电力系统工程 : 第2版

电力系统工程 : 第2版

(印) 科萨里 (Kothari,D.P.) , (印) 纳格拉斯 (Nagrath,I.J.) , 著







D P Kothari,is Professor, Centre for Energy Studies,Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He hasbeen Head of the Centre for Energy Studies(1995-97) and Principal (1997-98) VisvesvarayaRegional Engineering College, Nagpur. He has been Director-incharge, liT Delhi (2005), Deputy Director (Admn.) (2003-2006). Earlier (1982-83 and 1989), he was a visiting fellow at RMIT,Melbourne, Australia. He obtained his BE, ME and Ph.D degrees from BITS, Pilani. A fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India), fellow of National Academy of Engineering,fellow of National Academy of Sciences, Senior Member IEEE, Member IEE,Life Member ISTE, Professor Kothari has published/presented around 500papers in national and international journals/conferences. He has authored/co-authored more than 18 books, including Power System Optimization, ModernPower System Analysis, Electric Machines, Power System Transients, Theoryand Problems of Electric Machines and Basic Electrical Engineering. Hisresearch interests include power system control, optimization, reliability andenergy conservation. He has received the National Khosla award for LifetimeAchievements in Engineering for 2005 from liT Roorkee.   I J Nagrath is Adjunct Professor, BITS, Pilani, and retired as Professor of electrical engineering and Deputy Director of Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. He obtained his BE with Hons. in electrical engineering from the University of Rajasthan in 1951 and MS from the University of Wisconsin in 1956. He has co-authored several successful books which include Electric Machines, Modern Power System Analysis and Systems: Modelling and Analysis. He has also published several research papers in prestigious national and international journals.


Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition

1. Introduction

1.1 Electric Power System

1.2 Indian Power Sector

1.3 A Contemporary Perspective

1.4 Structure of Power Systems

1.5 Conventional Sources of Electric Energy

1.6 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Generation

1.7 Geothermal Energy

1.8 Environmental Aspects of Electric Energy Generation

1.9 Renewable Energy Resources

1.10 Solar Energy and its Utilization

1.11 Wind Power

1.12 Biofuels

1.13 Generating Reserve, Reliability and Certain Factors

1.14 Energy Storage

1.15 Energy Conservation

1.16 Growth of Power Systems in India

1.17 Deregulation

1.18 Distributed and Dispersed Generation

1.19 Power System Engineers and Power System Studies

1.20 Use of Computers and Microprocessors

1.21 Problems Facing Indian Power Industry and its Choices

Annexure 1.1

Annexure 1.2

2. Inductance and Resistance of Transmission Lines

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Definition of Inductance

2.3 Flux Linkages of an Isolated Current-Carrying Conductor

2.4 Inductance of a Single-Phase Two-Wire Line

2.5 Conductor Types

2.6 Flux Linkages of One Conductor in a Group

2.7 Inductance of Composite Conductor Lines

2.8 Inductance of Three-Phase Lines

2.9 Double-Circuit Three-Phase Lines

2.10 Bundled Conductors

2.11 Resistance

2.12 Skin Effect and Proximity Effect

2.13 Magnetic Field Induction

2.14 Summary

3. Capacitance of Transmission Lines

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Electric Field of a Long Straight Conductor

3.3 Potential Difference between Two Conductors of a Group of

Parallel Conductors

3.4 Capacitance of a Two-Wire Line

3.5 Capacitance of a Three-Phase Line with Equilateral


3.6 Capacitance of a Three-Phase Line with Unsymmetrical


3.7 Effect of Earth on Transmission Line Capacitance

3.8 Method of GMD (Modified)

3.9 Bundled Conductors

3.10 Electrostatic Induction

3.11 Summary

4. Representation of Power System Components

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Single-Phase Representation of Balanced Three-Phase Networks

4.3 The One-Line Diagram and the Impedance or Reactance


4.4 Per Unit (PU) System

4.5 Complex Power

4.6 The Steady State Model of Synchronous Machine

4.7 Power Transformer

4.8 Transmission of Electric Power

4.9 System Protection

4.10 Representation of Loads

4.11 Summary

5. Characteristics and Performance of Power Transmission Lines

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Short Transmission Line

5.3 Medium Transmission Line

5.4 The Long Transmission Line——Rigorous Solution

5.5 The Equivalent Circuit of a Long Line

5.6 Interpretation of the Long Line Equations

5.7 Ferranti Effect

5.8 Tuned Power Lines

5.9 Power Flow Through a Transmission Line

5.10 Methods of Voltage Control

5.11 Summary

6. Load Flow Studies

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Network Model Formulation

6.3 Formation of YBUS by Singular Transformation

6.4 Load Flow Problem

6.5 Gauss-Siedel Method

6.6 Newton-Raphson Method

6.7 Decoupled Load Flow Studies

6.8 Comparison of Load Flow Methods

6.9 Control of Voltage Profile

6.10 LoadFlow under Power Electronic Control

6.11 Summary

7. Optimal System Operation

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Optimal Operation of Generators on a Bus Bar

7.3 Optimal Unit Commitment (UC)

7.4 Reliability Considerations

7.5 Optimal Generation Scheduling

7.6 Optimal Load Flow Solution

7.7 Optimal Scheduling of Hydrothermal System

7.8 Power System Security

7.9 Maintenance Scheduling (MS)

7.10 Power-System Reliability

7.11 Summary

Annexure 7.1

8. Automatic Generation and Voltage Control

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Load Frequency Control (Single Area Case)

8.3 Load Frequency Control and Economic Despatch Control

8.4 Two-Area Load Frequency Control

8.5 Optimal (Two-Area) Load Frequency Control

8.6 Automatic Voltage Control

8.7 Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraints


8.8 Speed Governor Dead-Band and its Effect on AGC

8.9 Digital LF Controllers

8.10 Decentralized Control

8.11 Discrete Integral Controller for AGC

8.12 AGC in a Restructured Power System

8.13 Summary

9. Symmetrical Fault Analysis

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Transient on a TransmissionLine

9.3 Short Circuit of a Synchronous Machine

9.4 Short Circuit of a Loaded Synchronous Machine

9.5 Selection of Circuit Breakers

9.6 Algorithm for Short Circuit Studies

9.7 ZBUS Formulation

9.8 Summary

10. Symmetrical Components

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Symmetrical Component Transformation

10.3 Phase Shift in Star-Delta Transformers

10.4 Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines

10.5 Sequence Impedances and Sequence Network of

Power System

10.6 Sequence Impedances and Networks of Synchronous


10.7 Sequence Impedances of Transmission Lines

10.8 Sequence Impedances and Networks of Transformers

10.9 Construction of Sequence Networks of a Power System

10.10 Summary

11. Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Symmetrical Component Analysis of Unsymmetrical Faults

11.3 Single Line-to-Ground (LG) Fault

11.4 Line-to-Line (LL) Fault

11.5 Double Line-to-Ground (LLG) Fault

11.6 Open Conductor Faults

11.7 Bus Impedance Matrix Method for Analysis of Unsymmetrical

Shunt Faults

11.8 Summary

12. Power System Stability

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Dynamics of a Synchronous Machine

12.3 Power Angle Equation


13.Power System Transients

14.Circuit Breakers

15.Power System Protection

16.Underground Cables

17.Insulators for Overhead Lines

18.Mechanical Design of Transmission Lines


20.High Voltage DC(HVDC)Transmission

21.Distribution Systems

22.Voltage Stability

Multiple Choice Questions

Answer to Problems



本版电力系统工程较上版进行了广泛的修订,新增若干专题的介绍并更新了与最新技术发展相关的内容。此外,所有的专题都有多母线结构的例子进行说明。   突出特点   系统地解释现代电力系统运行、控制和分析相关的基本原理   详细介绍电力系统暂态、断路器和保护   给出多个系统研究的算法   附录给出MATLAB和SIMULINK用于电力系统分析的仿真程序




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尺寸23 × 16装帧平装
页数印数 2500


电力系统工程 : 第2版是清华大学出版社于2009.出版的中图分类号为 TM7 的主题关于 电力系统-系统工程-英文 的书籍。