

陈宁, 池玫, 编







Chapter 1 Welcoming Clients Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 2 Seeking Business Opportunity Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication

Chapter 1 Welcoming Clients Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 2 Seeking Business Opportunity Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 3 Making Inquiries Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 4 Business Appointment and Arrangement Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 5 Offer and Counter Offer Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 6 At the Commodity Fair Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 7 Business Visit Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 8 Innovative and Power Brand Strategy Part A Situational Dialogue Sample Conversation 1 Sample Conversation 2 Sample Conversation 3 Part B Practical Key Sentences Part C Skills of Communication Part D PracticeChapter 9 Packing and Quality InspectionChapter 10 Acceptance and OrdersChapter 11 Business Telephone CallChapter 12 Terms of PaymentChapter 13 Business NegotiationChapter 14 Sign a ContractChapter 15 Cargo DeliveryChapter 16 Business ConferenceChapter 17 Sales PromotionChapter 18 InterviewChapter 19 ComplaintsChapter 20 Banquet and PartingAppendix 1 Translation to the Conversation (对话参考译文)Appendix 2 Suggested Key to Practice (实践操练参考答案)


本书具有鲜明的时代特色,力求应用现代流行、生动地道的国际商务英语口语的表达方式,摒弃过时的商务知识和行话,便于开展互动式商务英语口语训练。融合于各章节中所提出的国际商务观念和技巧紧跟时代脉搏,具有强烈的时代感,涉及的内容贴近现代国际商务实际,满足21世纪国际商务的交际要求。 突出实用性和实战技能,以国际商务交际活动为中心,展示如何处理实际交易环节中出现的各类问题,内容涉及国际贸易的各个实战环节和相关商务活动二大主线。精心设计与国际商务有关的话题,通过本书的情景对话、角色扮演、专题讨论、经典句型操练、交际技巧、实践操练等训练,让学生在不同的商务语境中提高实际交际能力。 注重对学生口语交际能力的培养,学习商务英语口语语言技巧,融合商务知识、商务礼仪、流行口语为一体,坚持实用性、典型性和趣味性,让学生接触到生动真实的商务英语口语信息,把商务技巧和功能意念表达融入教材,使之更具有实用性和交际功能。培养能熟练运用英语从事商务活动的高素质的复合型人才。 《21世纪实用国际商务英语口语》顺应时代发展的需要,适合本科院校和高职高专的经贸和商务英语专业学生使用,本教材配有光盘,由外国专家朗读,便于学生模仿和操练。




21世纪实用国际商务英语口语是北京大学出版社于2007.04出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 国际贸易-英语-口语-教材 的书籍。