

郑树棠, 胡全生, 主编







Unit 1 Going to College

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: How to Be Cool at College

Section B

Text B: Hi, I'm New Here!

Section C

Practical Writing: Understanding and Filling in Registration Forms

Unit 2 Learning English: Some Advice and Suggestions

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: If You Don't Make Mistakes, You Won't Learn!

Section B

Text B: How to Learn English from Movies

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing a Business Card

Unit 3 Learn a Lesson from Unusual Stories

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Wealth, Success or Love?

Section B

Text B: Silly Mr.Smith

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Notes (1)

Unit 4 Science and Techology

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Even in Real Life There Were Screens Between Us

Section B

Text B: Five Modern Time-Savers That Really Aren't

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Notes (2)

Unit1 5 I Love This Game!

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: A Winning Personality

Section B

Text B: Michael Jordan and Me

Section C

Practical Writing: Address Format

Unit 6 Celebration of Holidays

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Happy New Year

Section B

Text B: Christmas Traditions

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Personal Letters (1)

Unit 7 Social Activities on Campus

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Meeting New People on Campus

Section B

Text B: Silence on the Court

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Personal Letters (2)

Unit 8 Body Language in Communication

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Body Language in Daily Use

Section B

Text B: Using Gestures to Communicate

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Telephone Messages

Unit 9 New Jobs Today

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Low on Cash? Try Paris for a Holiday!

Section B

Text B: Mystery Customers Are Everywhere

Section C

Practical Writing: Writing Cards for Different Occasions

Until 10 Gender Differences

Leading In and Exploring the Topic

Section A

Text A: Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?

Section B

Text B: Different Ways of Talking

Section C

Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Signs



《新视野英语教程1(读写教程 第三版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》中的每单元围 绕一个主题编写,由Leading In and Exploring the Topic,SectionA,Section B和Section C四大 部分构成。
  Leading In and Exploring the Topic为话题导入和探索部分,提供与单元主题相关的讨论话题、会话及听力练习,引导学生熟悉主题并积极参与本单元的话题讨论。
  Section A包含课文A和相关的阅读理解、词汇、短语、句型、句子翻译等练习。这一部分中的基本写作训练(BasicWritingSkills)旨在巩固学生的语法知识,提高学生的基本写作能力。
  Section B包含课文B和相关的阅读理解、词汇、短语等练习。
  Section c为实用写作训练,旨在培养学生阅读、写作和翻译应用文的能力,内容包括表格、名片、贺卡、简历、信函、广告、公告及产品介绍等多种常见应用文体。预备级为听写和听力理解题,选材围绕课文主题,让学生进一步巩固课文内容。
  《新视野英语教程1(读写教程 第三版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》内容丰富,练习多样,各院校可根据实际需要有选择地使用。同时,《新视野英语教程1(读写教程 第三版)/“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材》还配有网络课程。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


新视野英语教程是外语教学与研究出版社于2014.3出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等职业教育-教材 ,英语-写作-高等职业教育-教材 的书籍。