

(美) 艾尔 (Erl,T.) , 著








Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Why this book is important

1.1.1 The false SOA

1.1.2 The ideal SOA

1.1.3 The real SOA

1.2 Objectives of this book

1.2.1 Understanding SOA,service-orientation,and Web services

1.2.2 Learning how to build SOA with Web services

1.3 Who this book is for

1.4 What this book does not cover

1.5 How this book is organized

1.5.1 Part Ⅰ:SOA and Web Services Fundamentals

1.5.2 Part Ⅱ:SOA and WS-* Extensions

1.5.3 Part Ⅲ:SOA and Service-Orientation

1.5.4 Part Ⅳ:Building SOA(Planning and Analysis)

1.5.5 Part Ⅴ:Building SOA(Technology and Design)

1.5.6 Conventions

1.6 Additional information

1.6.1 The XML & Web Services Integration Framework(XWIF)


1.6.3 Contact the Author

Chapter 2 Case Studies

2.1 How case studies are used

2.1.1 Style characteristics

2.1.2 Relationship to abstract content

2.1.3 Code samples

2.2 Case #1 background:RailCo Ltd.

2.2.1 History

2.2.2 Technical infrastructure

2.2.3 Automation solutions

2.2.4 Business goals and obstacles

2.3 Case #2 background:Transit Line Systems Inc

2.3.1 History

2.3.2 Technical infrastructure

2.3.3 Automation solutions

2.3.4 Business goals and obstacles

Part Ⅰ SOA and Web Services Fundamentals

Chapter 3 Introducing SOA

3.1 Fundamental SOA

3.1.1 A service-oriented analogy

3.1.2 How services encapsulate logic

3.1.3 How services relate

3.1.4 How services communicate

3.1.5 How services are designed

3.1.6 How services are built

3.1.7 Primitive SOA

3.2 Common characteristics of contemporary SOA

3.2.1 Contemporary SOA is at the core of the service-oriented computing platform

3.2.2 Contemporary SOA increases quality of service

3.2.3 Contemporary SOA is fundamentally autonomous

3.2.4 Contemporary SOA is based on open standards

3.2.5 Contemporary SOA supports vendor diversity

3.2.6 Contemporary SOA promotes discovery

3.2.7 Contemporary SOA fosters intrinsic interoperability

3.2.8 Contemporary SOA promotes federation

3.2.9 Contemporary SOA promotes architectural composability

3.2.10 Contemporary SOA fosters inherent reusability

3.2.11 Contemporary SOA emphasizes extensibility

3.2.12 Contemporary SOA supports a service-oriented business modeling paradigm

3.2.13 Contemporary SOA implements layers of abstraction

3.2.14 Contemporary SOA promotes loose coupling throughout the enterprise

3.2.15 Contemporary SOA promotes organizational agility

3.2.16 Contemporary SOA is a building block

3.2.17 Contemporary SOA is an evolution

3.2.18 Contemporary SOA is still maturing

3.2.19 Contemporary SOA is an achievable ideal

3.2.20 Defining SOA

3.2.21 Separating concrete characteristics

3.3 Common misperceptions about SOA

3.3.1 "An application that uses Web services is service-oriented."

3.3.2 "SOA is just a marketing term used to re-brand Web services."

3.3.3 "SOA is just a marketing term used to re-brand distributed computing with Web services."

3.3.4 "SOA simplifies distributed computing."

3.3.5 "An application with Web services that uses WS-* extensions is service-oriented."

3.3.6 "If you understand Web services you won?t have a problem building SOA."

3.3.7 "Once you go SOA,everything becomes interoperable."

3.4 Common tangible benefits of SOA

3.4.1 Improved integration(and intrinsic interoperability)

3.4.2 Inherent reuse

3.4.3 Streamlined architectures and solutions

3.4.4 Leveraging the legacy investment

3.4.5 Establishing standardized XML data representation

3.4.6 Focused investment on communications infrastructure

3.4.7 "Best-of-breed" alternatives

3.4.8 Organizational agility

3.5 Common pitfalls of adopting SOA

3.5.1 Building service-oriented architectures like traditional distributed architectures

3.5.2 Not standardizing SOA

3.5.3 Not creating a transition plan

3.5.4 Not starting with an XML foundation architecture

3.5.5 Not understanding SOA performance requirements

3.5.6 Not understanding Web services security

3.5.7 Not keeping in touch with product platforms and standards development

Chapter 4 The Evolution of SOA

4.1 An SOA timeline(from XML to Web services to SOA)

4.1.1 XML:a brief history

4.1.2 Web services:a brief history

4.1.3 SOA:a brief history

4.1.4 How SOA is re-shaping XML and Web services

4.2 The continuing evolution of SOA(standards organizations and contributing vendors)

4.2.1 "Standards" vs"Specifications" vs"Extensions"

4.2.2 Standards organizations that contribute to SOA

4.2.3 Major vendors that contribute to SOA

4.3 The roots of SOA(comparing SOA to past architectures)

4.3.1 What is architecture?

4.3.2 SOA vsclient-server architecture

4.3.3 SOA vsdistributed Internet architecture

4.3.4 SOA vshybrid Web service architecture

4.3.5 Service-orientation and object-orientation(Part Ⅰ)

Chapter 5 Web Services and Primitive SOA

5.1 The Web services framework

5.2 Services(as Web services)

5.2.1 Service roles

5.2.2 Service models

5.3 Service descriptions(with WSDL)

5.3.1 Service endpoints and service descriptions

5.3.2 Abstract description

5.3.3 Concrete description

5.3.4 Metadata and service contracts

5.3.5 Semantic descriptions

5.3.6 Service description advertisement and discovery

5.4 Messaging(with SOAP)

5.4.1 Messages

5.4.2 Nodes

5.4.3 Message paths

Part Ⅱ SOA and WS-* Extensions

What is "WS-*"?

Chapter 6 Web Services and Contemporary SOA(Part Ⅰ:Activity Management and Composition)

6.1 Message exchange patterns

6.1.1 Primitive MEPs

6.1.2 MEPs and SOAP

6.1.3 MEPs and WSDL

6.1.4 MEPs and SOA

6.2 Service activity

6.2.1 Primitive and complex service activities

6.2.2 Service activities and SOA

6.3 Coordination

6.3.1 Coordinator composition

6.3.2 Coordination types and coordination protocols

6.3.3 Coordination contexts and coordination participants

6.3.5 The activation and registration process

6.3.5 The completion process

6.3.6 Coordination and SOA

6.4 Atomic transactions

6.4.1 ACID transactions

6.4.2 Atomic transaction protocols

6.4.3 The atomic transaction coordinator

6.4.4 The atomic transaction process

6.4.5 Atomic transactions and SOA

6.5 Business activities

6.5.1 Business activity protocols

6.5.2 The business activity coordinator

6.5.3 Business activity states

6.5.4 Business activities and atomic transactions

6.5.5 Business activities and SOA

6.6 Orchestration

6.6.1 Business protocols and process definition

6.6.2 Process services and partner services

6.6.3 Basic activities and structured activities

6.6.4 Sequences,flows,and links

6.6.5 Orchestrations and activities

6.6.6 Orchestration and coordination

6.6.7 Orchestration and SOA

6.7 Choreography

6.7.1 Collaboration

6.7.2 Roles and participants

6.7.3 Relationships and channels

6.7.4 Interactions and work units

6.7.5 Reusability,composability,and modularity

6.7.6 Orchestrations and choreographies

6.7.7 Choreography and SOA

Chapter 7 Web Services and Contemporary SOA(Part Ⅱ:Advanced Messaging,Metadata,and Security)

7.1 Addressing

7.1.1 Endpoint references

7.1.2 Message information headers

7.1.3 Addressing and transport protocol independence

7.1.4 Addressing and SOA

7.2 Reliable messaging

7.2.1 RM Source,RM Destination,Application Source,and Application Destination

7.2.2 Sequences

7.2.3 Acknowledgements

7.2.4 Delivery assurances

7.2.5 Reliable messaging and addressing

7.2.6 Reliable messaging and SOA

7.3 Correlation

7.3.1 Correlation in abstract

7.3.2 Correlation in MEPs and activities

7.3.3 Correlation in coordination

7.3.4 Correlation in orchestration

7.3.5 Correlation in addressing

7.3.6 Correlation in reliable messaging

7.3.7 Correlation and SOA

7.4 Policies

7.4.1 The WS-Policy framework

7.4.2 Policy assertions and policy alternatives

7.4.3 Policy assertion types and policy vocabularies

7.4.4 Policy subjects and policy scopes

7.4.5 Policy expressions and policy attachments

7.4.6 What you really need to know

7.4.7 Policies in coordination

7.4.8 Policies in orchestration and choreography

7.4.9 Policies in reliable messaging

7.4.10 Policies and SOA

7.5 Metadata exchange

7.5.1 The WS-MetadataExchange specification

7.5.2 Get Metadata request and response messages

7.5.3 Get request and response messages

7.5.4 Selective retrieval of metadata

7.5.5 Metadata exchange and service description discovery

7.5.6 Metadata exchange and version control

7.5.7 Metadata exchange and SOA

7.6 Security

7.6.1 Identification,authentication,and authorization

7.6.2 Single sign-on

7.6.3 Confidentiality and integrity

7.6.4 Transport-level security and message-level security

7.6.5 Encryption and digital signatures

7.6.6 Security and SOA

7.7 Notification and eventing

7.7.1 Publish-and-subscribe in abstract

7.7.2 One concept,two specifications

7.7.3 The WS-Notification Framework

7.7.4 The WS-Eventing specification

7.7.5 WS-Notification and WS-Eventing

7.7.6 Notification,eventing,and SOA

Part Ⅲ SOA and Service-Orientation

Chapter 8 Principles of Service-Orientation

8.1 Service-orientation and the enterprise

8.2 Anatomy of a service-oriented architecture

8.2.1 Logical components of the Web services framework

8.2.2 Logical components of automation logic

8.2.3 Components of an SOA

8.2.4 How components in an SOA inter-relate

8.3 Common principles of service-orientation

8.3.1 Services are reusable

8.3.2 Services share a formal contract

8.3.3 Services are loosely coupled

8.3.4 Services abstract underlying logic

8.3.5 Services are composable

8.3.6 Services are autonomous

8.3.7 Services are stateless

8.3.8 Services are discoverable

8.4 How service-orientation principles inter-relate

8.4.1 Service reusability

8.4.2 Service contract

8.4.3 Service loose coupling

8.4.4 Service abstraction

8.4.5 Service composability

8.4.6 Service autonomy

8.4.7 Service statelessness

8.4.8 Service discoverability

8.5 Service-orientation and object-orientation(Part Ⅱ)

8.6 Native Web service support for service-orientation principles

Chapter 9 Service Layers

9.1 Service-orientation and contemporary SOA

9.1.1 Mapping the origins and supporting sources of concrete SOA characteristics

9.1.2 Unsupported SOA characteristics

9.2 Service layer abstraction

9.2.1 Problems solved by layering services

9.3 Application service layer

9.4 Business service layer

9.5 Orchestration service layer

9.6 Agnostic services

9.7 Service layer configuration scenarios

9.7.1 Scenario #1:Hybrid application services only

9.7.2 Scenario #2:Hybrid and utility application services

9.7.3 Scenario #3:Task-centric business services and utility application services

9.7.4 Scenario #4:Task-centric business services,entity-centric business services,and utility application services

9.7.5 Scenario #5:Process services,hybrid application services,and utility application services

9.7.6 Scenario #6:Process services,task-centric business services,and utility application services

9.7.7 Scenario #7:Process services,task-centric business services,entity-centric business services,and utility application services

9.7.8 Scenario #8:Process services,entity-centric business services,and utility application services

Part Ⅳ Building SOA(Planning and Analysis)

Chapter 10 SOA Delivery Strategies

10.1 SOA delivery lifecycle phases

10.1.1 Basic phases of the SOA delivery lifecycle

10.1.2 Service-oriented analysis

10.1.3 Service-oriented design

10.1.4 Service development

10.1.5 Service testing

10.1.6 Service deployment

10.1.7 Service administration

10.1.8 SOA delivery strategies

10.2 The top-down strategy

10.2.1 Process

10.2.2 Pros and cons

10.3 The bottom-up strategy

10.3.1 Process

10.3.2 Pros and cons

10.4 The agile strategy

10.4.1 Process

10.4.2 Pros and cons

Chapter 11 Service-Oriented Analysis(Part Ⅰ:Introduction)

11.1 Introduction to service-oriented analysis

11.1.1 Objectives of service-oriented analysis

11.1.2 The service-oriented analysis process

11.2 Benefits of a business-centric SOA

11.2.1 Business services build agility into business models

11.2.2 Business services prepare a process for orchestration

11.2.3 Business services enable reuse

11.2.4 Only business services can realize the service-oriented enterprise

11.3 Deriving business services

11.3.1 Sources from which business services can be derived

11.3.2 Types of derived business services

11.3.3 Business services and orchestration

Chapter 12 Service-Oriented Analysis(Part Ⅱ:Service Modeling)

12.1 Service modeling(a step-by-step process)

12.1.1 "Services" versus "Service Candidates"

12.1.2 Process description

12.2 Service modeling guidelines

12.2.1 Take into account potential cross-process reusability of logic being encapsulated(task-centric business service candidates)

12.2.2 Consider potential intra-process reusability of logic being encapsulated(task-centric business service candidates)

12.2.3 Factor in process-related dependencies(task-centric business service candidates)

12.2.4 Model for cross-application reuse(application service candidates)

12.2.5 Speculate on further decomposition requirements

12.2.6 Identify logical units of work with explicit boundaries

12.2.7 Prevent logic boundary creep

12.2.8 Emulate process services when not using orchestration(task-centric business service candidates)

12.2.9 Target a balanced model

12.2.10 Classify service modeling logic

12.2.11 Allocate appropriate modeling resources

12.2.12 Create and publish business service modeling standards

12.3 Classifying service model logic

12.3.1 The SOE model

12.3.2 The enterprise business model

12.3.3 "Building Blocks" versus "Service Models"

12.3.4 Basic modeling building blocks

12.4 Contrasting service modeling approaches(an example)

Part Ⅴ Building SOA(Technology and Design)

Chapter 13 Service-Oriented Design(Part Ⅰ:Introduction)

13.1 Introduction to service-oriented design

13.1.1 Objectives of service-oriented design

13.1.2 "Design standards" versus "Industry standards"

13.1.3 The service-oriented design process

13.1.4 Prerequisites

13.2 WSDL-related XML Schema language basics

13.2.1 The schema element

13.2.2 The element element

13.2.3 The complexType and simpleType elements

13.2.4 The import and include elements

13.2.5 Other important elements

13.3 WSDL language basics

13.3.1 The definitions element

13.3.2 The types element

13.3.3 The message and part elements

13.3.4 The portType,interface,and operation elements

13.3.5 The input and output elements(when used with operation)

13.3.6 The binding element

13.3.7 The input and output elements(when used with binding)

13.3.8 The service,port,and endpoint elements

13.3.9 The import element

13.3.10 The documentation element

13.4 SOAP language basics

13.4.1 The Envelope element

13.4.2 The Header element

13.4.3 The Body element

13.4.4 The Fault element

13.5 Service interface design tools

13.5.1 Auto-generation

13.5.2 Design tools

13.5.3 Hand coding

Chapter 14 Service-Oriented Design(Part Ⅱ:SOA Composition Guidelines)

14.1 Steps to composing SOA

14.1.1 Step 1:Choose service layers

14.1.2 Step 2:Position core standards

14.1.3 Step 3:Choose SOA extensions

14.2 Considerations for choosing service layers

14.3 Considerations for positioning core SOA standards

14.3.1 Industry standards and SOA

14.3.2 XML and SOA

14.3.3 The WS-I Basic Profile

14.3.4 WSDL and SOA

14.3.5 XML Schema and SOA

14.3.6 SOAP and SOA

14.3.7 Namespaces and SOA

14.3.8 UDDI and SOA

14.4 Considerations for choosing SOA extensions

14.4.1 Choosing SOA characteristics

14.4.2 Choosing WS-* specifications

14.4.3 WS-BPEL and SOA

Chapter 15 Service-Oriented Design(Part Ⅲ:Service Design)

15.1 Service design overview

15.1.1 Design standards

15.1.2 About the process descriptions

15.1.3 Prerequisites

15.2 Entity-centric business service design(a step-by-step process)

15.2.1 Process description

15.3 Application service design(a step-by-step process)

15.3.1 Process description

15.4 Task-centric business service design(a step-by-step process)

15.4.1 Process description

15.5 Service design guidelines

15.5.1 Apply naming standards

15.5.2 Apply a suitable level of interface granularity

15.5.3 Design service operations to be inherently extensible

15.5.4 Identify known and potential service requestors

15.5.5 Consider using modular WSDL documents

15.5.6 Use namespaces carefully

15.5.7 Use the SOAP document and literal attribute values

15.5.8 Use WS-I Profiles even if WS-I compliance isn't required

15.5.9 Document services with metadata

Chapter 16 Service-Oriented Design(Part Ⅳ:Business Process Design)

16.1 WS-BPEL language basics

16.1.1 A brief history of BPEL4WS and WS-BPEL

16.1.2 Prerequisites

16.1.3 The process element

16.1.4 The partnerLinks and partnerLink elements

16.1.5 The partnerLinkType element

16.1.6 The variables element

16.1.7 The getVariableProperty and getVariableData functions

16.1.8 The sequence element

16.1.9 The invoke element

16.1.10 The receive element

16.1.11 The reply element

16.1.12 The switch,case,and otherwise elements

16.1.13 The assign,copy,from,and to elements

16.1.14 faultHandlers,catch,and catchAll elements

16.1.15 Other WS-BPEL elements

16.2 WS-Coordination overview

16.2.1 The CoordinationContext element

16.2.2 The Identifier and Expires elements

16.2.3 The CoordinationType element

16.2.4 The RegistrationService element

16.2.5 Designating the WS-BusinessActivity coordination type

16.2.6 Designating the WS-AtomicTransaction coordination type

16.3 Service-oriented business process design(a step-by-step process)

16.3.1 Process description

Chapter 17 Fundamental WS-* Extensions

You mustUnderstand this

17.1 WS-Addressing language basics

17.1.1 The EndpointReference element

17.1.2 Message information header elements

17.1.3 WS-Addressing reusability

17.2 WS-ReliableMessaging language basics

17.2.1 The Sequence,MessageNumber,and LastMessage elements

17.2.2 The SequenceAcknowledgement and AcknowledgementRange elements

17.2.3 The Nack element

17.2.4 The AckRequested element

17.2.5 Other WS-ReliableMessaging elements

17.3 WS-Policy language basics

17.3.1 The Policy element and common policy assertions

17.3.2 The ExactlyOne element

17.3.3 The All element

17.3.4 The Usage attribute

17.3.5 The Preference attribute

17.3.6 The PolicyReference element

17.3.7 The PolicyURIs attribute

17.3.8 The PolicyAttachment element

17.3.9 Additional types of policy assertions

17.4 WS-MetadataExchange language basics

17.4.1 The GetMetadata element

17.4.2 The Dialect element

17.4.3 The Identifier element

17.4.4 The Metadata,MetadataSection,and MetadataReference elements

17.4.5 The Get message

17.5 WS-Security language basics

17.5.1 The Security element(WS-Security)

17.5.2 The UsernameToken,Username,and Password elements(WS-Security)

17.5.3 The BinarySecurityToken element(WS-Security)

17.5.4 The SecurityTokenReference element(WS-Security)

17.5.5 Composing Security element contents(WS-Security)

17.5.6 The EncryptedData element(XML-Encryption)

17.5.7 The CipherData,CipherValue,and CipherReference elements(XML-Encryption)

17.5.8 XML-Signature elements

Chapter 18 SOA Platforms

18.1 SOA platform basics

18.1.1 Basic platform building blocks

18.1.2 Common SOA platform layers

18.1.3 Relationship between SOA layers and technologies

18.1.4 Fundamental service technology architecture

18.1.5 Vendor platforms

18.2 SOA support in J2EE

18.2.1 Platform overview

18.2.2 Primitive SOA support

18.2.3 Support for service-orientation principles

18.2.4 Contemporary SOA support

18.3 SOA support in .NET

18.3.1 Platform overview

18.3.2 Primitive SOA support

18.3.3 Support for service-orientation principles

18.3.4 Contemporary SOA support

18.4 Integration considerations

Appendix A Case Studies:Conclusion

A.1 RailCo Ltd

A.2 Transit Line Systems Inc

A.3 The Oasis Car Wash

Appendix B Service Models Reference


About the Author

About the Photographs





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SOA概念、技术与设计是科学出版社于2012.3出版的中图分类号为 TP368.5 的主题关于 互联网络-网络服务器-英文 的书籍。