

党坤, 李品友, 黄党和, 主编





全书分为6个单元,分别是:第1单元主推进装置,第2单元辅助机械,第3单元电气和自动化,第4单元轮机管理业务,第5单元国际公约,规则及第6单元轮机业务书写。为达到实训目的,并满足考证训练需要,各课统一体例,按照Text,Notes,Words and Expressions,Maritime Glossary,Exercises四部分编写。


Unit 1 Main Propulsion Plant

Lesson 1 Basic Principles of Ship Propulsion

Lesson 2 Propulsion of Large Container Vessel

Lesson 3 Diesel Engine Construction (1)

Lesson 4 Diesel Engine Construction (2)

Lesson 5 Fuel Oil System

Lesson 6 Lubrication System

Lesson 7 Cooling Water System

Lesson 8 Starting Air System

Lesson 9 Engine Control System

Lesson 10 Scavenge Fire

Lesson 11 Operating Troubles and Their Remedies

Lesson 12 Propeller Propulsion

Lesson 13 Shafting and Propeller

Lesson 14 Common Rail Technology

Lesson 15 First Commercial ME Engine

Lesson 16 Intelligent Engines

Unit 2 Auxiliary Machinery

Lesson 17 Trouble Shooting of Marine Boilers

Lesson 18 Requirements for the General Service Systems

Lesson 19 The Management and Trouble Shooting of

Centrifugal Pumps

Lesson 20 Marine Refrigeration

Lesson 21 Marine Refrigeration Management and Fault Diagnosis

Lesson 22 Air Conditioning System (1)

Lesson 23 Air Conditioning System (2)

Lesson 24 Oily Water Separator

Lesson 25 Oil Treatment

Lesson 26 Marine Air Compressors

Lesson 27 Fresh Water Generator

Lesson 28 The Hydraulic System and Equipment

Lesson 29 Cargo Handling Equipment

Lesson 30 Anchor Windlass and Mooring Winch

Lesson 31 Steering Gear

Unit 3 Marine Electrization and Automatization

Lesson 32 Alternator Operation

Lesson 33 Switchboards

Lesson 34 Central Engine Room Operating System Components

Lesson 35 Marine Electric Equipment

Lesson 36 Basic Theory of Automatic Control

Lesson 37 Typical Examples o{ Automatic Control System

Lesson 38 The Alarm and Monitoring System

Lesson 39 Basic Meaning of UMS and Its Function

Lesson 40 Shipboard LAN

Unit 4 Marine Engineering Management

Lesson 41 Stand-by Engine

Lesson 42 Watchkeeping

Lesson 43 General Rules on Working in Machinery Space

Lesson 44 Regulations o~ Fire Fighting

Lesson 45 Marine Emergency Arrangement and Equipment

Lesson 46 Bunkering and Lube Oil Management

Lesson 47 Stores and Spare Parts

Lesson 48 Ship Repair and Docking

Lesson 49 Sea Trials

Lesson 50 Ship Surveys

Lesson 51 Oil Record Book Instruction

Lesson 52 Port State Control

Lesson 53 More Detailed Inspections for PSC

Lesson 54 Key Equipment to Be Inspected During a PSC


Lesson 55 Introduction to Engine-room Resource Management

Unit 5 International Conventions and Regulations

Lesson 56 Basic Principles to Be Observed in Keeping an

Engineering Watch

Lesson 57 MARPOL Convention

Lesson 58 SOLAS Convention

Lesson 59 International Safety Management Code

Lesson 60 International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

Lesson 61 Maritime Labor Convention

Unit 6 Business Writing

Lesson 62 Engine Room Log Book

Lesson 63 Repair List

Lesson 64 Store Order and Spare Parts Requisition Form

Lesson 65 Accident Report

Lesson 66 Engineer's Reports, Letters, Faxes and Emails

Lesson 67 Operating Instructions for Key Equipment

Key to Exercises





尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 520 印数 5000


轮机英语是大连海事大学出版社于2012.7出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 轮机-英语-职业培训-教材 的书籍。