

(英) 布兰奇 (Branch,A.) , 著







艾伦·E.布兰奇(Alan E.Branch),国际商务和船运顾问,卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)、瑞丁大学(Reading University)、普利茅斯大学(Plymouth University)、莱斯特大学(Leicester University)、伦敦城市大学(London City College)和雷恩商学院(Rennes International School of Business)访问学者,英国特许运输协会和出口协会成员。      陈岩,经济学博士.教授,博士生导师,英国曼彻斯特大学商学院(Manchester Business School)、利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)、布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)访问学者,现任全国出口实务与管理研究会学术委员会主任委员、副秘书长,北京邮电大学研究生院副院长,国际商务研究中心主任。已在International Business Review、《世界经济》、《管理世界》、《中国软科学》、《国际贸易问题》等SSCI、CSSCI、EI核心刊物公开发表学术论文60余篇,以第一作者出版学术专著、教材16部,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:71273035),“时间挤压不经济效应视角下的企业国际化与绩效关系:理论构建与实证研究”等20余项课题研究工作。


CHAPTER 1 International trade

1.1 Scope of book

1.2 Function of international trade

1.3 Survey of international trade

1.4 Export benefits and risk

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 2 Characteristics of international transport modes: 1

2.1 The role and essentials of a transport system

2.2 Canals and inland waterways

2.3 International air transport

2.4 International road transport

2.5 International rail transport

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 3 Characteristics of international transport modes: 2

3.1 Containerization

3.2 Container distribution

3.3 Container types

3.4 Container bases

3.5 Non-containerizable cargo

3.6 Inland clearance depots

3.7 Dry ports

3.8 Sea transport

3.9 Pipelines

3.10 Palletization

3.11 Seaports

3.12 Sea/air concept

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 4 Multi-modalism

4.1 Rationale of development of multi-modalism

4.2 Factors driving multi-modalism in the twenty-first century

4.3 Features of multi-modalism

4.4 Multi-modalism strategy

CHAPTER 5 Logistics and globalization

5.1 Role of logistics

5.2 Factors contributing to the development of logistics

5.3 The logistic freight forwarder

5.4 Criteria of logistic supplier selection

5.5 Future of logistics

5.6 Globalization

5.7 Interface between logistics and globalization

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 6 Freight rates

6.1 Theory of freight rates

6.2 The constituents of the freight rate

6.3 Factors influencing the formulation of freight rates

6.4 Air freight rates

6.5 Canal and inland waterways freight rates

6.6 International rail services rates

6.7 Maritime container rates

6.8 Sea freight rates

6.9 Calculation of freight rates

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 7 Export cargo packaging, stowage, marking and dangerous cargo shipments

7.1 Factors influencing type of cargo packaging

7.2 Types of packaging

7.3 Stowage of cargo

7.4 Marking of cargo

7.5 Dangerous cargo

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 8 Export customs practice

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Value Added Tax

8.3 Customs tariff and classification

8.4 Export controls

8.5 Export documentation and procedures

8.6 Customs reliefs

8.7 Duty preference and origin

Recommended reading

CHAPTER 9 Cargo insurance

CHAPTER 10 Credit insurance

CHAPTER 11 Export finance

CHAPTER 12 Export documentation

CHAPTER 13 Processing the export order

CHAPTER 14 Electronic commerce and paperless trading

CHAPTER 15 Export market entry options strategies and culture

CHAPTER 16 International trade law

CHAPTER 17 International physical distribution/logistics strategy and management




尺寸26 × 21装帧平装
页数印数 3000


出口实务与管理是高等教育出版社于2014.6出版的中图分类号为 F746.12 的主题关于 出口贸易-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。