

章百家, 著







Zhang Baijia, born in January 1948, graduated from the History Department of Peking University and gained his Master's degree from the Modern History Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Zhang Baijia is now researcher and deputy director of the Party History Research Center of the CPC Central Committee. Zhang is also a professor at Peking University and Renmin University, and a member of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Modern Historv. Chinese Academy of Social Saences. Zhang Baijia has previously been engaged in researching the history of the CPC, Chinese modern history and Chinese diplomatic history. Now his focus is on the history of reform and opening-up. Zhang's works include: Discussion on the Chongqing Negotiation, Change Herself, Change the World - a Discussion on China's Basic Diplomatic Strateqy in the 20th Century, The Cold War and Chinar and 30 Years of China's Reform and Opening Up.



Chapter 1 The Road to Reform and Opening Up

A Century Dream: The Fight for the Chinese Nation during the Modern Era

Hard Pioneering Stage: The Successes and Failures ofthe First ThirtyYears of New China

Searching for a New Road: Emancipating Minds and Throwing Off Shackles

The Turrung Point: Econonuc Development as the CentralTask

Chapter 2 Wading across the River by Feeling Out for Stones

Early Tide of Reform: Reform Initiated from both Political and Economic Perspectives

Responding to Public Ophuon: Fulfilling the Task of Putting Wrongs to Right

Fixing Farm Output Quotas for Each Household: One Creative Irutiative of Chinese Peasants

Speaal Economic Zones: Windows of Opening to the Outside World

Chapter 3 Taking the Self-chosen Road

Long-term Plaruung: "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" and the "Three-step" Strategy

Review of World Situation: Peace, Development and Independent Foreign Policy of Peace

Urban Reform and Reforms in Other Areas Kept in Pace

Standing the Test: Adopting Readjustment and Rectification Measures, and Quelling Political Disturbances

Chapter 4 Taking a Crucial Step Forward

Setting the Goal: To Establish a Socialist Market Economic System

Rule of Law: Strengthening Building of Legal System & Respecting and Protecting Freedom of Religious Belief

Promoting Reunification of the Motherland: Return of Hong Kong and Macao and Improvement of Cross-Straits Relations

New Prospects in Foreign Affairs: China's Diplomatic Work Gears Towards New Century

A Generally Prosperous Society: Achieving the Objectives of First Two Steps of the "Three-step" Development Strategy

Chapter 5 Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in an All-round Way

A New "Three-step" Strategy: A New Plan for Modernization

Pursuing Scientific Development: Enforcing Overall Coordination and Deepening Reform

Harmonious Society: Strengthening Social Development and Innovating Management Modes

Fewer but Better Troops: Modernizat:ion of National Defense and Armed Forces

Rising to Challenges: Extraordinary Courage and Determination Can Only Be

Demonstrated in Extraordinarily Arduous Reform

Goals Marking the Centenaries of CPC and PRC


In this book, the author tries to provide a concise introduction to the causes and effects of China(s reform and opening up, in particular with regard to the foLlowing issues:
  Why did China embark on this reform and opening-up pohcyin the late 1970s and how did it reLate to the periods before it?
  The distinct stages and their corresponding content, including the start of the reform and opening up, the transition of China's economic system, concurrent political restructuring and the development of democracy and rule oflaw, and the consequent changes to sociaL structures and ways ofthinking,
  Progress towards nationaL reunification, Chinars resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao and the improvement in reLations across the Taiwan Straits.
  The changes in relationship between China and the rest of the world, the adjustment of China's foreign poLicy, and the establishment of a multi- level and omnidirectional strategy of foreign relations.
  The current status of reform and opening up, and new chaLlenges and responses after many years of rapid social and economic deveLopment.


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


过去·现在·未来是外文出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 D616 的主题关于 改革开放-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。