

石晶, 石鑫, 主编








Part 1 动词词源词汇

List 01 to keep, to protect 保存,保持,保护

List 02 to remain 留下,保持

List 03 to appear 出现

List 04 to shine 照耀

List 05 to gleam 闪烁

List 06 to speak 说

List 07 to call, to cry, to shout 叫,喊

List 08 to recount, to sound 讲述,出声

List 09 to see, to look 看见,领会,看

List 10 to know 知道,了解

List 11 to look at 看

List 12 to follow 跟随

List 13 to track 追踪

List 14 to point out 指出,指示

List 15 to form 形成

List 16 to increase 增加

List 17 to weave, to build 编织,建筑

List 18 to join, to f it together 连接,组合

List 19 to join, to join together 加入,联合

List 20 to reckon, to reason 估计,推理

List 21 to gather, to pick together搜集,一起选出

List 22 to swell, to blow 膨胀,吹

List 23 to flow, to float 流,漂

List 24 to bloom 开花

List 25 to grow, to be 生长,存在

List 26 to hold, to have 握,拥有

List 27 to grasp 抓

List 28 to seize 抓住

List 29 to touch, to reach 接触,达到

List 30 to take, to possess 拿,拥有

List 31 to be born, to produce 出生,生产

List 32 to lead 引领

List 33 to carry, to bear 携带,生育,支撑

List 34 to swing 摇荡 46根源记忆法

List 35 to bend, to curl up 弯曲,卷

List 36 to turn, to twist, to wind 转向,捻,缠绕

List 37 to change, to vary 改变

List 38 to deceive 欺骗

List 39 to tie, to bind, to fix 系,绑缚,固定

List 40 to lean 倾斜

List 41 to guard, to perceive 看守,觉察

List 42 to cover 盖

List 43 to scratch, to scrape 勾抹,抓,刮

List 44 to loosen 松开

List 45 to cut 切

List 46 to split 分裂,分开

List 47 to cut off 切掉

List 48 to divide 分开,分割

List 49 to sift 筛分

List 50 to count 计算,指望

List 51 to walk 走

List 52 to go, to yield 前进,去,屈服

List 53 to go forth 向前

List 54 to move 移动

List 55 to ride 乘,骑

List 56 to come 来源

List 57 to leave behind 遗留

List 58 to step 迈步

List 59 to head for 朝……前进

List 60 to drive, to act 驾驶,驱使,行动,表演

List 61 to strike, to beat 击,打

List 62 to chop 砍

List 63 to press, to clap 压,拍

List 64 to push 推

List 65 to fall 降临,跌落,倒

List 66 to rush, to fly 猛冲,突袭,飞

List 67 to work, to practice, to labor工作,实践,劳动

List 68 to project, to rise 凸出,升起

List 69 to throw 扔

List 70 to send 送

List 71 to give 给

List 72 to allot 分配

List 73 to do, to make 做,使

List 74 to put, to place 放,放置

List 75 to stand 站

List 76 to draw 拉

List 77 to hang, to spin 悬挂,纺

List 78 to choose 选择

List 79 to use 使用

List 80 to try, to risk 尝试,冒险

List 81 to wish 希望

List 82 to love 喜爱

List 83 to ask 问,要求

List 84 to thrive 繁荣

List 85 to stretch 伸展

List 86 to shut, to close 关

List 87 to spread out 延伸,铺设

List 88 to stretch out 延伸,伸开

List 89 to jerk, scatter 猛拉,散开

List 90 to think 思考

List 91 to pledge 保证

List 92 to smile, to rejoice 微笑,高兴

List 93 to put in order 整理

List 94 to keep straight 使直

List 95 to run 跑

List 96 to roll 滚动

List 97 to tread 踏

List 98 to fold 折叠

List 99 to full 填充

List 100 to trickle 滴

List 101 to sit 坐

List 102 to lie, to lay 躺,放置,制定

List 103 to be suitable 适宜的

List 104 to be firm 坚定

List 105 to boil, to cook 沸腾,烹调

List 106 to measure 测量

List 107 to take appropriate measures 采取适当措施

List 108 to shake 颤抖,摇动

List 109 to rub by turning, to rub 拧,摩擦

List 110 to slip 滑落,滑

List 111 to break, to break off 打破,分开

List 112 to be able, have power 能,有动力

List 113 to be strong, to be active 强壮,活跃

List 114 to hurt 伤害

List 115 to be slack, to hang down 松弛,垂下

List 116 to jump, to leap 跳跃

List 117 to support, to hold 支撑,支持,掌握


Part 2 名词词源词汇

Part 3 形容词、副词词源词汇

Part 4 数词词源词汇

Part 5 介词词源词汇

Part 6 代词词源词汇

Part 7 冠词词源词汇

Part 8 词源不详词汇



《大学英语四级词汇 根源记忆法》以帮助英语学习者快速掌握词汇、提高词汇记忆效率为宗旨,严格按照最新《大学英语课程教学要求》编写。《多样式攻克·大学英语四级词汇:根源记忆法》探究词汇词源,将词汇分为动词词源、名词词源、形容词词源、副词词源、数词词源、介词词源、代词词源、冠词词源以及其他词汇。书中词汇涉及词源记忆、词根记忆、语境记忆、派生记忆、合成记忆等多种记忆方式,所收入的词汇均为大纲要求掌握的词汇。
  《大学英语四级词汇 根源记忆法》所提供的词源、词根双语讲解记忆和语境记忆及其他记忆方法,不仅能够使英语学习者了解和掌握英语词汇的中文词义,更重要的是能够帮助其做到用英语记忆、思维和养成用英语掌握英语词汇的习惯,有助于英语学习者彻底改变记忆单词与语言学习割裂开来的做法,从而能够帮助英语学习者实现快速掌握英语单词和熟练运用英语词汇的学习目的。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装
页数 288 印数 5000


大学英语四级词汇根源记忆法是机械工业出版社于2014.12出版的中图分类号为 H313 的主题关于 大学英语水平考试-词汇-记忆术 的书籍。