STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program1 What You Need to Know About the AP Biology ExamBackground of the Advanced Placement ProgramWho Writes the AP Biology ExamThe AP Grades and Who Receives ThemReasons for Taking the AP Biology ExamQuestions Frequently Asked About the AP Biology Exam2 How to Plan Your TimeThree Approaches to Preparing for the AP Biology ExamCalendar for Each Plan3 Take a Diagnostic ExamDiagnostic Exam for AP BiologyDiagnostic/Master Exam: AP BiologyAnswers and ExplanationsScoring and Interpretation
STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program1 What You Need to Know About the AP Biology ExamBackground of the Advanced Placement ProgramWho Writes the AP Biology ExamThe AP Grades and Who Receives ThemReasons for Taking the AP Biology ExamQuestions Frequently Asked About the AP Biology Exam2 How to Plan Your TimeThree Approaches to Preparing for the AP Biology ExamCalendar for Each PlanSTEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness3 Take a Diagnostic ExamDiagnostic Exam for AP BiologyDiagnostic/Master Exam: AP BiologyAnswers and ExplanationsScoring and InterpretationSTEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success4 How to Approach Each Question TypeMultiple-Choice QuestionsFree-Response QuestionsSTEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High5 ChemistryIntroductionElements, Compounds, Atoms, and IonsLipids, Carbohydrates, and ProteinsEnzymespH: Acids and BasesReactionsReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review6 CellsIntroductionTypes of CellsOrganellesCell Membranes: Fluid Mosaic ModelTypes of Cell TransportReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review7 RespirationIntroductionAerobic RespirationAnaerobic RespirationReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review8 PhotosynthesisIntroductionThe Players in PhotosynthesisThe Reactions of PhotosynthesisTypes of PhotosynthesisReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review9 Cell DivisionIntroductionCell Division in ProkaryotesThe Cell CycleMitosisControl of Cell DivisionHaploid Versus Diploid OrganismsMeiosisLife CyclesSources of Cell VariationReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review10 HeredityIntroductionTerms Important in Studying HeredityMendel and His PeasIntermediate InheritanceOther Forms of InheritanceSex Determination and Sex LinkageLinkage and Gene MappingHeads or Tails?PedigreesCommon DisordersChromosomal ComplicationsReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review11 Molecular GeneticsIntroductionDNA Structure and FunctionRNA Structure and FunctionReplication of DNATranscription of DNARNA ProcessingTranslation of RNAGene ExpressionThe Genetics of VirusesThe Genetics of BacteriaGenetic EngineeringReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review12 EvolutionIntroductionDefinition of EvolutionNatural SelectionLamarck and DarwinAdaptationsTypes of SelectionEvolution PatternsSources of VariationSpeciationWhen Evolution is not Occurring: Hardy-Weinberg EquilibriumThe Evidence for EvolutionMacroevolutionHow Life Probably EmergedReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review13 Taxonomy and ClassificationIntroductionFive or Six Kingdoms?Kingdom MoneraEndosymbiotic TheoryKingdom ProtistaKingdom PlantaeKingdom FungiKingdom AnimaliaReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review14 PlantsIntroductionAnatomy of PlantsRootsThe Shoot SystemPlant HormonesPlant TropismsPhotoperiodismGo with the Flow: Osmosis, Capillary Action, Cohesion-TensionTheory, and TranspirationThe Changing of the Guard: Regulating Stomata Activity"Move Over, Sugar": Carbohydrate Transport Through PhloemReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review15 Human PhysiologyIntroductionCirculatory SystemRespiratory SystemDigestive SystemControl of the Internal EnvironmentNervous SystemMuscular SystemEndocrine SystemImmune SystemReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review16 Human ReproductionIntroductionSex DifferencesAnatomyEmbryonic DevelopmentThe Influence of HormonesReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review17 Behavioral Ecology and EthologyIntroductionTypes of Animal LearningAnimal MovementAnimal CommunicationReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review18 Ecology in Further DetailIntroductionPopulation Ecology and GrowthLife History StrategiesCommunity and SuccessionTrophic LevelsBiomesBiogeochemical CyclesReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid Review19 Laboratory ReviewIntroductionLaboratory Experiment 1: Diffusion and OsmosisLaboratory Experiment 2: Enzyme CatalysisLaboratory Experiment 3: Mitosis and MeiosisLaboratory Experiment 4: Plant Pigments and PhotosynthesisLaboratory Experiment 5: Cell RespirationLaboratory Experiment 6: Molecular BiologyLaboratory Experiment 7: Genetics of OrganismsLaboratory Experiment 8: Population Genetics and EvolutionLaboratory Experiment 9: TranspirationLaboratory Experiment 10: Physiology of the CirculatorySystemLaboratory Experiment 11: Animal BehaviorLaboratory Experiment 12: Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic PrimaryProductivityReview QuestionsAnswers and ExplanationsRapid ReviewSTEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking ConfidencePractice Free-Response Test 1Practice Free-Response Test 2Practice Free-Response Test 3Practice Free-Response Test 4AP Biology Practice Exam 1AP Biology Practice Exam 2AppendixesBibliographyWeb sitesGlossary
科学的“五步”学习方案 巧妙的解题方法和策略 详细的学科内容讲解 典型的针对性练习 高仿真模拟套题
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书名 | AP生物5分制胜站内查询相似图书 | ||
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出版地 | 西安 | 出版单位 | 西安交通大学出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 68.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 26 × 19 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 印数 |
AP生物5分制胜是西安交通大学出版社于2013.5出版的中图分类号为 Q 的主题关于 生物学-高等学校-入学考试-美国-自学参考资料-英文 的书籍。
(美) 马克 (Anestis,M.) , (美) 凯莉 (Cox,K.P.) , 编著
(美) 雅各布斯 (Jacobs,G.) , (美) 舒尔曼 (Schulman,J.) , 编著
(美) 约翰 (Moore,J.T.) , (美) 理查德 (Langley,R.H.) , 编著
(美) 穆尔 (Moore,J.T.) , (美) 兰利 (Langley,R.H.) , 编著
(美) 马 (Ma,W.) , (美) 惠特 (Wheater,C.) , 编著
(美) 阿姆斯特朗 (Armstrong,S.) , 编著
(美) 丹尼尔 (Murphy,D.P.) , (美) 史蒂芬 (Armstrong,S.) , 编著
(美) 欣德斯 (Hinders,D.C.) , (美) 克雷恩 (Craine,B.) , 编著
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