

(美) 霍斯特曼 (Horstmann,C.S.) , (美) 康奈尔 (Cornell,G.) , 著





本书是Java技术权威指南,全面覆盖Java技术的高级主题,包括输入输出流、XML、网络API、数据库编程、高级Swing、Java2D API、JavaBean构件、安全、分布式对象、脚本、编译与注解处理等,同时涉及本地化、国际化以及Java SE7的内容。本书对Java技术的阐述精确到位,叙述方式深入浅出,并包含大量程序示例,让读者充分理解Java语言以及Java类库的相关高级特性。


Cay S. Horstmann 是Scala for the Impatient的作者,还与人合著了Core JavaServer Faces。他是圣何塞州立大学计算机科学专业的教授,还是一名Java Champion,并经常在很多开发者大会上演讲。 Gary Cornell 在编程方面拥有20多年的写作和教育经验。他是Apress的创始人之一,编写了很多与开发相关的畅销书,是Jolt大奖的获奖者之一,还荣获过Visual Basic Magazine的读者选择奖。


Preface v

Acknowledgments ix

Chapter 1: Streams and Files

1.1 Streams

1.1.1 Reading and Writing Bytes

1.1.2 The Complete Stream Zoo

1.1.3 Combining Stream Filters

1.2 Text Input and Output

1.2.1 How to Write Text Output

1.2.2 How to Read Text Input

1.2.3 Saving Objects in Text Format

1.2.4 Character Sets

1.3 Reading and Writing Binary Data

1.3.1 Random-Access Files

1.4 ZIP Archives

1.5 Object Streams and Serialization

1.5.1 Understanding the Object Serialization File Format

1.5.2 Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism

1.5.3 Serializing Singletons and Typesafe Enumerations

1.5.4 Versioning

1.5.5 Using Serialization for Cloning

1.6 Working with Files

1.6.1 Paths

1.6.2 Reading and Writing Files

1.6.3 Copying, Moving, and Deleting Files

1.6.4 Creating Files and Directories

1.6.5 Getting File Information

1.6.6 Iterating over the Files in a Directory

1.6.7 ZIP File Systems

1.7 Memory-Mapped Files

1.7.1 The Buffer Data Structure

1.7.2 File Locking

1.8 Regular Expressions

Chapter 2: XML

2.1 Introducing XML

2.1.1 The Structure of an XML Document

2.2 Parsing an XML Document

2.3 Validating XML Documents

2.3.1 Document Type Definitions

2.3.2 XML Schema

2.3.3 A Practical Example

2.4 Locating Information with XPath

2.5 Using Namespaces

2.6 Streaming Parsers

2.6.1 Using the SAX Parser

2.6.2 Using the StAX Parser

2.7 Generating XML Documents

2.7.1 Documents without Namespaces

2.7.2 Documents with Namespaces

2.7.3 Writing Documents

2.7.4 An Example: Generating an SVG File

2.7.5 Writing an XML Document with StAX

2.8 XSL Transformations

Chapter 3: Networking

3.1 Connecting to a Server

3.1.1 Socket Timeouts

3.1.2 Internet Addresses

3.2 Implementing Servers

3.2.1 Serving Multiple Clients

3.2.2 Half-Close

3.3 Interruptible Sockets

3.4 Getting Web Data

3.4.1 URLs and URIs

3.4.2 Using a URLConnection to Retrieve Information

3.4.3 Posting Form Data

3.5 Sending E-Mail

Chapter 4: Database Programming

4.1 The Design of JDBC

4.1.1 JDBC Driver Types

4.1.2 Typical Uses of JDBC

4.2 The Structured Query Language

4.3 JDBC Configuration

4.3.1 Database URLs

4.3.2 Driver JAR Files

4.3.3 Starting the Database

4.3.4 Registering the Driver Class

4.3.5 Connecting to the Database

4.4 Executing SQL Statements

4.4.1 Managing Connections, Statements, and Result Sets

4.4.2 Analyzing SQL Exceptions

4.4.3 Populating a Database

4.5 Query Execution

4.5.1 Prepared Statements

4.5.2 Reading and Writing LOBs

4.5.3 SQL Escapes

4.5.4 Multiple Results

4.5.5 Retrieving Autogenerated Keys

4.6 Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets

4.6.1 Scrollable Result Sets

4.6.2 Updatable Result Sets

4.7 Row Sets

4.7.1 Constructing Row Sets

4.7.2 Cached Row Sets

4.8 Metadata

4.9 Transactions

4.9.1 Save Points

4.9.2 Batch Updates

4.9.3 Advanced SQL Types

4.10 Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications

Chapter 5: Internationalization

5.1 Locales

5.2 Number Formats

5.2.1 Currencies

5.3 Date and Time

5.4 Collation

5.4.1 Collation Strength

5.4.2 Decomposition

5.5 Message Formatting

5.5.1 Choice Formats

5.6 Text Files and Character Sets

5.6.1 Character Encoding of Source Files

5.7 Resource Bundles

5.7.1 Locating Resource Bundles

5.7.2 Property Files

5.7.3 Bundle Classes

5.8 A Complete Example

Chapter 6: Advanced Swing

6.1 Lists

6.1.1 The JList Component

6.1.2 List Models

6.1.3 Inserting and Removing Values

6.1.4 Rendering Values

6.2 Tables

6.2.1 A Simple Table

6.2.2 Table Models

6.2.3 Working with Rows and Columns Column Classes Accessing Table Columns Resizing Columns Resizing Rows Selecting Rows, Columns, and Cells Sorting Rows Filtering Rows Hiding and Displaying Columns

6.2.4 Cell Rendering and Editing Rendering the Header Cell Editing Custom Editors

6.3 Trees

6.3.1 Simple Trees Editing Trees and Tree Paths

6.3.2 Node Enumeration

6.3.3 Rendering Nodes

6.3.4 Listening to Tree Events

6.3.5 Custom Tree Models

6.4 Text Components

6.4.1 Change Tracking in Text Components

6.4.2 Formatted Input Fields Integer Input Behavior on Loss of Focus Filters Verifiers Other Standard Formatters Custom Formatters

6.4.3 The JSpinner Component

6.4.4 Displaying HTML with the JEditorPane

6.5 Progress Indicators

6.5.1 Progress Bars

6.5.2 Progress Monitors

6.5.3 Monitoring the Progress of Input Streams

6.6 Component Organizers and Decorators

6.6.1 Split Panes

6.6.2 Tabbed Panes

6.6.3 Desktop Panes and Internal Frames

6.6.4 Cascading and Tiling

6.6.5 Vetoing Property Settings Dialogs in Internal Frames Outline Dragging Layers

Chapter 7: Advanced AWT

7.1 The Rendering Pipeline

7.2 Shapes

7.2.1 Using the Shape Classes

7.3 Areas

7.4 Strokes

7.5 Paint

7.6 Coordinate Transformations

7.7 Clipping

7.8 Transparency and Composition

7.9 Rendering Hints

7.10 Readers and Writers for Images

7.10.1 Obtaining Readers and Writers for Image File Types

7.10.2 Reading and Writing Files with Multiple Images

7.11 Image Manipulation

7.11.1 Constructing Raster Images

7.11.2 Filtering Images

7.12 Printing

7.12.1 Graphics Printing

7.12.2 Multiple-Page Printing

7.12.3 Print Preview

7.12.4 Print Services

7.12.5 Stream Print Services

7.12.6 Printing Attributes

7.13 The Clipboard

7.13.1 Classes and Interfaces for Data Transfer

7.13.2 Transferring Text

7.13.3 The Transferable Interface and Data Flavors

7.13.4 Building an Image Transferable

7.13.5 Transferring Java Objects via the System Clipboard

7.13.6 Using a Local Clipboard to Transfer Object References

7.14 Drag and Drop

7.14.1 Data Transfer Support in Swing

7.14.2 Drag Sources

7.14.3 Drop Targets

7.15 Platform Integration

7.15.1 Splash Screens

7.15.2 Launching Desktop Applications

7.15.3 The System Tray

Chapter 8: JavaBeans Components

8.1 Why Beans?

8.2 The Bean-Writing Process

8.3 Using Beans to Build an Application

8.3.1 Packaging Beans in JAR Files

8.3.2 Composing Beans in a Builder Environment

8.4 Naming Patterns for Bean Properties and Events

8.5 Bean Property Types

8.5.1 Simple Properties

8.5.2 Indexed Properties

8.5.3 Bound Properties

8.5.4 Constrained Properties

8.6 BeanInfo Classes

8.7 Property Editors

8.7.1 Writing Property Editors String-Based Property Editors GUI-Based Property Editors

8.8 Customizers

8.8.1 Writing a Customizer Class

8.9 JavaBeans Persistence

8.9.1 Using JavaBeans Persistence for Arbitrary Data Writing a Persistence Delegate to Construct an Object Constructing an Object from Properties Constructing an Object with a Factory Method Postconstruction Work Transient Properties

8.9.2 A Complete Example for JavaBeans Persistence

Chapter 9: Security

9.1 Class Loaders

9.1.1 The Class Loader Hierarchy

9.1.2 Using Class Loaders as Namespaces

9.1.3 Writing Your Own Class Loader

9.2 Bytecode Verification

9.3 Security Managers and Permissions

9.3.1 Java Platform Security

9.3.2 Security Policy Files

9.3.3 Custom Permissions

9.3.4 Implementation of a Permission Class

9.4 User Authentication

9.4.1 JAAS Login Modules

9.5 Digital Signatures

9.5.1 Message Digests

9.5.2 Message Signing

9.5.3 Verifying a Signature

9.5.4 The Authentication Problem

9.5.5 Certificate Signing

9.5.6 Certificate Requests

9.6 Code Signing

9.6.1 JAR File Signing

9.6.2 Software Developer Certificates

9.7 Encryption

9.7.1 Symmetric Ciphers

9.7.2 Key Generation

9.7.3 Cipher Streams

9.7.4 Public Key Ciphers

Chapter 10: Scripting, Compiling, and Annotation Processing

10.1 Scripting for the Java Platform

10.1.1 Getting a Scripting Engine

10.1.2 Script Evaluation and Bindings

10.1.3 Redirecting Input and Output

10.1.4 Calling Scripting Functions and Methods

10.1.5 Compiling a Script

10.1.6 An Example: Scripting GUI Events

10.2 The Compiler API

10.2.1 Compiling the Easy Way

10.2.2 Using Compilation Tasks

10.2.3 An Example: Dynamic Java Code Generation

10.3 Using Annotations

10.3.1 An Example: Annotating Event Handlers

10.4 Annotation Syntax

10.5 Standard Annotations

10.5.1 Annotations for Compilation

10.5.2 Annotations for Managing Resources

10.5.3 Meta-Annotations

10.6 Source-Level Annotation Processing

10.7 Bytecode Engineering

10.7.1 Modifying Bytecodes at Load Time

Chapter 11: Distributed Objects

11.1 The Roles of Client and Server

11.2 Remote Method Calls

11.2.1 Stubs and Parameter Marshalling

11.3 The RMI Programming Model

11.3.1 Interfaces and Implementations

11.3.2 The RMI Registry

11.3.3 Deploying the Program

11.3.4 Logging RMI Activity

11.4 Parameters and Return Values in Remote Methods

11.4.1 Transferring Remote Objects

11.4.2 Transferring Nonremote Objects

11.4.3 Dynamic Class Loading

11.4.4 Remote References with Multiple Interfaces

11.4.5 Remote Objects and the equals, hashCode, and clone Methods

11.5 Remote Object Activation

Chapter 12: Native Methods

12.1 Calling a C Function from a Java Program

12.2 Numeric Parameters and Return Values

12.2.1 Using printf for Formatting Numbers

12.3 String Parameters

12.4 Accessing Fields

12.4.1 Accessing Instance Fields

12.4.2 Accessing Static Fields

12.5 Encoding Signatures

12.6 Calling Java Methods

12.6.1 Instance Methods

12.6.2 Static Methods

12.6.3 Constructors

12.6.4 Alternative Method Invocations

12.7 Accessing Array Elements

12.8 Handling Errors

12.9 Using the Invocation API

12.10 A Complete Example: Accessing the Windows Registry

12.10.1 Overview of the Windows Registry

12.10.2 A Java Platform Interface for Accessing the Registry

12.10.3 Implementation of Registry Access Functions as Native Methods



《Java核心技术(卷2):高级特性(第9版·英文版)(套装上下册)》是经典的《Java核心技术 卷II:高级特性》的最新版,针对Java SE 7平台进行了全面更新,涵盖了Java语言的高级特性,并兼顾Java SE 7平台的高级用户界面程序设计和企业特性。
  《Java核心技术(卷2):高级特性(第9版·英文版)(套装上下册)》是Java技术权威指南,全面覆盖Java技术的高级主题,包括输入输出流、XML、网络API、数据库编程、高级Swing、Java 2D API、JavaBean组件、安全、脚本、编译和注解处理、分布式对象等,同时涉及本地化、国际化以及Java SE 7的内容。《Java核心技术(卷2):高级特性(第9版·英文版)(套装上下册)》对Java技术的阐述精确到位,叙述方式深入浅出,并包含大量程序示例,从而帮助读者充分理解Java语言以及Java类库的相关高级特性。


尺寸26 × 19装帧平装
页数 570 印数 2500


Java核心技术是人民邮电出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 TP312 的主题关于 JAVA语言-程序设计-英文 的书籍。