

宋英, 著







1 Introduction

1.1 The Environment—Concept and Issues

1.2 Environmental Challenges and Responses

1.3 Environment and International Legal Order

1.4 China & International Environmental Law in General

1.5 Conclusion

2 Origin and Evolution of International Environmental Law

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Before the 1972 Stockholm Conference

2.3 From Stockholm to Rio: 1972—1992

2.4 From Rio to Rio+20

2.5 Conclusion

3 Institutions and Governance

3.1 Introduction

3.2 States

3.3 International Institutions

3.4 Non—State Actors

3.5 Conclusion

4 General Principles and Rules

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Sovereignty over Natural Resources and the Responsibility Not to Cause Damage to the Environment of other States or to Areas beyond National Jurisdiction

4.3 Principle of Preventive Action

4.4 Precautionary Principle

4.5 Polluter pays Principle

4.6 Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities

4.7 International Cooperation

4.8 Sustainable Development

4.9 Conclusion

5 Implementation of the General Principles and Rules

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Regulatory Measures

5.3 Econo mic In struments

5.4 Integrated Environmental Management

5.5 Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment

5.6 Environmental Information

5.7 Conclusion

6 Compliance: Enforcement and Conflict Resolution

6.1 Introduction

6.2 National Compliance of International Environmental Law

6.3 International Comp(iance Mechanisms

6.4 International Environmental Conflict Resolution

6.5 Conclusion

7 Atmosphere

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Transboundary Air Pollution

7.3 Ozone Depletion

7.4 Climate Change

7.5 Outer Space

7.6 China and Atmosphere

7.7 Conclusion

8 Oceans and Seas

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Combating Different Sources of Marine Pollution

8.3 Regional Seas Programmes

8.4 China and Oceans and Seas

8.5 Conclusion

9 Freshwater Resources

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Global Responses

9.3 Regional Responses

9.4 China and Freshwater Resources

9.5 Conclusion

10 Biological Diversity

10.1 Introduction

10.2 International Legal Responses

10.3 Biotechnology & Biosafety

10.4 Access and Benefit Sharing

10.5 Conservation of Marine Living Resources and Marine Biodiversity

10.6 China and Biological Divefsity

10.7 Conclusion

11 Land Resources

11.1 Introduction

11.2 International Legaland Policy Responses

11.3 Combating Desertification

11.4 Wetlands

11.5 World Heritages

11.6 Polar Regions

11.7 China and Land Resources

11.8 Conclusion

12 Hazardous Substances and Activities

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Chemicals, Pesticides and other Dangerous Substances

12.3 Persistent Organic Pollutants

12.4 Hazardous Wastes

12.5 Mercury

12.6 Radioactive Substances & Activities

12.7 Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response

12.8 China and Hazardous Substances and Activities

12.9 Conclusion

13 Economic Activities and Environment

14 Human Rights and Environment

15 Armed Conflict & Environment

Select Bibliography

Abbreviations and Acronyms

About the Author





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国际环境法是中国环境出版社于2014.8出版的中图分类号为 D996.9 的主题关于 国际环境法学-英文 的书籍。