

王崇义, 主编







Chapter One Mechanics

1.1 General Remarks

1.2 Margins,Paragraphing,and Handwriting

1.2.1 Margins

1.2.2 Paragraphing

1.2.3 Handwriting

1.3 Syllabification/Syllable Structure

1.4 Abbreviation and Numerals

1.4.1 Abbreviations

1.4.2 Numerals

1.5 Capitalization


Chapter Two Punctuation Marks

2.1 General Remarks

2.2 Line-beginning Punctuation Marks

2.3 Sentence-ending Punctuation Marks

2.3.1 The Period / The Full Stop

2.3.2 The Question Mark

2.3.3 The Exclamation Point

2.4 Internal Punctuation Marks

2.4.1 The Comma

2.4.2 The Semicolon

2.4.3 The Colon

2.4.4 Quotation Marks

2.4.5 The Dash

2.4.6 Parentheses

2.4.7 Brackets

2.4.8 The Apostrophe

2.4.9 The Hyphen

2.4.10 The Virgule / Slant

2.4.11 Italics / Underlining

2.5 Some Points about the Use of Punctuation Marks


Chapter Three Diction

3.1 General Remarks

3.2 Appropriateness and Sense of Style

3.2.1 Sense of Style

3.2.2 Degree of Word Formality

3.3 Exactness and Use of Synonymous Words and Expressions

3.4 Specificity, Concreteness, and Conciseness

3.5 Imagery / Figures of Speech

3.5.1 Metaphor and Simile

3.5.2 Personification

3.5.3 Hyperbole

3.5.4 Euphemism


Chapter Four Sentence Writing

4.1 General Remarks

4.1.1 Sentence Sense

4.1.2 The Requirements of an Effective Sentence

4.1.3 Sentence Elements

4.1.4 Sentence Patterns

4.2 Parts of Speech and Their Respective Functions and Positions in a Sentence

4.2.1 Nouns

4.2.2 Pronouns

4.2.3 Adjectives

4.2.4 Adverbs

4.2.5 Prepositions

4.2.6 Conjunctions

4.3 Phrases, Clauses, and Sentence Fragments

4.3.1 Phrases

4.3.2 Clauses

4.3.3 Recognizing and Avoiding Sentence Fragments

4.4 Classification of Sentences

4.4.1 Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, and Exclamatory Sentences

4.4.2 Simple, Complex, Compound, and Compound-complex Sentences

4.4.3 Loose, Periodic, Mixed, and Balanced Sentences

4.4.4 Long and Short Sentences

4.4.5 Recognizing and Avoiding Comma splices and Fused Sentences

4.5 Ways of Achieving Sentence Variety

4.5.1 Achieving Sentence Variety via Combination

4.5.2 Achieving Sentence Variety via Coordination

4.5.3 Achieving Sentence variety by Using Parallel Structure

4.5.4 Achieving Sentence Variety via Subordination

4.5.5 Achieving Sentence Variety by Using Modifying Phrases

4.5.6 Achieving Sentence Variety by Using Appositives

4.5.7 Achieving Sentence Variety by Applying Inversion

4.5.8 Achieving Sentence Variety by Employing Emphatic Sentence Structures

4.5.9 Achieving Sentence Variety by Using Inanimate Subjects


Chapter Five Paragraph Writing

5.1 General Remarks

5.2 Types of Paragraphs

5.2.1 The Topical Paragraph

5.2.2 The Introductory Paragraph

5.2.3 The Transitional Paragraph

5.2.4 The Conclusion Paragraph

5.3 The Basic Structure and Qualities of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.1 The Unity of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.2 The Topic Sentence(TS) of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.3 The Supporting Sentences(SS) in a Topical Paragraph

5.3.4 The Concluding Sentence(CS) in a Topical Paragraph

5.3.5 The Coherence of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.6 The Order of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.7 The Continuity of a Topical Paragraph

5.3.8 The Completeness of a Topical Paragraph

5.4 Steps Usually Taken in Writing a Topical Paragraph

5.5 Evaluation of a Topical Paragraph


Chapter Six Essay Writing

6.1 General Remarks

6.2 The Basic Structure of an Essay

6.2.1 The Introduction of an Essay

6.2.2 The Body of an Essay

6.2.3 The Conclusion of an Essay

6.3 Types of Essays

6.3.1 Narrative Essays

6.3.2 Descriptive Essays

6.3.3 Expositive Essays

6.3.4 Argumentative Essays

6.4 The Process of Writing an Essay and Evaluation of an Essay

6.4.1 The Process of Writing an Essay

6.4.2 Evaluation of an Essay

6.5 Sample Essays and Discussions


Chapter Seven Letter Writing

7.1 General Remarks

7.2 Addressing an Envelope

7.3 The Format/Lay-out of a Letter

7.3.1 The Heading

7.3.2 The Date

7.3.3 The Salutation

7.3.4 The Body

7.3.5 The Complimentary Close

7.3.6 The Signature

7.4 Personal Letter Writing

7.4.1 Family Letter Writing

7.4.2 Friendly Letter Writing

7.5 Social Letter Writing


Chapter Eight Note Writing

8.1 General Remarks

8.2 The Content of a Note

8.3 The Language of a Note

8.4 The Format of a Note

8.5 Guidelines for Writing Effective Notes


Chapter Nine Business Writing

9.1 General Remarks

9.2 The Format of a Business Letter

9.2.1 The Heading and the Date

9.2.2 The Inside Address

9.2.3 The Salutation

9.2.4 The Body

9.2.5 The Complimentary Close

9.2.6 The Signature

9.3 Application Letter and Resume Writing

9.3.1 A Request Letter for an Application Form

9.3.2 A Sample Letter of Application

9.3.3 General Remarks about Resume Writing

9.3.4 Sample Resume

9.4 Sample Business Letters for Various Purposes

9.5 Evaluation of a Business Letter


Chapter Ten Miscellaneous Practical Writing

10.1 General Remarks about Diagrammatic Information Transferring

10.2 The Content and Some Useful Expressions Used in Diagrammatic Description

10.3 Steps Usually Taken in Diagrammatic Description and Sample Articles

10.3.1 Steps Usually Taken in Diagrammatic Description

10.3.2 Sample Articles of Diagrammatic Description

10.4 Summary Writing

10.4.1 General Remarks about Summary Writing

10.4.2 Summary Writing Process

101 5 E-mail Writing


Appendix Ⅰ Correction Symbols

Appendix Ⅱ The Fifty States of U.S.A.and Their Abbreviations

Appendix Ⅲ Writing Terms

Appendix Ⅳ Useful Expressions and Idioms and Proverbs

Appendix Ⅴ Key to Exercises







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