

(美) 朱利安尼 (Giuliani,G.F.) , 著







haldane's pseudopotentials10.8 the laughlin wave function10.8.1 a most elegant educated guess10.8.2 the classical plasma analogy10.8.3 structure factor and sum rules10.8.4 interpolation formula for the energy10.9 fractionally charged quasiparticles10.10 the fractional quantum hall effect10.11 observation of the fractional charge10.12 incompressibility of the quantum hall liquid10.13 neutral excitations10.13.1 the single mode approximation10.13.2 effective elasticity theory10.13.3 bosonization10.14 the spectral function10.14.1 an exact sum rule10.14.2 independent boson theory10.15 chern-simons theory10.15.1 formulation and mean field theory10.15.2 electromagnetic response of composite particles10.16 composite fermions10.17 the half-fi!led state10.18 the reality of composite fermions10.19 wigner crystal and the stripe phase10.20 edge states and dynamics10.20.1 sharp edges vs smooth edges10.20.2 electrostatics of edge channels10.20.3 collective modes at the edge10.20.4 the chirai luttinger liquid10.20.5 tunneling and transportexercisesappendicesappendix 1 fourier transform of the coulomb interaction in lowdimensional systemsappendix 2 second-quantized representation of some usefuloperatorsappendix 3 normal ordering and wick's theoremappendix 4 the pair correlation function and the structurefactorappendix 5 calculation of the energy of a wigner crystal via theewaid methodappendix 6 exact lower bound on the ground-state energy of thejellium modelappendix 7 the density--density response function in acrystalappendix 8 example in which the isothermal and adiabatic responsesdifferappendix 9 lattice screening effects on the effectiveelectron-electron interactionappendix 10 construction of the stls exchange-correlationfieldappendix 11 interpolation formulas for the local fieldfactorsappendix 12 real space-time form of the noninteracting green'sfunctionappendix 13 calculation of the ground-state energy andthermodynamic potentialappendix 14 spectral representation and frequency summationsappendix 15 construction of a complete set of wavefunctions, with agiven densityappendix 16 meaning of the highest occupied kohn-sham eigenvalue inmetalsappendix 17 density functional perturbation theoryappendix 18 density functional theory at finite temperatureappendix 19 completeness of the bosonic basis set for the luttingermodelappendix 20 proof of the disentanglement iemmaappendix 21 the independent boson theoremappendix 22 the three-dimensional electron gas at high magneticfieldappendix 23 density matrices in the lowest landau levelappendix 24 projection in the lowest landau levelappendix 25 solution of the independent boson modelreferencesindex


materialsscience, quantum chem- istry, nano-electronics, biology, andquantum computation. Accordingly, its importance can hardly beoverestimated. The field is particularly attractive not only forthe simplicity of its classic formulation, but also because, by itsvery nature, it is still possible for individual researchers, armedwith thoughtfulness and dedication, and surrounded by a small groupof collaborators, to make deep contributions, in the best traditionof "small science".  


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 800 印数 1000


电子液体量子理论是世界图书出版公司北京公司于2011.1出版的中图分类号为 TN02 的主题关于 电子设备-量子液体-研究-英文 的书籍。