

印辉, 著





本书用认知语言学的理论对多动式进行统一而完整的论述。从理论上提出多动式中的每个动词都表示一个事件,各种各样的多动式从总体上看显示的是一个事件整合的连续统一体(continuum of event integration)。本书将各种多动式按照事件结合紧密的不同程度把他们展示在这个连续统一体的不同位置上,从而用统一的标准 (事件整合的程度) 对多动式提供一个统一而全面的阐述。而不是像过去国内外绝大多数对多动式的研究仅仅局限在对其一种或少数几种的阐述上。


Chapter 1  Introduction

Chapter 2  Past Treatments of Serial Verb Constructions

2.1 Past Approaches to SVCs

2.1.1 Christaller (1875)

2.1.2 West

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Past Treatments of Serial Verb Constructions

2.1 Past Approaches to SVCs

2.1.1 Christaller (1875)

2.1.2 Westermann (1930)

2.1.3 Stewart ( 1963 )

2.1.4 Bamgbose (1974)

2.1.5 Baker (1989)

2.1.6 Agbedor (1994)

2.1.7 Aikhenvald ( 2006 )

2.2 Past Approaches to Chinese SVCs

2.2.1 Chao (1968)

2.2.2 Li and Thompson ( 1981 )

2.2.3 Dai (1990)

2.2.4 Paul (2004)

2.3 Discussion

Chapter 3 Basic Tenets of Cognitive Grammar

3.1 Assumptions of Cognitive Grammar

3.2 Symbolization

3.3 Construction and Composition

3.4 Base vs.Profile

3.5 Construal

3.6 Perspective

3.7 Action Chain

3.8 Lexicon and Syntax

3.9 Schematic Representation of a Transitive Event

Chapter 4 The Present Analysis

4.1 Three Iconically Based Semantic Principles

4.1.1 Principle of Temporal Sequence and Scope

4.1.2 Principle of Shared Participants

4.1.3 Principle of Situational Dependence

4.2 Conceptual Event

4.3 Laying Out the Event Conflation Continuum

4.4 Event Structure of Coordination, Subordination, and SVCs

4.5 Morphosyntactic and Prosodic Tests of Event Conflation

Chapter 5 The Five Constructions and the Seven Tests

5.1 Coordinate Constructions

5.1.1 Schematic Representation

5.1.2 Application of Tests

5.1.3 Discussion

5.2 Complement Constructions

5.2.1 Schematic Representation

5.2.2 Application of Tests

5.2.3 Discussion

5.3 Purposive Constructions

5.3.1 Purposive Complements or Separate Clauses

5.3.2 The Three Principles Reflected in Purposive SVCs

5.3.3 Schematic Representation

5.3.4 Application of the Tests

5.3.5 Discussion

5.4 Double-headed or Shared Object Constructions

5.4.1 The Three Principles Reflected in Double-headed


5.4.2 Schematic Representation

5.4.3 Application of Tests

5.4.4 Discussion

5.5 The So-called VV Compounds--A Continuum Between Lexicon and


5.5.1 Parallel VV Compounds

5.5.2 Phase VV Compounds

5.5.3 Resultative VV Compounds

5.5.4 Directional VV Compounds

5.6 VV Compounds as SVCs

5.6.1 SVCs with Complements of Result

5.6.2 SVCs with Complements of Direction

5.6.3 Schematic Representation

5.6.4 Application of Tests

5.7 Discussion

Chapter 6 Coverb Constructions

6.1 Traditional Criteria

6.2 Problematic Criteria

6.3 Verbhood Tests

6.4 Present Analysis

6.4.1 Coverbs--A Continuum

6.4.2 Entities Undergoing Process

6.5 Metaphorical and Functional Extensions

6.5.1 Na 'take' ——Instrumental and Topic Marker

6.5.2 Ba——Object Marker

6.5.3 Gel (give) ——Recipient Marker and Benefactive Use

6.6 Differences between SVCs and CoVCs

Chapter 7 Psycholinguistic Experiments

7.1 Experiment One

7.2 Experiment Two

Chapter 8 The Association of Multi-Verb Constructions with Verbs

8.1 Coordinate Construction

8.2 Complement Construction

8.3 Purposive Construction

8.4 Shared Object Construction

8.5 Compound Construction

8.5.1 Contiguous Compounds Containing Lai ' Come' and Qu ' Go'

8.5.2 Contiguous Compounds Containing Motion Verbs other than

Lai and Qu

Chapter 9 Conclusions





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以认知理论进行汉语连动式结构的研究是厦门大学出版社于2012.12出版的中图分类号为 H146.3 的主题关于 汉语-复杂谓语-语法结构-研究 的书籍。