

李昕, 许淑清, 主编







第一章 社交礼仪

1. Introducing Myself

2. Introducing Someone Else

3. Greeting Someone

4. Asking How Someone Is

5. Giving General Good Wishes

6. Giving Good Wishes on Special Occasions

7. Inviting and Accepting

8. Inviting and Refusing

9. Compliments

10. Thanks

11. Complaints

12. Apologies

13. Appointments

14. Farewell

15. Parties

第二章 情感情绪

1. Curiosity

2. Optimism

3. Pessimism

4. Disappointment

5. Boredom

6. Comfort

7. Suggestions

8. Encouragement

9. Advice and Warning

10. Interests

11. Sympathy and Unsympathy

12. Excitement and Delight

13. Requesting, Offering and Accepting Help

14. Declining and Refusing Help

15. Blame

16. Threat

17. Fear and Worrying

18. Anger and Annoyance

19. Likes and Dislikes

20. Agreement and Disagreement

第三章 吃住行用

1. Table Reservation

2. Having Breakfast

3. Having Lunch & Dinner (Western)

4. Having Lunch & Dinner (Chinese)

5. Buffet and Fast Food

6. In the Bar

7. Renting a House

8. Buying a House

9. Moving into a New Home and Furnishing

10. Losing One's Way andAsking lhe Way

11. Taking Buses

12. Taking Subway

13. Taking Taxi

14. The Traffic is Awful

15. Buying Fruits and Vegetables

16. Buying Other Food Stuff

17. Buying Clothes and Pants

18. Buying Shoes and Others

19. Buying Daily Necessities

20. Buying House Decoration Stuff and Appliances

21. Buying Cosmetics

22. Refunding and Exchanging

23. Bargaining

24. Haircut and Setting Hair

25. Perming and Dyeing Hair

26. Beautifying and Making up

27. Sports and Body-building

28. Leisure Activity

第四章 就医用药

1. Making an Appointment

2. Flu and Headache

3. Stomach Disorder and Diarrhea

4. Toothache and Eye Sore

5. Injuries and Other Troubles

6. Psychological Problems

7. Giving Prescription and Injection

8. Getting and Taking Medicine

第五章 公共服务

1. Inquiring for a Phone Number

2. Wrong Number and Leaving a Message

3. Telephone Call

4. Mobile Phone

5. E-mail and Chatting

6. Shopping on Line

7. Other Activities on Line

8. Opening an Account

9. Depositing and Withdrawing

10. Credit Card and Loan

11. Exchanging Money

12. Purchasing Stamps and Sending Letters

13. Sending and Claiming Parcels

14. Remitting and Cashing Money

第六章 校园生活

1. Course and Major

2. In and out of the Class

3. Talking about Exams

4. Borrowing Books

5. Renewing and Returning Books

6. Part-time Job after Class

7. Further Study

8. Studying Abroad

9. Applying for a Student Visa

第七章 职场交流

1. Job Hunting

2. Making an Appointment for an Interview

3. Interview

4. Job Orientation

5. Business Contact

6. Brainstorming

7. Work Pressure

8. Bonus and Welfare

9. Getting Promoted and Fired

10. Giving Notice and Getting Retired

第八章 旅游观光

1. Talking about Traveling

2. Making Traveling Plan

3. Buying Air Tickets and Train Tickets

4. At the Airport

5. On Board

6. Going through the Customs

7. Traveling by Train

8. Traveling by Bus

9. Traveling by Car

10. Booking Hotel

11. Checking in

12. Housekeeping and Room Service

13. Laundry Service and Waking up Call

14. Complaining about Service

15. Checking out

16. Sightseeing in the Cities

17. Natural Sceneries

18. Troubles




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尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 347 印数 5000


跟老外学最地道的英语是大连理工大学出版社于2013.2出版的中图分类号为 H319.9 的主题关于 英语-口语-自学参考资料 的书籍。