Three-level Atomic System

6.2.1 Various Nonlinear Susceptibilities for Different Polarization Schemes

6.2.2 Nonlinear Susceptibilities for Zeeman-degenerate System Interacting with Polarized Fields

6.2.3 Third-order Density-matrix Elements in Presence of Dressing Fields

6.3 Controlling FWM and SWM in Multi-Zeeman Atomic System with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

6.3.1 Basic Theory

6.3.2 Dual-dressed EIT

6.3.3 Four-Wave Mixing

6.3.4 Six-Wave Mixing


7 Controlling Spatial Shift and Spltting of Four-Wave Mixing

7.1 Basic Theory

7.2 Electromagnetically-induced Spatial Nonlinear Dispersion of Four-Wave Mixing Beams

7.3 Spatial Dispersion Induced by Cross-phase Modulation

7.4 Experimental Demonstration of Optical Switching and Routing via Four-Wave Mixing Spatial Shift

7.4.1 Theoretical Model and Experimental Scheme

7.4.2 Optical Switching and Routing via Spatial Shift

7.5 Controlled Spatial Beamsplitter Using Four-Wave Mixing Images

7.6 Spatial Splitting and Intensity Suppression of Four-Wave Mixing in V-type Three-level Atomic System


8 Spatial Modulation of Four-Wave Mixing Solitons

8.1 Basic Theory

8.1.1 Calculation of Double Dressed Cross-Kerr Nonlinear Index of Refraction

8.1.2 Calculation of Analytical Solution of One-dimensional Bright and Dark Spatial Solitons

8.2 Novel Spatial Gap Solitons of Four-Wave Mixing

8.3 Dipole-mode Spatial Solitons of Four-Wave Mixing

8.4 Modulated Vortex Solitons of Four-Wave Mixing






尺寸24 × 16装帧精装
页数印数 1300


四波混频相干控制是高等教育出版社于2011.2出版的中图分类号为 O437.1 的主题关于 光混频-相干-控制-英文 的书籍。