本书从历史渊源出发,一步步跟随反倾销制度的发展,探究其长久以来 “不证自明”的前提的真实性——“倾销有害”,在明确其与竞争法的相关性后,以比较分析法全面探讨了将倾销问题置于竞争法而非反倾销法之下的三方面优势,同时梳理并深入剖析反对该取代的两方面理由。
Chapter 1 Time to Reexamine Dumping; Antidumping Law orCompetition Law 1.1 Overview of Antidumping Law 1.1.1 The Etymology of "Dumping" 1.1.2 Legislative Development of Antidumping; Domestic toInternational 1.2 The Proliferation of Antidumping laws and Actions 1.2.1 The Proliferation of Antidumping laws 1.2.2 The Proliferation of Antidumping Actions 1.2.3 New Features of Antidumping Application 1.3 The Problem of Antidumping Law 1.3.1 "Protectionist Abuse" Criticism 1.3.2 Tariff - Like Barrier 1.3.3 "Attractive Features" for Protectionism 1.4 "Antidotes" to Prevent Protectionist Abuse 1.4.1 Further Refining 1.4.2 Reform by Competition 1.5 Antidumping; Time to Go Back to BasicsChapter 2 Dumping in Economic Theories and Antidumping Law 2.1 Dumping in Economic Theories 2.1.1 The Traditional Dumping Theory of Viner 2.1.2 The Modern Dumping Theory of Willig 2.1.3 Generally Recognized Harmful Dumping;PredatoryDumping 2.2 Dumping in the Original Antidumping Law 2.2.1 The U.S.1894 Wilson Act 2.2.2 The U.S.1916 Antidumping Law 2.2.3 The U.S.1921 Antidumping Law 2.2.d Antidumping laws in Other Countries 2.2.5 Antidumping; Anti Cross-border Predatory PriceDiscrimination 2.3 Dumping in the International Antidumping Agreement 2.3.1 GATT/WTO; Standardizing Antidumping Law 2.3.2 Basic Common Requirements on Dumping 2.3.3 "Dumping is Harmful" ; Self-evident Premise 2.4 SummaryChapter 3 Predatory Price Discrimination in Economic Theories andCompetition Law 3.1 Predatory Price Discrimination in Economic Theories 3.1.1 Price Discrimination; Primary-line and Secondary-lineCompetition 3.1.2 Predatory Pricing 3.2 Overview of Competition Law 3.2.1 Consensus on the Basic Competition Principles 3.2.2 Predatory Price Discrimination 3.3 Predatory Price Discrimination in Competition Law 3.3.1 Competition Rules and Cases in the U.S. 3.3.2 Competition Rules and Cases in the EU ……Chapter 4 Dumping; Antidumping Law or Competition LawChapter 5 Difficulties of Substitution in PracticeChapter 6 The "Substitution" Debate and the New UsersChapter 7 Time to Reexamine Dumping; "TrustAntitrust to Dump AntidumpingConclusionAppendix List of Chinese Antidumping Cases (1997-2010)Bibliography
《倾销反倾销法抑或竞争法(英文)》从历史渊源出发,跟随反倾销制度的发展,探究其长久以来“不证自明”之前提的真实性——“倾销有害”,在明确其与竞争法的相关性后,结合传统的和新的“重度使用反倾销者”两方面实践,以比较的方法全面探讨将“倾销”置于竞争法而非反倾销法之下的优势,同时梳理及剖析反对该取代的主要理由。最终得出:以世界贸易组织《反倾销协议》为基准的各国反倾销规则应最终为日益发展并相互融合的各国竞争规则以及有关掠夺性价格歧视的国际统一竞争协议所取代。为逐步达到该目标,更多的可行性方案应自双边和区域展开。【作者简介】 毕莹,浙江大学光华法学院讲师。2003年获清华大学法学学士学位,2006年获清华大学国际法学硕士学位,2009年获日本九州大学国际法学博士学位。主要从事国际经济法的研究,在TheJournal of WorldInvestment&Trade.日本《法政研究》等国内外公开发行的学术刊物上发表论文数篇;主持国家社科基金课题1项:“中曰韩自贸区竞争与反倾销规则协调研究。”
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9787513008631 如需购买下载《倾销》pdf扫描版电子书或查询更多相关信息,请直接复制isbn,搜索即可全网搜索该ISBN | |||
出版地 | 北京 | 出版单位 | 知识产权出版社 |
版次 | 1版 | 印次 | 1 |
定价(元) | 35.0 | 语种 | 英文 |
尺寸 | 21 × 15 | 装帧 | 平装 |
页数 | 406 | 印数 | 600 |
倾销是知识产权出版社于2011.11出版的中图分类号为 D912.290.4 的主题关于 反倾销法-研究-英文 ,反不正当竞争-经济法-研究-英文 的书籍。