

(英) 卡如萨 (Carruthers,W.) , 著







Preface to the first edition

Preface to the fourth edition

1 Formation of carbon-carbon single bonds

1.1 Main-group chemistry

1.1.1 Alkylation of enolates and enamines

1.1.2 Conjugate addition reactions of enolates and enamines

1.1.3 The aldol reaction

1.1.4 Asymmetric methodology with enolates and enamines

1.1.5 Organolithium reagents

1.1.6 Organomagnesium reagents

1.1.7 Organozinc reagents

1.1.8 Allylic organometallics of boron, silicon and tin

1.2 Transition-metal chemistry


1.2.1 Organocopper reagents

1.2.2 Organochromium chemistry

1.2.3 Organocobalt chemistry

1.2.4 Organopalladium chemistry

2 Formation of carbon-carbon double bonds

2.1 B-Elimination reactions

2.2 Pyrolytic syn eliminations

2.3 Fragmentation reactions

2.4 Alkenes from hydrazones

2.5 Alkenes from 1,2-diols

2.6 Alkenes from alkynes

2.7 The Wittig and related reactions

2.8 Alkenes from sulfones

2.9 Alkenes using titanium or chromium reagents

2.10 Alkene metathesis reactions


3 Pericyclic reactions

3.1 The Diels-Alder cycloaddition reaction

3.1.1 The dienophile

3.1.2 The diene

3.1.3 Regiochemistry of the Diels-Alder reaction

3.1.4 Stereochemistry of the Diels-Alder reaction

3.1.5 Intramolecular Diels-Alder reactions

3.1.6 The retro Diels-Alder reaction

3.1.7 Asymmetric Diels-Alder reactions

3.2 Cycloaddition reactions

3.3 Cycloaddition reactions with allyl cations and allyl anions

3.4 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reactions

3.5 The ene reaction

3.6 -Sigmatropic rearrangements

3.6.1 The Cope rearrangement

3.6.2 The Claisen rearrangement

3.7 -Sigmatropic rearrangements

3.8 Electrocyclic reactions


4 Radical and carbene chemistry

4.1 Radicals

4.1.1 Radical abstraction reactions

4.1.2 Radical addition reactions

4.2 Carbenes


5 Functionalization of alkenes

5.1 Hydroboration

5.1.1 Reactions of organoboranes

5.2 Epoxidation and aziridination

5.2.1 Epoxidation

5.2.2 Asymmetric epoxidation

5.2.3 Aziridination


6 Oxidation

7 Reduction

Answers to problems



作者简介:BILL ARRUTHERS was born in Glasgow. He won a bursary to Glasgow Uni-versity, where he graduated with a first-lass honours degree in 1946 and a Ph.D.in 1949. He moved to Exeter in 1956, working first for the Medial Researhounil and then, from 1968, as a leturer then senior leturer at the Departmentof hemistry in the University of Exeter. He died in April 1990, just a few monthsbefore he was due to retire. The fourth edition of this well-known textbook discusses the key methods used inorganic synthesis, showing the value and scope of these methods and how they areused in the synthesis of complex molecules. All the text from the third edition hasbeen revised, to produce a modem account of traditional methods and an up-to-datedescription of recent advancements in synthetic chemistry. The textbook maintainsa traditional and logical approach in detailing carbon--carbon bond formations,followed by a new chapter on the functionalization of alkenes and concluding withoxidation and reduction reactions. Reference style has been improved to includefootnotes, allowing easy and rapid access to the primary literature. In addition, aselection of problems has been added at the end of each chapter, with answersat the end of the book. The book will be of significant interest to chemistry andbiochemistry students at advanced undergraduate and graduate level, as well asto researchers in academia and industry who wish to familiarize themselves withmodem synthetic methods.


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