全球气候变化中的紫外线辐射 : 观测、模拟及其对生态系统的影响

全球气候变化中的紫外线辐射 : 观测、模拟及其对生态系统的影响

高炜, (美) 施默尔特 (Schmoldt,D.L) , (美) 斯拉瑟 (Slusser,J.R.) , 主编







List of Contributors 1 A Climatology of UV Radiation, 1979 - 2000, 65S - 65N 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Method 1.3 Results 1.3.1 Satellite-Derived UV Climatologies 1.3.2 Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements .. 1.3.3 Discussion of Uncertanties 1.4 ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences2 Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Ultraviolet Radiation 3 Climatology of Ultraviolet Radiation at High Latitudes Derived from Measurements of the National Science Foundation's Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitoring Network 4 UV Solar Radiation in Polar Regions: Consequences for the Environment and Human Health

List of Contributors 1 A Climatology of UV Radiation, 1979 - 2000, 65S - 65N 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Method 1.3 Results 1.3.1 Satellite-Derived UV Climatologies 1.3.2 Comparison with Ground-Based Measurements .. 1.3.3 Discussion of Uncertanties 1.4 ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences2 Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Ultraviolet Radiation 3 Climatology of Ultraviolet Radiation at High Latitudes Derived from Measurements of the National Science Foundation's Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitoring Network 4 UV Solar Radiation in Polar Regions: Consequences for the Environment and Human Health 5 Changes in Ultraviolet and Visible Solar Irradiance 1979 to 2008 6 The Brewer Spectrophotometer 7 Techniques for Solar Dosimetry in Different Environments 8 References An Ultraviolet Radiation Monitoring and Research Program for Agriculture 9 Radiative Transfer in the Coupled Atmosphere-Snow-Ice-Ocean (CASIO) System: Review of Modeling Capabilities 10 Comparative Analysis of UV-B Exposure Between Nimbus 7/TOMS Satellite Estimates and Ground-Based Measurements11 Ultraviolet Radiation and Its Interaction with Air Pollution 12 Urban Forest Influences on Exposure to UV Radiation and Potential Consequences for Human Health 13 Solar UV-B Radiation and Global Dimming: Effects on Plant Growth and UV-Shielding 14 Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation and lts Interactions with Climate Change Factors on Agricultural Crop Growth and Yield 15 Assessment of DNA Damage as a Tool to Measure UV-B Tolerance in Soybean Lines Differing in Foliar Flavonoid Composition 16 Physiological Impacts of Short-Term UV Irradiance Exposures on Cultivars of Glycine Max17 UV-Effects on Young Seedlings of Soybean: Effects in Early Development and Long-Term Effects 18 Characteristics of UV-B Radiation Tolerance in Broadleaf Trees in Southern USA Acknowledgements References Index


大量研究指出紫外线(UV)辐射对生物有机体有害,并且危害人类健康。对地表UV-B辐射强度增加的研究极大地促进了地基和空基相关观测项目的发展;人们还需要进一步对UV辐射的观测、建模和影响进行深入研究。本书各章描述了过去30年来世界范围内与UV辐射相关的研究工作,涉及的领域有:①UV辐射的当前与预测水平及其对生态系统、人类健康、经济与社会的影响;②UV辐射观测仪器的最新发展,地基和空基观测仪器定标进展情况以及观测方法,建模与有关应用;③全球气候变化对紫外线辐射的影响。 对于涉及全球气候变化、气象学、气候学、环境科学、生物学和农林科学的大专院校高年级本科生、研究生和教师,本书是一本很有价值的参考书。相关领域的科学家、决策者和普通公众亦能受益于此书。


本书是一本很有价值的参考书。书中各章描述了过去30年来世界范围内与UV辐射相关的研究工作,涉及的领域有:①UV辐射的当前与预测水平及其对生态系统、人类健康、经济与社会的影响;②UV辐射观测仪器的最新发展,地基和空基观测仪器定标进展情况以及观测方法,建模与有关应用;③全球气候变化对紫外线辐射的影响。 本书适合从事相关研究工作的人员参考阅读。


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页数印数 800


全球气候变化中的紫外线辐射 : 观测、模拟及其对生态系统的影响是清华大学出版社于2009.9出版的中图分类号为 X171 ,X122 的主题关于 紫外线-辐射-影响-生态系统-研究-英文 的书籍。