

(美) 托达罗 (Todaro,M.P.) , (美) 史密斯 (Smith,S.C.) , 著







Part One Principles and Concepts(原理和概念)

Chapter 1 Introducing Economic

Development: A Global Perspective(经济发展简介:一种全球性视角)

1.1 How the Other Half Live

1.2 Economics and Development Studies

1.3 What Do We Mean by Development?

1.4 The Millennium Development Goals

1.5 Conclusions Case Study 1:Progress in the Struggle for More Meaningful Development: Brazil


Chapter 2 Comparative Economic Development(发展的比较)

2.1 Defining the Developing World

2.2 Basic Indicators of Development:Real Income, Health, and Education

2.3 Holistic Measures of Living Levels and Capabilities

2.4 Characteristics of the Developing World:Diversity within Commonality(发展中国家的特点:共性中的差异)

2.5 How Low-Income Countries Today Differ from Developed Countries in Their Earlier Stages

2.6 Are Living Standards of Developing and Developed Nations Converging?

2.7 Long-Run Causes of Comparative Development

2.8 Concluding Observations Case Study 2:Comarative Economic Development: Pakistan and Bangladesh


Chapter 3 Classic Theories of Economic Growth and Development(古典经济增长与发展理论)

3.1 Classic Theories of Economic Development: Four Approaches

3.2 Development as Growth and the Linear-Stages Theories

3.3 Structural-Change Models

3.4 The International-Dependence Revolution

3.5 The Neoclassical Counterrevolution:Market Fundamentalism

3.6 Classic Theories of Development:Reconciling the Differences Case Study 3:Schools of Thought in Context: South Korea and Argentina


Chapter 4 Contemporary Models of Development and Underdevelopment(当代的发展和欠发达模型)

4.1 Underdevelopment as a Coordination Failure

4.2 Multiple Equilibria: A Diagrammatic Approach

4.3 Starting Economic Development:The Big Push

4.4 Further Problems of Multiple Equilibria

4.5 Michael Kremer's O-Ring Theory of Economic Development

4.6 Economic Development as SelfDiscovery

4.7 The Hausmann-Rodrik-Velasco Growth Diagnostics Framework

4.8 Conclusions

Case Study 4:Understanding a Development Miracle: China


Part Two Problems and Policies: Domestic(国内问题与政策)

Chapter 5 Poverty, Inequality, and Development(贫困、不平等和发展)

5.1 Measuring Inequality and Poverty

5.2 Poverty, Inequality, and Social Welfare

5.3 Absolute Poverty: Extent and Magnitude

5.4 Economic Characteristics of HighPoverty Groups

5.5 Policy Options on Income Inequality and Poverty: Some Basic Considerations

5.6 Summary and Conclusions:The Need for a Package of Policies

Case Study 5:Institutions, Inequality,and Incomes: Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire


Chapter 6 Population Growth and Economic Development:Causes,Consequences,and Controversies (人口增长与经济发展:原因、后果及争议)

6.1 The Basic Issue: Population Growth and the Quality of Life

6.2 Population Growth: Past, Present,and Future

6.3 The Demographic Transition

6.4 The Causes of High Fertility in Developing Countries:The Malthusian and Household Models

6.5 The Consequences of High Fertility:Some Conflicting Perspectives

6.6 Some Policy Approaches Case Study 6:Population, Poverty,and Development: China and India


Chapter 7 Urbanization and Rural- Urban Migration:Theory and Policy(城市化和城乡迁移的理论和政策)

7.1 The Migration and Urbanization Dilemma

7.2 The Role of Cities

7.3 The Urban Giantism Problem

7.4 The Urban Informal Sector

7.5 Migration and Development

7.6 Toward an Economic Theory of Rural-Urban Migration

7.7 Summary and Conclusions:A Comprehensive Migration and Employment Strategy

Case Study 7:Rural-Urban Migration and Urbanization in Developing Countries: India and Botswana


Chapter 8 Human Capital: Education and Health in Economic Development(人力资本:经济发展中的教育和健康)

8.1 The Central Roles of Education and Health

8.2 Investing in Education and Health: The Human Capital Approach

8.3 Child Labor

8.4 The Gender Gap: Discrimination in Education and Health

8.5 Educational Systems and Development

8.6 Health Measurement and Distribution

8.7 Disease Burden

8.8 Health, Productivity, and Policy

Case Study 8:Pathways out of Poverty:



Chapter 9 Agricultural Transformation and Rural Development(农业转型与农村发展)

9.1 The Imperative of Agricultural Progress and Rural Development

9.2 Agricultural Growth: Past Progress and Current Challenges

9.3 The Structure of Agrarian Systems in the Developing World

9.4 The Important Role of Women

9.5 The Microeconomics of Farmer Behavior and Agricultural Development

9.6 Core Requirements of a Strategy of Agricultural and Rural Development Case Study 9:The Need to Improve

Agricultural Extension for Women Farmers: Kenya


Chapter 10 The Environment and Development(环境与发展)

10.1 Environment and Development: The Basic Issues

10.2 Rural Development and the Environment: A Tale of Two Villages

10.3 Global Warming and Climate Change: Scope, Mitigation, and Adaptation

10.4 Economic Models of Environment Issues

10.5 Urban Development and the Environment

10.6 The Local and Global Costs of Rain Forest Destruction

10.7 Policy Options in Developing and Developed Countries

Case Study 10:A World of Contrasts on One Island: Haiti and the Dominican Republic


Chapter 11 Development Policymaking and the Roles of Market, State, and Civil Society(发展决策以及市场、 国家和公民社会的作用)

11.1 A Question of Balance

11.2 Development Planning: Concepts and Rationale

11.3 The Development Planning Process: Some Basic Models

11.4 Government Failure and Preferences for Markets over Planning

11.5 The Market Economy

11.6 The Washington Consensus on the Role of the State in Development and Its Subsequent Evolution

11.7 Development Political Economy: Theories of Policy Formulation and Reform

11.8 Development Roles of NGOs and the Broader Citizen Sector

11.9 Trends in Governance and Reform

Case Study 11:The Role of Development NGOs: The BRAC Model


Part Three Problems and Policies: International and Macro(国际和宏观问题与政策)

Chapter 12 International Trade Theory and Development Strategy(贸易理论和发展策略)

12.1 Economic Globalization: An Introduction

12.2 International Trade: Some Key Issues

12.3 The Traditional Theory of International Trade

12.4 The Critique of Traditional Free- Trade Theory in the Context of Developing-Country Experience

12.5 Traditional Trade Strategies for Development: Export Promotion versus Import Substitution

12.6 The Industrialization Strategy Approach to Export Policy

12.7 South-South Trade and Economic Integration

12.8 Trade Policies of Developed Countries: The Need for Reform and Resistance to New Protectionist Pressures

Case Study 12:A Pioneer in Development Success through Trade: Taiwan


Chapter 13 Balance of Payments, Debt, Financial Crises, and Stabilization Policies(国际收支平衡、债务、 金融危机以及稳定政策)

13.1 International Finance and Investment: Key Issues

13.2 The Balance of Payments Account

13.3 The Issue of Payments Deficits

13.4 Accumulation of Debt and Emergence of the Debt Crisis

13.5 Attempts at Alleviation: Macroeconomic Instability, Classic IMF Stabilization Policies,and Their Critics

13.6 "Odious Debt"and Its Prevention

13.7 Resolution of 1980s-1990s Debt Crises and Continued Vulnerabilities

13.8 The Global Financial Crisis and the Developing Countries

Case Study 13:Trade, Capital Flows, and Development Strategy: South Korea


Chapter 14 Foreign Finance, Investment, and Aid: Controversies and Opportunities(国外金融、投资和援助:争议和机遇)

14.1 The International Flow of Financial Resources

14.2 Private Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Corporation

14.3 The Role and Growth of Remittances

14.4 Foreign Aid: The Development Assistance Debate

14.5 Conflict and Development

Case Study 14:African Success Story at Risk: Botswana


Chapter 15 Finance and Fiscal Policy for Development(发展的金融和财政政策)

15.1 The Role of the Financial System in Economic Development

15.2 The Role of Central Banks and Alternative Arrangements

15.3 Informal Finance and the Rise of Microfinance

15.4 Reforming Financial Systems

15.5 Fiscal Policy for Development

15.6 State-Owned Enterprises and Privatization

15.7 Public Administration: The Scarcest Resource

Case Study 15:Making Microfinance

Work for the Poor: The Grameen

Bank of Bangladesh







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发展经济学是电子工业出版社于2013.7出版的中图分类号为 F061.3 的主题关于 发展经济学-高等学校-教材-英文 的书籍。