

周苹, 编著







Chapter 1 An Overview of International Business 1.1 What Is International Business? 1.2 Why Study International Business? 1.3 International Business Activity  1.3.1 Exporting and Importing  1.3.2 International Investments  1.3.3 Other Forms of International Business Activity 1.4 What Is Globalization  1.4.1 The Globalization of Markets  1.4.2 The Globalization of Production 1.5 The Contemporary Causes of Globalization  1.5.1 Strategic Imperatives  1.5.2 Environmental Change and GlobalizationChapter 2 The Social Environment of International Business 2.1 Economic Systems

Chapter 1 An Overview of International Business 1.1 What Is International Business? 1.2 Why Study International Business? 1.3 International Business Activity  1.3.1 Exporting and Importing  1.3.2 International Investments  1.3.3 Other Forms of International Business Activity 1.4 What Is Globalization  1.4.1 The Globalization of Markets  1.4.2 The Globalization of Production 1.5 The Contemporary Causes of Globalization  1.5.1 Strategic Imperatives  1.5.2 Environmental Change and GlobalizationChapter 2 The Social Environment of International Business 2.1 Economic Systems  2.1.1 Market Economy  2.1.2 Command Economy  2.1.3 Mixed Economy 2.2 Culture and International Business  2.2.1 What Is Culture'?  2.2.2 International Manager's Task in Cross-cultural Markets  2.2.3 The Elements of Culture  2.2.4 Analytical Approaches to Culture  2.2.5 Sources of Cultural Knowledge 2.3 Legal Systems Environment  2.3.1 Different Legal Systems  2.3.2 Contract Law  2.3.3 Property Rights  2.3.4 The Protection of Intellectual Property 2.4 The Political EnvironmentChapter 3 International Trade and Investment Theory 3.1 Classical Country-Based Trade Theories  3.1.1 Mercantilism  3.1.2 The Theory of Absolute Advantage  3.1.3 The Theory of Comparative Advantage  3.1.4 Factor Proportions Trade Theory  3.1.5 The Leontief Paradox3.2 Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories  3.2.1 Country Similarity Theory  3.2.2 Product Life Cycle Theory  3.2.3 Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition 3.3 The Competitive Advantage of Nations 3.4 International Investment Theories  3.4.1 Ownership Advantages  3.4.2 Internalization Theory  3.4.3 Eclectic Theory 3.5 Factors Influencing Foreign Direct InvestmentChapter 4 The World Trade Organization and Regional Economic Integratinn 4.1 The World Trade Organization  4.1.1 The WTO's Goals and Functions  4.1.2 Basic Agreements  4.1.3 Developing Countries 4.2 Regional Economic Integration  4.2.1 What Is Regional Economic Integration?  4.2.2 Forms of Regional Economic Integration 4.3 The Arguments about Economic Integration  4.3.1 The Case for Regional Integration  4.3.2 The Case against Regional Integration ……Chapter 5 Foreign Exchange and International Financial MarketsChapter 6 The Strategy and Structure of International BusinessChapter 7 Entry Strategy and Strategic AlliancesChapter 8 Import and Export Trade OperationsChapter 9 International Operations ManagementChapter 10 International MarketingChapter 11 International Financial ManagementChapter 12 International AccountingChapter 13 International Human Resource MangementChapter 14 International Logistics and Supply-Chain Management


全书分为14章,内容包括:国际商务环境、国际金融、贸易与投资、国际区域经济一体化、国际企业经营战略与联合、进出口贸易及生产运营管理、国际市场营销、国际企业财务管理、人力资源及国际物流。书的结构为:学习目的、正文、专栏、注释、练习及案例。配备课件与练习参考答案。 文字陈述将专业性与通俗性相结合,简明、易懂;该书既适于作为本科生和低年级研究生的专业英语教材,也可作为相关从业人员进修读本。




国际商务综合教程是北京交通大学出版社于2009.06出版的中图分类号为 F74 的主题关于 国际贸易-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。