

钟元生, 等编著








Chapter 1 Special TextView Effects>>>1

1.1 Case Overview 1

1.2 Key Code 1

1.3 Code Analysis 3

1.3.1 The effect of scrolling text in the TextView 3

1.3.2 Display various colors in the same text 4

1.3.3 Set picture orientation 4

1.3.4 Automatic link 5

1.4 Expansion of Knowledge 5

1.4.1 The difference between android: gravity and android: layout_gravity 5

1.4.2 The difference between android: padding and android:

layout_margin 6

1.4.3 The representation of color in Android 6

1.5 Thinking and Exercises 7

Chapter 2 Phone Screen Division>>>8

2.1 Case Overview 8

2.2 Key Code 8

2.3 Code Analysis 10

2.3.1 LinearLayout 10

2.3.2 Proportionally split screen 10

2.4 Extension of Knowledge 11

2.5 Thinking and Exercises 11

Chapter 3 My Course Table-TableLayout>>>13

3.1 Case Overview 13

3.2 Key Code 13

3.3 Code Analysis 16

3.3.1 Class schedule interface analysis 16

3.3.2 TableLayout 17

3.3.3 Add borders to TextView 18

3.3.4 Definition of style 18

3.4 Expansion of Knowledge 19

3.5 Thinking and Exercises 19

Chapter 4 Images Around Text—RelativeLayout>>>21

4.1 Case Overview 21

4.2 Key Code 21

4.3 Code Analysis 23

4.3.1 Interface analysis 23

4.3.2 RelativeLayout 23

4.4 Extension of Knowledge 24

4.5 Thinking and Practice 25

Chapter 5 Flashing Neon—FrameLayout>>>26

5.1 Case Overview 26

5.2 Key Code 26

5.3 Code Analysis 29

5.3.1 Interface analysis 29

5.3.2 FrameLayout 29

5.3.3 The timer 29

5.3.4 Handler message passing 30

5.4 Extension of Knowledge 31

5.5 Thinking and Practice 31

Chapter 6 Design Calculator—Use Multiple Layout>>>32

6.1 Case Overview 32

6.2 Key Code 32

6.3 Code Analysis 36

6.3.1 Interface analysis 36

6.3.2 Define style 37

6.4 Extension of Knowledge 37

6.5 Thinking and Practice 40

Chapter 7 Page Slide Show>>>41

7.1 Case Overview 41

7.2 Key Code 42

7.3 Code Analysis 52

7.3.1 Interface analysis 52

7.3.2 ViewPager 52

7.4 Expansion of Knowledge 53

7.4.1 Event handler based on listening 53

7.4.2 Page full screen 55

7.5 Thinking and Exercises 56

Chapter 8 Images Switch Automatically>>>57

8.1 Case Overview 57

8.2 Key Code 57

8.3 Code Analysis 63

8.3.1 Interface analysis 63

8.3.2 Custom MyImageTopView widget 63

8.4 Expansion of Knowledge 65

8.4.1 Custom widget 65

8.4.2 Gesture Detection 65

8.5 Thinking and Exercises 66

Chapter 9 Keyword Search Tips>>>67

9.1 Case Overview 67

9.2 Key Code 67

9.3 Code Analysis 70

9.3.1 Smart tips to complete the input 70

9.3.2 Intelligent update the data source 71

9.4 Extension of Knowledge 72

9.4.1 ArrayAdapter 72

9.4.2 Dialog 72

9.5 Thinking and Exercises 73

Chapter 10 Simulate Gallery>>>75

10.1 Case Overview 75

10.2 Key Code 76

10.3 Code Analysis 78

10.3.1 Interface analysis 78

10.3.2 ImageSwitcher introduction 79

10.4 Expansion of Knowledge 80

10.5 Thinking and Exercises 80

Chapter 11 Android Books List>>>82

11.1 Case Overview 82

11.2 Key Code 82

11.3 Code Analysis 88

11.3.1 Interface analysis 88

11.3.2 ListView 89

11.3.3 SimpleAdapter 90

11.3.4 ClipDrawable 91

11.4 Extension of Knowledge 92

11.4.1 The raw directory 92

11.4.2 Activity overview 93

11.5 Thinking and Practice 94

Chapter 12 BBC News—ListView Delay Load>>>96

12.1 Case Overview 96

12.2 Key Code 97

12.3 Code Analysis 102

12.3.1 ListView lazy loading principle 102

12.3.2 Introduction of SQLite database 103

12.4 Extension of Knowledge 107

12.5 Thinking and Exercises 107

Chapter 13 BBC News—Drop Down Refresh ListView>>>109

13.1 Case Overview 109

13.2 Key Code 110

13.3 Code Analysis 119

13.4 Extension of Knowledge 121

13.5 Thinking and Exercises 121

Chapter 14 ExpandableListView Widget>>>122

14.1 Case Overview 122

14.2 Key Code 122

14.3 Code Analysis 125

14.4 Extension of Knowledge 126

14.5 Thinking and Practice 129

Chapter 15 Product Category —Custom Multi-level List>>>130

15.1 Case Overview 130

15.2 Key Code 131

15.3 Code Analysis 137

15.4 Extension of Knowledge 138

15.5 Thinking and Exercises 144

Chapter 16 College Introduction—TabHost>>>145

16.1 Case Overview 145

16.2 Key Code 145

16.3 Code Analysis 153

16.3.1 TabHost introduction 153

16.3.2 Fragment introduction 155

16.3.3 Change the picture according to state 156

16.4 Extension of Knowledge 157

16.4.1 Communicating with the activity 157

16.4.2 Switch page through ActionBar 161

16.5 Thinking and Exercises 163

Chapter 17 The Sound of Music—Music Player>>>164

17.1 Case Overview 164

17.2 Key Code 165

17.3 Code Analysis 198

17.3.1 Main functions of music player 198

17.3.2 ContentProvider 200

17.3.3 Service 201

17.3.4 BroadcastReceiver 203

17.4 Extension of Knowledge 205

17.4.1 MediaPlayer 205

17.4.2 Notifications 209

17.5 Thinking and Exercises 210

Appendix A The Common Errors and Debugging Methods>>>212

Appendix B The Knowledge of Android Programming>>>221

Appendix C The Practice of Android Programming>>>234

Appendix D The Informal Test of Android Programming>>>242






尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 2000


Android编程经典案例解析是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 TN929.53 的主题关于 移动终端-应用程序-程序设计-英文 的书籍。