

(意) 斯卡奇, 主编








Preface . v

Contributors . ix

1 Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures 1

Chenxiang Lin, Yonggang Ke, Rahul Chhabra, Jaswinder Sharma,

Yan Liu, and Hao Yan

2 Protocols for Self-Assembly and Imaging of DNA Nanostructures 13

Thomas L. Sobey and Friedrich C. Simmel

3 Self-Assembly of Metal-DNA Triangles and DNA Nanotubes

with Synthetic Junctions 33

Hua Yang, Pik Kwan Lo, Christopher K. McLaughlin, Graham D. Hamblin,

Faisal A. Aldaye, and Hanadi F. Sleiman

4 DNA-Templated Pd Conductive Metallic Nanowires . 49

Khoa Nguyen, Stephane Campidelli, and Arianna Filoramo

5 A Method to Map Spatiotemporal pH Changes Inside Living Cells Using a

pH-Triggered DNA Nanoswitch 61

Souvik Modi and Yamuna Krishnan

6 Control of Helical Handedness in DNA and PNA Nanostructures 79

Roberto Corradini, Tullia Tedeschi, Stefano Sforza, Mark M. Green,

and Rosangela Marchelli

7 G-Quartet, G-Quadruplex, and G-Wire Regulated by Chemical Stimuli 93

Daisuke Miyoshi and Naoki Sugimoto

8 Preparation and Atomic Force Microscopy of Quadruplex DNA 105

James Vesenka

9 Synthesis of Long DNA-Based Nanowires . 115

Alexander Kotlyar

10 G-Wire Synthesis and Modification with Gold Nanoparticle 141

Christian Leiterer, Andrea Csaki, and Wolfgang Fritzsche

11 Preparation of DNA Nanostructures with Repetitive Binding Motifs

by Rolling Circle Amplification 151

Edda Rei., Ralph H.lzel, and Frank F. Bier

12 Controlled Confinement of DNA at the Nanoscale: Nanofabrication and Surface

Bio-Functionalization . 169

Matteo Palma, Justin J. Abramson, Alon A. Gorodetsky, Colin Nuckolls,

Michael P. Sheetz, Shalom J. Wind, and James Hone

13 Templated Assembly of DNA Origami Gold Nanoparticle Arrays

on Lithographically Patterned Surfaces 187

Albert M. Hung and Jennifer N. Cha

14 DNA-Modified Single Crystal and Nanoporous Silicon 199

Andrew Houlton, Bernard A. Connolly, Andrew R. Pike,

and Benjamin R. Horrocks

15 The Atomic Force Microscopy as a Lithographic Tool: Nanografting of DNA Nanostructures for Biosensing Applications Matteo Castronovo and Denis Scaini 209

16 Trapping and Immobilization of DNA Molecules Between Nanoelectrodes Anton Kuzyk, J. Jussi Toppari, and P.ivi T.rm. 223

17 DNA Contour Length Measurements as a Tool for the Structural Analysis of DNA and Nucleoprotein Complexes Claudio Rivetti 235

18 DNA Molecular Handles for Single-Molecule Protein-Folding Studies by Optical Tweezers Ciro Cecconi, Elizabeth A. Shank, Susan Marqusee, and Carlos Bustamante 255

19 Optimal Practices for Surface-Tethered Single Molecule Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Analysis Matt V. Fagerburg and Sanford H. Leuba 273

20 Engineering Mononucleosomes for Single-Pair FRET Experiments Wiepke J.A. Koopmans, Ruth Buning, and John van Noort 291

21 Measuring DNA–Protein Binding Affinity on a Single Molecule Using Optical Tweezers Micah J. McCauley and Mark C. Williams 305

22 Modeling Nanopores for Sequencing DNA Jeffrey R. Comer, David B. Wells, and Aleksei Aksimentiev 317

Index 359




尺寸24 × 17装帧精装
页数 364 印数


DNA纳米技术是科学出版社于2014.7出版的中图分类号为 R318.08 的主题关于 纳米材料-生物材料-英文 的书籍。