

茹克叶·穆罕默德, 主编







CONTENTSChapter One Theories on LanguageTeaching 1.1 Theories on LanguageTeaching 1.2 Krashen’s Theory on LanguageAcquisition 1.3 Role of Mother Tongue in Second LanguageAcquisition 1.4ConclusionChapter Two Brief History of LanguageTeaching 2.1 The Influence of GreekEducation 2.2 Struggle between Traditional and ProgressiveApproaches 2.3 The Figures Who Influenced LanguageTeaching 2.4 The Relationship between English and OtherLanguages 2.5ConclusionChapter Three ClassroomManagement 3.1 ClassroomManagement 3.2 Teachers’Role 3.3 LessonPlanning 3.4 ClassAtmosphere 3.5 Large EFLClasses 3.6ConclusionChapter Four Listening and SpeakingInstruction 4.1 Introduction toListening 4.2 Principles of ListeningTeaching 4.3 Listening Instruction in theClassroom 4.4 An Example of ListeningInstruction 4.5 Introduction toSpeaking 4.6 Principles for TeachingSpeaking 4.7 ClassroomActivities 4.8 Examples of SpeakingActivities 4.9ConclusionChapter Five ReadingInstruction 5.1 Introduction toReading 5.2 Principles of ReadingInstruction 5.3 Reading Instruction in theClassroom 5.4 An Example of ReadingInstruction 5.5ConclusionChapter Six WritingInstruction 6.1 Introduction toWriting 6.2 Principles of WritingInstruction 6.3 Writing Instruction in theClassroom 6.4 An Example of WritingInstruction 6.5ConclusionChapter Seven PronunciationTeaching 7.1 Introduction to English Pronunciation Teaching andLearning 7.2 Types of Pronunciation Errors inChina 7.3 Tentative Explanations for Students PronunciationErrors 7.4 Several Ways to TeachPronunciation 7.5 Suggestions for English Pronunciation Teaching andLearning 7.6 The Future of PronunciationTeaching 7.7ConclusionChapter Eight Vocabulary Teaching andLearning 8.1 Introduction; Vocabulary Teaching and Learning in Its CurrentState 8.2 What Needs to Be Taught andLearned 8.3 How Should Vocabulary Teaching and LearningOccur 8.4ConclusionChapter Nine GrammarTeaching 9.1 The Role of Grammar in LanguageTeaching 9.2 What Can Learners Learn aboutGrammar 9.3 What Can Teachers Teach aboutGrammar 9.4ConclusionChapter Ten IntegratingSkills 10.1 Why Should the Skills Need to BeIntegrated 10.2 Basic Forms of IntegratingSkills 10.3 Integration-Oriented Language TeachingApproaches 10.4ConclusionChapter Eleven Observation of TeacherTalk 11.1 Definition of TeacherTalk 11.2 Types of the IRFModel 11.3 Analysis of TeacherTalk 11.4 Questioning and Its PragmaticFunction 11.5 Evaluating and Its PragmaticFunction 11.6 Teacher’sVoice 11.7ConclusionChapter Twelve Foreign Language TeacherEducation 12.1 Conceptual Foundation of Foreign Language TeacherEducation 12.2 An Important Paradigm in Teacher DevelopmentCriticalReflection 12.3 Some Current Approaches to Professional Development forForeign LanguageTeachers 12.4 Activities and Procedures for Teacher Preparation ofClasses 12.5 TeacherSupervision 12.6ConclusionChapter Thirteen History of Foreign Language Teaching at Home andAbroad 13.1 Historical Development of Foreign Language Teaching inChina 13.2 Language Teaching atPresent 13.3 Overall Developmental History of Foreign Language Teaching intheWorld 13.4ConclusionChapter Fourteen Main Genres of Language TeachingMethods 14.1 Main Language TeachingMethods 14.2ConclusionReferences


  本书共14章,在系统地总结分析国内现有的教学法教材基础上,力求引入其他教学法教材所没有的内容,如国内外语言教学的历史和发展,教师教育以及教师的课堂语言等,是一本内容涵盖较全的教学法教材。本书不仅可作为高等院校英语专业研究生教学法课程的教材,同时可作为英语专业本科生“英语教学法”课程的重要参考书及用于各类外语教师的培训课程。【作者简介】  茹克叶·穆罕默德,教授, 硕士生导师,中国地质大学外国语学院院长,毕业于新西兰维多利亚大学语言学院,第十一届全国政协委员,北京市民族教育学会理事,北京市民联谊会理事,北京市海淀区女教授联谊会理事,1987年至1990在新西兰学习并获文学硕士学位,2008至2009年在美国做访问学者,2008年获政府特殊津贴。  1977年至1981年在新疆工学院工作,1981年至2000年在新疆师范大学工作,曾任外语系副主任,主任,新疆高校外语教学研究会副会长,新疆教育学会中学外语教学研究会常务理事,自治区青联委员,第七届自治区政协委员,第九届、第十届全国政协委员,从事英语教学与研究29年。出版译著两部教材两部。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 240 印数 700


外语教学法是知识产权出版社于2012.3出版的中图分类号为 H09 的主题关于 外语教学-教学法-英文 的书籍。