

王迎光, 编







Chapter 1 Introduction to marine structural design

1.1 The traditional design method

1.1.1 The evolutionary process

1.1.2 A ship structural design example

1.1.3 The changes to the traditional design method

1.2 The modern design method

1.2.1 The first-principles-based approach

1.2.2 The design procedure

1.2.3 Benefits of the modern approach

Chapter 2 Marine structural design fundamentals

2.1 Structural arrangements design

2.1.1 Subdivision arrangement

2.1.2 Compartment arrangement

2.1.3 Access arrangement

2.2 Structural materials

2.2.1 Introduction to materials

2.2.2 Standard steels used for hull and other structure

2.2.3 High strength steel used for hull and other structures

2.2.4 Selection for steel grades

2.2.5 Other ship materials

2.2.6 An example of ship materials used for a dredging barge

2.3 Welding

2.3.1 The base types of welding joints

2.3.2 The base types of welding line

2.3.3 Stud welding

2.3.4 The determination of the weld size

2.3.5 A welding design example

2.4 Classification societies and their rules

2.4.1 Classification societies

2.4.2 Class rules, regulations and guides

Chapter 3 Leads and loads combinations

3.1 Environmental considerations

3.2 Loads

3.2.1 Static loads

3.2.2 The wave induced loads

3.2.3 The hydrodynamic loads

3.2.4 The sloshing loads

3.2.5 The impact loads

3.2.6 Other loads types

3.3 Loads combinations

3.4 Strength modeling and development of strength criteria

Chapter 4 Marine structural initial design

4.1 Hull girder strength and shearing strength

4.2 Hull structural members design

4.2.1 Plating design

4.2.2 Longitudinals and girders design

4.2.3 Bulkhead design

4.3 An example of hull structural members design-pillar design

4.3.1 Basic design of pillars

4.3.2 Some requirements for the pillars in rules

4.3.3 Regulations of pillars on different types of ships

4.4 Superstructure design

4.4.1 The interaction between the superstructure and the main hull

4.4.2 The design of superstructures

4.4.3 The failure of superstructures and prevention measures

4.5 Introduction to structures of various kinds of ships

4.5.1 Oil tankers

4.5.2 Bulk carriers

4.5.3 Container ships

Chapter 5 Marine structural design analysis

5.1 Total strength assessment

5.1.1 Yielding strength

5.1.2 Buckling and ultimate strength

5.1.3 Fatigue strength

5.2 Strength criteria

5.2.1 General introduction

5.2.2 Yielding criteria

5.2.3 Buckling and ultimate strength criteria

5.2.4 Fatigue criteria

5.3 Finite element analysis (FEA)

5.3.1 The developmental history of the finite element analysis

5.3.2 The basic idea of the finite element method

5.3.3 A finite element analysis example-a 75,000 DWT bulk carrier

5.4 Spectral fatigue analysis of ship structures

5.5 The transverse strength analysis of a ship

Chapter 6 Marine structural design optimization

6.1 The introduction to the optimization

6.2 The categorization methods for optimization problems

6.2.1 Continuous versus discrete optimization

6.2.2 Constrained and unconstrained optimization

6.2.3 Global and local optimization

6.2.4 Deterministic and stochastic optimization

6.3 An examp e-the optimization of stiffened panels

6.3.1 Introduction to stiffened plates

6.3.2 The numerical solution method for a stiffened panel

6.3.3 Summarization

6.4 Another example-the optimization of a T-bar

6.4.1 The problem raised and the model established

6.4.2 Analytical solution method

6.4.3 Finite Element Analysis solution method

6.4.4 Comments on each solution method





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 228 印数


海洋结构物结构设计与分析是上海交通大学出版社于2013.出版的中图分类号为 U663 的主题关于 船舶结构-结构设计-研究生-教材-英文 ,海洋工程-结构设计-研究生-教材-英文 的书籍。