

方振宇, (美) 芬克 (Fink,E.W.) , (美) 布鲁索斯 (Brosius,J.D.) , 王雄, 王玲, 主编







艾瑞克(EricWayneFink),毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚爱丁堡大学。爱好英语写作,资深英语口语培训教材作者。爱丁堡电影系列组织学者,“振宇英语”特别顾问,计算机系统。资深工程师、英语语言研究专家、英语口语高级培训师。曾编写多部英语口语培训教材,其语言精练、地道。   杰西卡(JessciaDawnBrosius),毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚爱丁堡大学。资深英语口语培训教材作者、英语口语高级培训师、著名动漫画家、短剧作家。英语语言研究专家,“振宇英语”特别顾问。曾编写多部英语口语培训教材,其语言时尚、风趣。


Chapter 1纽约来客New Yorker

Section 1购买机票Flight Ticket Re Servation

Section 2检票登机Check In and Boarding

Section 3在飞机上On the Plane

Section 4行李提取Retrieving the Luggage

Section 5通关检查 Security Check

Section 6问路指路Directions Inquiry

Section 7坐公交Take a Bus

Section 8坐地铁Take a Subway

Section 9坐出租车Take a Taxi

Section 10自驾车Drive a Car

Section 11骑自行车Ride a Bicycle

Chapter 2你好,buddy(基本社交)Basic Communication

Section 1见面问候Greetings

Section 2介绍与回应介绍Introductions and Reply

Section 3感谢与回谢Gratitude and Reply

Section 4道歉与回应Apologize and Reply

Section 5邀请与回应Invitation and Reply

Section 6接打电话Answering the Phone

Section 7天气Weather

Section 8时间与日期Time and Date

Section 9告别Farewell

Chapter 3想念温暖的家(家庭生活)Family

Section 1家人团聚Reunion

Section 2家的模样Home

Section 3睡觉起床Sleeping and Waking up

Section 4一日三餐Meals

Section 5花销储蓄Spending and Saving Money

Section 6看望亲朋Visiting Friends

Chapter 4唐人街美食(吃)Eating Out

Section 1商定餐馆Where to Eat

Section 2点餐Ordering Food

Section 3上菜用餐Eating

Section 4讨论饭菜Discussing your food

Section 5买单Paying

Section 6喝咖啡Getting Coffee

Section 7去酒吧Going to the Bar

Chapter 5购物在99美分店(购物)Shopping

Section 1百货商店Department Stores

Section 2商品式样品牌Different Styles and Brands

Section 3讨价还价Bargaining at the Market

Section 4寻找减价商品 Searching for Sales

Section 5售后服务Customer Service

Chapter 6 Kevin的态度观点Attitude and Mind

Section 1喜欢与讨厌Like and Dislike

Section 2同意与分歧Agreement and Disagreement

Section 3信任与怀疑Trust and Doubt

Section 4接受与拒绝Accept and Refu Se

Section 5犹豫与后悔Hesitate and Regret

Section 6建议与忠告Suggestion and Persuade

Section 7关心与冷漠Care and Indifferent

Section 8责备与提醒Scold and Remind

Section 9催促与安抚Urge and Conciliate

Section 10支持与鼓励Support and Encourage

Section 11讨论与决定Discussion and Decision

Chapter 7今天心情不错(情绪)Under a Good Mood

Section 1高兴与难过Happy and Sad

Section 2惊讶与欣喜Surpri Se and Pleasant

Section 3激动与愤怒Excited and Anger

Section 4乐观与悲观Optimistic and Pessimistic

Section 5抑郁与沮丧Depres Sed and Desperate

Section 6耐心与不耐烦Patient and Impatient

Section 7担心与忧虑Worry and Stres Sed

Section 8期望与失望Promising and Disappointment

Chapter 8爱上哈佛(学)Study

Section 1熟悉校园和同学Getting Familiar

Section 2学校课程Curriculum

Section 3听讲座Lecture

Section 4在图书馆At the Library

Section 5考试测验Tests

Section 6奖学金Scholarship

Section 7社团协会School AssociationSection 8宿舍花絮Dorm

Section 9校园兼职Part-time Job

Section 10毕业舞会Graduation and Prom

Section 11出国留学Studying Abroad

Section 12签证与护照Visa and Passport

Chapter 9 Kevin的爱情Love

Section 1约会Dating

Section 2爱恋Falling in Love

Section 3求婚Marriage Proposal

Section 4婚礼Wedding

Section 5争吵分手Break-up

Chapter 10 Kevin侃大山Free Talk

Section 1买房还是租房To Buy or to Rent

Section 2买车Buying a Car

Section 3股票基金Trading Stocks

Section 4报刊杂志Newspapers and Magazines

Section 5闪婚Flash Marriage

Section 6享受单身Enjoying Single

Section 7中性美女Tomboy

Section 8月光族Paycheck to Paycheck

Section 9节假日Holidays

Section 10网上购物Online Shopping

Section 11博客Blog

Section 12秘密 Secret

Section 13友谊Friendship

Section 14环境Environment

Section 15 IQ与EQ IQ and EQ

Section 16创业Starting a Business

Section 17激情NBA National Sports

Section 18运动健身Exerci Se and Fitness

Section 19减肥Lo Se Weight

Chapter 11好莱坞的梦想(娱乐)Entertainment

Section 1音乐的狂想Music

Section 2电影的魅力Movies

Section 3沙发土豆TV

Section 4散步星光大道Hollywood Walk of Fame

Chapter 12打拼在华尔街(职)The Job Market

Section 1求职应聘Job Hunting

Section 2面试进行时Interview

Section 3上班第一天First Day

Section 4职场培训Training

Section 5出勤与迟到Arriving at Work Late

Section 6请假Taking a Leave

Section 7调班加班Shifts and Overwork

Section 8升职加薪Promotion and Getting a Rai Se

Section 9工作压力Work Pressure

Section 10解聘与辞职Quitting/Resignation

Chapter 13 Kevin出游Travel

Section 1旅游计划Travel Planning

Section 2选择旅行社Choo Se the Travel Agency

Section 3参观游览Sight Seeing Tour

Section 4旅途遇到麻烦Trouble

Section 5拍照留恋Photo Taking

Section 6买纪念品Buying Souvenirs

Section 7入住宾馆Hotel

Section 8旅行归来Back From the Trip

Chapter 14生病怎么办?Sickness

Section 1感冒发烧Suffering from a Fever

Section 2预约医生Doctor Appointment

Section 3去医院Going to the Hospital

Section 4手术及护理Operation and Care

Section 5住院出院Living in the Hospital

Section 6医疗保险Medical Insurance

Chapter 15享受公共服务Public Service

Section 1邮局Post Office

Section 2银行Bank

Section 3博物馆Mu Seum

Section 4电话亭Telephone Booth/Collect Calling

Section 5社区居委会Neighborhood Community

Section 6警察局Police Station

Section 7理发店Hair Salon

Section 8洗衣房Laundromat






尺寸21 × 14装帧平装


就这900句,玩转口语是海豚出版社于2011.2出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-口语 的书籍。