

姜丽凡, 高素艳, 主编







Introduction 简介

Chapter 1 Money 2

1.1 The Definition of Money 2

1.2 Functions of Money 3

1.3 Types of Money 6

1.4 Money Supply 9

1.5 Money Creation 11

Chapter 2 Financial System 24

2.1 How does Financial System Operate 25

2.2 Financial and Economic Activities 26

2.3 Risks in the Financial System 29

2.4 Supervision on Financial System 29

Chapter 3 Financial Institutions 41

3.1 Why Are Financial Institutions Needed 41

3.2 Types of Financial Institutions 42

3.3 Roles of Financial Institutions 46

Financial Market 金融市场

Chapter 4 Financial Markets 60

4.1 Types of Financial Markets 61

4.2 Roles of Financial Markets 63

4.3 Participants of Financial Markets 64

Chapter 5 Interest and Interest Rate 77

5.1 What Are Interest and Interest Rate 77

5.2 Types of Interest Rate 79

5.3 Factors Affecting Interest Rate 81

Chapter 6 Money Market 95

6.1 What Is the Money Market 96

6.2 Importance of the Money Market 97

6.3 What Are the Money Market Instruments 98

Chapter 7 Capital Market 113

7.1 What Is Capital Market 113

7.2 Importance of the Capital Market 114

7.3 Capital Market Participants 115

7.4 The Structure of Capital Market 116

Banking Industry 银行业

Chapter 8 Commercial Bank 128

8.1 Introduction to Commercial Bank 128

8.2 Commercial Bank Operations 129

8.3 Regulation of Commercial Bank 132

Chapter 9 Central Bank 143

9.1 Central Bank and Its Functions 143

9.2 How Central Bank Controls Monetary Policy 146

9.3 The Central Bank of China 148

International Finance 国际金融

Chapter 10 Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate 160

10.1 Definition of Foreign Exchange and Exchange Rate 161

10.2 Exchange Rate Quotations 162

10.3 Types of Exchange Rate 163

10.4 Factors Affecting Exchange Rate 164

10.5 The RMB Exchange Rate System 165

Chapter 11 Foreign Exchange Market 176

11.1 Foreign Exchange Market and Its Types 176

11.2 Institutional Use of the Foreign Exchange Markets 177

11.3 Forecasting Exchange Rates 179

11.4 Volume of Foreign Exchange Trading 181

Chapter 12 Foreign Exchange Market Products and Activities 192

12.1 Spot Transactions 193

12.2 Forward Transactions 193

12.3 Foreign Exchange Swaps 194

12.4 Foreign Exchange Derivatives 195

12.5 Use of Foreign Exchange Derivatives 197

Chapter 13 Foreign Exchange Risk 207

13.1 Foreign Exchange Risk a Firm Faces 208

13.2 Foreign Exchange Risks a Bank Faces 210

13.3 Foreign Exchange Risks a Country Faces 212

International Settlement and Insurance 国际结算与保险

Chapter 14 Instruments Used in International Settlement 224

14.1 Bills of Exchange 225

14.2 Promissory Notes 228

14.3 Cheques 229

Chapter 15 Remittance and Collection 240

15.1 Remittance 240

15.2 Documentary Collections 241

Chapter 16 Documentary Letter of Credit 255

16.1 Definition of Documentary Credit 255

16.2 Procedures of Documentary Credit 257

16.3 Types of Documentary Credit 258

16.4 Key Factors Determining the Payment Method 259

Chapter 17 Life Insurance and Marine Insurance 272

17.1 Life Insurance 272

17.2 Marine Insurance 274

Key 参考答案 291

References 参考文献 303


本教材紧密贴合金融专业的特点,介绍金融专业的核心内容及理论。注重理论知识的同时,兼顾英语的实际应用。教材内容新颖实用,涵盖了货币、金融市场、金融体系、银行等金融学科的基础内容,并结合我国及国际的金融形势介绍了我国金融体系、外汇交易、国际金融、国际结算等内容。每章由学习目标、课文、对话、词汇、注释、习题和扩展阅读等环节组成,结构设计合理,有助于学生通过英语掌握金融知识,积累专业词汇,提高阅读水平,课后练习能够帮助学生巩固金融知识和语言点。   注释部分尽可能对难点进行阐释,有助于教师授课和学生自学。此外,会话内容从开立银行账户到更广泛的外汇兑换、证券投资等方面,由易到难,循序渐进。   本书既可以作为高职高专金融类、经济类及相关专业的教材,也可以作为应用型本科院校教学用书及金融机构培训教材。   本书配有课件,下载地址为:http://www.tupwk.com.cn。




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数印数 3000


金融英语是清华大学出版社于2016.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 金融-英语-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。