

于志家, 李香琴, 兰忠, 编







于志家,大连理工大学 化学工程系,化学工程系副主任,副教授,长期从事化学工程基础、化工传递、单元操作、多相流动与化工热力学等方面的科学研究与教学。负责完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,辽宁省自然科学基金项目2项,完成企业工程设计等多项,对化工热力学的基础理论及其在相关研究与工程实际中的应用有深层次的理解与心得。 主讲本科生《化工热力学》与《化工计算》课程,双语教学,获大连理工大学优秀课程与教学质量优秀奖。主讲研究生专业课《多相流传递》。


Chapter 1Introduction1

11The Scope of Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics1

12System and Surroundings2

13The Chemical State and Fluid Properties2

14The First Law of Thermodynamics3

141The first law of thermodynamics for controlled mass system5

142The first law of thermodynamics for controlled volume system5

15The Second Law of Thermodynamics10

151The upper limit for the conversion of heat into work10


153Mathematical statement of the second law14

Problems16Chapter 2Volumetric Properties of Fluids18

21pVT Behavior of Pure Substances18

22The Equations of State(EOS)of Fluid20

221The EOS of ideal gas21

222Virial equations of state21

23Cubic Equations of State24

231The van der Waals equation of state24

232The RedlichKwong(RK)equation of state26

233The SoaveRedlichKwong(SRK)equation of state29

234The PengRobinson(PR)equation of state30

235A generic cubic equation of state32

24Generalized Correlations of Gases32

241Theorem of corresponding states33

242Generalized cubic EOS33

243Twoparameter theorem of corresponding states35

244Threeparameter theorem of corresponding states37

245Generalized correlations of the second virial coefficient41

25Liquid & Liquidlike Roots of the Generic Cubic EOS43

26Generalized Correlations for Liquids45

Problems47Chapter 3Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids49

31Property Relations for Homogenous Phases49

32Calculations of Enthalpy and Entropy51

33Residual Properties52

34Residual Properties by EOS55

35Calculations of Liquid Enthalpy and Entropy57

36Generalized Property Correlations for Gases59

361Generalized compressibility factor Z for residual enthalpy and residual


362Generalized second virial coefficient for residual enthalpy and residual


37Thermodynamic Diagrams68

38Tables of Thermodynamic Properties69

39TS Diagrams69

391Heating and cooling processes at isopiestic pressure72

392Throttling expansion processes72

393Isentropic expansion or compression processes72

310pH Diagrams73

311HS Diagrams74

Problems75Chapter 4Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures77

41The Mixing Rules77

42The Calculations of Vm,mix and Zmix79

421Amagat’s law(part volume law)combined with Z graphs79

422EOS for a mixture of real gases80

43The Calculations of HR and SR86

431The calculations of HR and SR by EOS86

432The calculations of HR and SR by generalized correlation graphs88

Problems90Chapter 5Solution Thermodynamics92

51Property Relations for Open Systems and Chemical Potential93

52Partial Properties94

53Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient99

531Fugacity calculations for pure gases100

532Fugacity calculations for pure liquids105

533Fugacity calculations for species in solution106

534Application of Microsoft Excel in the thermodynamic property calculations112

54The Ideal Solution and Standard State117

55Excess Properties and Property Change in Mixing119

551Excess properties119

552Property change in mixing120

553Hx graph122

56Activity and Activity Coefficient124

561The Wohl type equations127

562The gamma equation based on local composition131

563The UNIQUAC and UNIFAC model133

Problems136Chapter 6Phase Equilibrium139

61The Criterion of Phases Equilibrium139

62VaporLiquid Equilibrium140

621VLE under low pressures142

622VLE under moderate pressures152

623VLE under high pressures165

63GasLiquid Equilibrium167

64LiquidLiquid Equilibrium169

641LLE phase diagrams170

642The stability of liquid solution171

643LLE calculations174

65VaporLiquidLiquid Equilibrium (VLLE)175

Problems178Chapter 7Thermodynamics of Flow Process181

71Conservation of Mass182

72Conservation of Energy183

73Entropy Balance186

731Concept of entropy186

732Entropy balance187

74Processes Analyzed by Thermodynamics Methods190

741Fluid flowing190

742Compression process195

743Expansion process203

744Throttling process205

Problems209Chapter 8Thermodynamics Cycle212

81CarnotCycle and Its Anticlockwise Cycle213

82RankineCycle & Steam Power Plant215

821Improving of the Carnot engine215

822Improving of the Rankine engine221

83Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle229

84Absorption Refrigeration231

85Heat Pump234

851A brief historical development of heat pumps235

852Vapor compression HP235

853Absorption heat pump238

Problems242Chapter 9Thermodynamic Analysis of Processes245

91Ideal Work245

911Nonflowing process245

912Steadystate flow process246

92Lost Work247

93Typical Problems248

931Tube flow248

932Heat transfer249

94 Energy Optimization250


Appendix AConversion Factors and Values of the Gas Constant255

Appendix BProperties of Pure Species256

Appendix CHeat Capacities and Property Changes of Formation258

Appendix DThe Lee/Kesler Generalized Correlation Tables263

Appendix ESteam Tables271

List of Symbols291

Selected Glossary in Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics with Chinese Translation293





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化工热力学是化学工业出版社于2014.2出版的中图分类号为 TQ013.1 的主题关于 化工热力学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。