

刘良桂, 著







Chapter 1 Advances in Natural Computation

1.1 Swarm intelligence

1.2 Simulated annealing

1.3 Mean field annealing

1.4 Quantum annealing

Chapter 2 Overview of Wireless Multi-hop Networks

2.1 Classification of wireless multi-hop networks

2.2 QoS Routing (QoSR) in wireless multi-hop networks

2.3 Online social networks--a special form of wireless multi-hop networks and related works

Chapter 3 Data Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks

3.1 Introduction of opportunistic networks

3.2 The retrogression of routing in opportunistic networks

3.3 Data forwarding in opportunistic networks

3.4 Conclusions

Chapter 4 Swarm Intelligence Based Node-disjoint Multi-path Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

4.1 Introduction

4.2 AMR description

4.3 Simulation and performance analysis

4.4 Conclusions

Chapter 5 Ant Colony Based Multi-path QoS Routing Protocol for MANETs

5.1 Overview of ant based routing protocols in MANETs

5.2 Outline of ALMR

5.3 Protocol description

5.4 Simulation and performance analysis

5.5 Conclusions

Chapter 6 Multi-constrained QoS Routing Based on Simulated Annealing in MANETs

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Related work

6.3 Introduction to simulated annealing

6.4 Scheme description

6.5 Conclusions

Chapter 7 Mean Field Annealing Based Multi-constraints Path Selection in Wireless Mesh Networks

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Related work

7.3 Proposed algorithm

7.4 Scheme description

7.5 Performance evaluation

7.6 Conclusions

Chapter 8 CO-FSR: Cross-layer Optimized Fisheye State Routing for Ad Hoc Networks

8.1 Introduction

8.2 FSR and its drawback

8.3 Enhancements regarding FSR

8.4 Simulation and analysis

8.5 Conclusions

Chapter 9 Optimal Social Trust Path Selection: Toward Representing the Trust Level of Service Providers More Comprehensively

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Related works

9.3 Formulation of the problem

9.4 Algorithm description

9.5 Experimental results

9.6 Conclusions

Chapter 10 Can Friendship Be Counted on for Securing Wireless Ad Hoc Networks?

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Related work

10.3 Core design of novel trust system

10.4 Process of merging trust semiring, decaying model and friendship model

10.5 Attacks and analyses

10.6 Performance analysis

10.7 Conclusions

Chapter 11 The Most TrustworthyPath Selection in Online Social Networks

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Related work

11.3 Algorithm description

11.4 Experimental results

11.5 Conclusions

Chapter 12 Trustworthiest Trustee Node Selection in Large Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Related works

12.3 Algorithm description

12.4 Experimental results

12.5 Conclusions

Chapter 13 Energy Efficient Multi-constrained Optimal Social Trust Path Selection in Smartphone-based Mobile Social Networks

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Related works

13.3 Algorithm description

13.4 Experimental results

13.5 Conclusions

Chapter 14 Concluding Remarks

Chapter 15 Future Directions




尺寸26 × 19装帧平装


基于自然计算的无线多跳网络QoS路由研究是浙江大学出版社于2013.11出版的中图分类号为 TN92 的主题关于 无线网-路由选择-研究-英文 的书籍。