

(美) 琼斯 (Jones,F.) , 著










1 Introduction to Rn

A Sets

B Countable Sets

C Topology

D Compact Sets

E Continuity

F The Distance Function

2 Lebesgue Measure on Rn

A Construction

B Properties of Lebesgue Measure

C Appendix: Proof of P1 and P2

3 Invariance of Lebesgue Measure

A Some Linear Algebra

B Translation and Dilation

C Orthogonal Matrices

D The General Matrix

4 Some Interesting Sets

A A Nonmeasurable Set

B A Bevy of Cantor Sets

C The Lebesgue Function

D Appendix: The Modulus of Continuity of the Lebesgue Functions

5 Algebras of Sets and Measurable Functions

A Algebras and a-Algebras

B Borel Sets

C A Measurable Set which Is Not a Borel Set

D Measurable Functions

E Simple Functions

6 Integration

A Nonnegative Functions

B General Measurable Functions

C Almost Everywhere

D Integration Over Subsets of Rn

E Generalization: Measure Spaces

F Some Calculations

G Miscellany

7 Lebesgue Integral on Rn

A Riemann Integral

B Linear Change of Variables

C Approximation of Functions in L1

D Continuity of Translation in L1

8 Fubinis Theorem for Rn

9 The Gamma Function

A Definition and Simple Properties

B Generalization

C The Measure of Balls

D Further Properties of the Gamma Function

E Stirlings Formula

F The Gamma Function on R

10 LP Spaces ,

A Definition and Basic Inequalities

B Metric Spaces and Normed Spaces

C Completeness of Lp

D The Case p=∞

E Relations between Lp Spaces

F Approximation by C∞c (Rn)

G Miscellaneous Problems ;

H The Case 0[p[1

11 Products of Abstract Measures

A Products of 5-Algebras

B Monotone Classes

C Construction of the Product Measure

D The Fubini Theorem

E The Generalized Minkowski Inequality

12 Convolutions

A Formal Properties

B Basic Inequalities

C Approximate Identities

13 Fourier Transform on Rn

A Fourier Transform of Functions in L1 (Rn)

B The Inversion Theorem

C The Schwartz Class

D The Fourier-Plancherel Transform

E Hilbert Space

F Formal Application to Differential Equations

G Bessel Functions

H Special Results for n = i

I Hermite Polynomials

14 Fourier Series in One Variable

A Periodic Functions

B Trigonometric Series

C Fourier Coefficients

D Convergence of Fourier Series

E Summability of Fourier Series

F A Counterexample

G Parsevals Identity

H Poisson Summation Formula

I A Special Class of Sine Series

15 Differentiation

A The Vitali Covering Theorem

B The Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Function

C Lebesgues Differentiation Theorem

D The Lebesgue Set of a Function

E Points of Density

F Applications

G The Vitali Covering Theorem (Again)

H The Besicovitch Covering Theorem

I The Lebesgue Set of Order p

J Change of Variables

K Noninvertible Mappings

16 Differentiation for Functions on R

A Monotone Functions

B Jump Functions

C Another Theorem of Fubini

D Bounded Variation

E Absolute Continuity

F Further Discussion of Absolute Continuity

G Arc Length

H Nowhere Differentiable Functions

I Convex Functions


Symbol Index




尺寸23 × 15装帧平装
页数印数 1000


欧氏空间上的勒贝格积分是世界图书出版公司北京公司于2010.5出版的中图分类号为 O172.2 的主题关于 欧几里德空间-勒贝格积分-英文 的书籍。