

蒋显璟, 编著







蒋显璟,对外经济贸易大学英语学院教授,2001—2007年担任语言文学系主任,毕业于北京大学,师从名师赵萝蕤教授专攻英国浪漫主义文学,获博士学位。   主要负责英语文专业本科生的“散文分析”深的建设与教材编写工作,担任英语专业研究生的“英国文学”、“英语诗歌”和“浪漫主义”等课程的教学工作主要的研究成果有发表在国内核心期刊上关于英国文学和英美文学批评的论文和几部译著,其中包括论文《科学与神话:弗莱理论中的不谐和》、《重读(无名的裘德)——希腊精神与希伯来精神的冲突》;译著《双重火焰》、《简朴生活读本》、《天才十种》和《金钱关系》等此外,在2004—2006年间,蒋盈璟教授在《英语学习》杂志上的《经典文选》栏目中还发表了一系列精选的英美经典散文译文。



Unit One Education and Discipline

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Two The Marks of an Educated Man

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key—to exercises

Unit Three In Defense of Elitism

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Four Grant and Lee: A Study in Contrasts

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Five Some American Types

Part 1 Notesto vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key toexercises

Unit Six Boredom: The Most Prevalent American Disease

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Seven Simplicity

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Eight The Future of Reading

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Nine Utopian Techniques

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Ten My Wood

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key—to exercises

Unit Eleven Selected Snobberies

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Twelve What to Listen for in Music

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Thirteen The Epoch of the Secular City

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Fourteen How Much Is "Enough"?

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Fifteen Beauty

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Sixteen On Genius and Originality

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises


Unit One Knowledge and Wisdom

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Two Habit

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary,and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Three The Scientist as Rebel

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Four Predictable Crises of Adulthood

Part 1 Notes,to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Five The Evolution of Goodand Bad

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Six Faces of the Enemy

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Seven Gibbon

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Eight Philistines and Philistinism

Part 1 Notes t'o vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Nine The American Scholar

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Ten A Professional Malaise

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Eleven Hebraism and Hellenism

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises

Unit Twelve The Gift of Tongues

Part 1 Notes to vocabulary and texts

Part 2 Key to exercises


Book 1

Essay Reading (I) Quiz One

Essay Reading (I) Quiz Two

Essay Reading (I) Quiz Three

Essay Reading (I) Quiz Four

Essay Reading (I) Quiz Five

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (One)

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Two)

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Three)

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper A (Four)

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper B (One)

Essay Reading (I) Final Paper B (Two)

Book 2

Essay Reading (II) Quiz One (1)

Essay Reading (II) Quiz One (2)

Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (1)

Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (2)

Essay Reading (II) Quiz Two (3)

Essay Reading (II) Quiz Three

Essay Reading (II) Final Paper A (One)

Essay Reading (II) Final Paper A (Two)

Essay Reading (II) Final Paper A (Three)


  为了达到这一目的,编者对大学英语专业低年级和高年级学习的侧重点做过一些调查,进行过一番思考。如果说低年级生学习英语的重点是语音语调、基础词汇和语法结构、简单的日常写作等方面的话,那么到了高年级,学习的重点就必须转移到增大词汇量、扩大阅读范围、阅读英美等国的哲学、社科和人文领域里有代表性的一些作家的作品。在阅读的基础之上,逐渐培养其批判性思辨能力,逻辑推理能力和基础修辞能力。与此同时,在阅读的过程中了解文中的诸种典故的出处,学习作者选题立意、收集素材、谋篇布局、行文论证的方法。在加强人文素养方面,最好的办法莫过于广泛阅读“世界上的最佳思想与言论”(The best that has been thought and said in the world)【阿诺德语】了。但是,中外的名著和典籍如汗牛充栋,而当下人们可用来阅读的时间又十分有限,如何解决这一矛盾呢?只有编者来替人读书,从繁多的文献中提取最有代表性的文章选入本套教材,从而为读者节省时间。


尺寸23 × 19装帧平装
页数 472 印数


英美散文选读(1~2)辅导用书是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2015.1出版的中图分类号为 H319.4:I 的主题关于 英语-阅读教学-高等学校-教学参考资料 ,散文集-美国 ,散文集-英国 的书籍。