

郑肇芳, 主编







一、著作权民事纠纷案件 1.处分未来作品权利合同的效力判断与违约责任 1  ──上海玄霆娱乐信息科技有限公司与王钟等著作权合同纠纷案 2.网络服务商对其用户的反复侵权行为负有注意义务 11  ──庄则栋等与上海隐志网络科技有限公司  侵害信息网络传播权纠纷案 3.动画角色造型著作权归属的认定 21  ──胡进庆等与上海美术电影制片厂著作权权属纠纷案 4.广告语是否构成作品的认定 30  ──陈俞吉等与上海月星控股集团有限公司等著作权侵权纠纷案 5.网站ICP备案信息的证据效力与认定 36  ──上海观视文化传播有限公司与上海北铭高强度钢材有限公司等  侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 6.搜索引擎服务商的侵权责任认定 43  ──上海玄霆娱乐信息科技有限公司与北京百度网讯科技  有限公司等侵犯著作财产权纠纷案二、商标民事纠纷案件 7.网站、宣传册广告语中擅自使用他人驰名商标行为的定性 50  ──卡地亚国际有限公司与佛山市三水区铭坤陶瓷有限公司等  侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 8.商标指示性合理使用的司法认定 61  ──立邦涂料(中国)有限公司与上海展进贸易有限公司等  侵害商标专用权纠纷案 9.商标侵权判定中对商标近似的判断 70  ──拜尔斯道夫股份有限公司与上海语嫣化妆品有限公司等  侵害商标专用权纠纷案 10.驰名商标司法认定的条件和因素 78  ──黛尔吉奥品牌有限公司等与肖绍力等侵犯商标专用权纠纷  侵犯商标专用权及不正当竞争纠纷案 11.驰名商标认定的必要性判断 86  ──英特尔公司与深圳市因特佳数码科技有限公司等  侵犯商标专用权纠纷案 12.组合商标近似性比对中的“要部”选择 93  ──诺基亚公司与无锡金悦科技有限公司侵犯商标专用权纠纷案 13.网络交易平台经营者帮助侵权的司法认定 99  ──衣念(上海)时装贸易有限公司与浙江淘宝网络有限公司等  侵犯商标专用权纠纷案 14.作为商标使用在商标侵权判断中的作用 106  ──霍尼韦尔国际公司与上海盖里特涡轮增压器系统有限公司等  侵犯商标专用权及不正当竞争纠纷案 15.网络域名侵犯注册商标专用权的司法认定 120  ──施华洛世奇有限公司与王晨昀等侵犯商标专用权纠纷案 16.分销商抢注商标的法律适用 130  ──雅培糖尿病护理公司与上海和亭商贸有限公司等三、专利民事纠纷案件 17.权利要求用语存在明显错误时如何确定专利权的保护范围 137  ──北京西科盛世通酒店会展设备制造有限公司  与广州市番禺区恒美酒店有限公司等侵害发明专利权纠纷案 18.专利等同侵权的判定 147  ──宁波悦祥机械制造有限公司与上海昶意机械制造有限公司  侵害发明专利权纠纷案 19.权利要求中功能性特征内容的确定 162  ──曲声波与新世界(中国)科技传媒有限公司等  侵害实用新型专利权纠纷案 20.具有组合关系的外观设计之侵权比对 176  ──上海稚宜乐商贸有限公司与杨磊真等  侵害外观设计专利权纠纷案 21.新产品制造方法发明专利侵权纠纷案件中“新产品”的举证责任分配 182  ──3M公司与浙江道明反光材料有限公司侵犯发明专利权纠纷案四、不正当竞争纠纷案件 22.就司法未决事实向行业内特定对象陈述是否构成商业诋毁的认定 188  ──宣达实业集团有限公司与孟莫克公司等商业诋毁纠纷案 23.仿冒在先商业标识的侵权判断 196  ──张盛与上海记盛餐饮管理有限公司等不正当竞争纠纷案 24.网站用户注册信息数据库的商业秘密性质认定 205  ──衢州万联网络技术有限公司与周慧民等侵犯商业秘密纠纷案 25.刑事判决认定的犯罪金额对确定民事侵权损害赔偿的作用 212  ──梯爱司表面处理技术(上海)有限公司与魏成刚等  侵害商业秘密纠纷案 26.知名商品特有包装装潢权利的认定与保护 221  ──梅西斯有限公司与深圳市米菲体育用品有限公司等 27.影视剧植入广告的辨识及虚假宣传的认定 229  ──北京珂兰信钻网络科技有限公司与上海辛迪加影视有限公司等  不正当竞争纠纷案 28.名人姓名中财产权益的司法保护路径 238  ──岳彤宇与周立波网络域名权属纠纷案 29.擅自将他人企业名称注册为域名应当承担相应的民事责任 246  ──上海长途汽车客运总站有限公司与铭万信息技术有限公司等  计算机网络域名纠纷案五、知识产权刑事案件 30.商标犯罪中故意售假、涉案商品真伪及销售金额的认定 253  ──陈有志销售假冒注册商标的商品罪案 31.侵犯著作权罪的认定 260  ──傅旭义等人侵犯著作权罪案 32.利用“外挂”制售网络游戏虚拟货币行为的刑事责任认定 266  ──余刚等侵犯著作权罪案 33.非法制造他人注册商标行为的认定及制造数量的计算规则 280  ──上海镭友实业有限公司等非法制造注册商标标识罪案 34.外国作品能否作为侵犯著作权罪的犯罪对象 288  ──游海豹等侵犯著作权罪案 35.销售侵权复制品罪的认定 293  ──张乐等侵犯著作权罪、销售侵权复制品罪案 36.网络环境下侵犯著作权罪的司法认定 301  ──阎鹏侵犯著作权罪案六、知识产权行政案件 37.类似商品的判断标准 307  ──浙江梅泰克诺新型建筑板材有限公司不服工商销案决定案 38.知识产权海关行政保护措施的司法审查 320  ──上海贝邦进出口有限公司不服海关临时扣押产品决定案I. Civil Dispute Cases over Copyright  1.Judgment on Effect and Liability for Breach of Contract Regardingthe Rights to Dispose Future Works 1  — Shanghai Xuanting Entertainment Information Technology Co., Ltd.v.Wang Zhong, et al Dispute over CopyrightContract 2.Network Service Provider has the Duty of Care to Its Users’Repeated Infringement 21  —Zhuang Zedong et al v. Shanghai Source Internet Technology Co.,Ltd. Dispute Over Infringement on theRight to Network Dissemination of Information 3.Determination on Ownership of Copyright of Cartoon CharacterImages 37  -- Hu Jinqing, et al and Shanghai Animation Film Studio Dispute over Copyright Ownership 4.Determination on whether Slogans Constitute Works 52  -- Chen Yuji et al v. Shanghai Yuexing Holding Group Co., Ltd. etal Dispute over Copyright Infringement 5.Evidentiary Effect of Website ICP Filing Information andDetermination 62  -- Shanghai Guanshi Culture Communication Co., Ltd. v. ShanghaiBeiming High Strength Steel Co., Ltd., et alDispute over Infringement on Right to Network Dissemination ofInformation of Works 6.Determination of Infringement Liability of Search Engine Providers74  ──Shanghai Xuanting Entertainment Information Technology Co., Ltd. v.Beijing Baidu Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. et al Property Right Infringement 7.Determination of Unauthorized Use of Well-Known Trademarks inWebsites and Pamphlets 78  ── Cartier International N.V. v. Foshan M?K Ceramics Co., Ltd. inSanshui District et al Trademark RightInfringement and Unfair Competition 8.Judicial Determination of Nominative Fair Use of Trademarks 86  ——Nippon Paint (China) Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Zhanjin Trade Co., Ltd.et al Infringement on Exclusive Right toUse Trademarks 9.Judgment on Trademark Similarity in Determination of TrademarkInfringement 93  ──Beiersdorf AG v. Shanghai Yuyan Cosmetic Company et al Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use aTrademark 10.Conditions and Factors for Judicial Recognition of Well-knownTrademarks 100  ─ Diageo Brands BV et al v. Xiao Shaolim et al Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use aTrademark 11.Judgment on the Necessity of Well-known Trademark Recognition 107  ──Intel Corporation v. Shenzhen Inteljet Digital Technology Co., Ltd.,et al Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use a Trademark 12.“Integral Part” Selection of Combined Trademarks for SimilarityComparison 113  ──Nokia Corporation v. Wuxi Jinyue Technology Co., Ltd. Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use aTrademark 13.Judicial Determination of Contributory Infringement by OnlineTrade Platform Operator 118  ──E?Land Fashion (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.v. Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.,Ltd. et al Infringement on ExclusiveRight to Use Trademarks 14.Effect of Trademark Use in the Determination of TrademarkInfringement 125  ──Honeywell International Inc. v. Shanghai Gerritt Turbocharger SystemCo., Ltd. et al Infringement onExclusive Right to Use Trademarks and Unfair Competition 15.Judicial Determination of Infringement of Exclusive Right to UseRegistered Trademark by 16.Network Domain Name 137  ──Swarovski Aktiengesellschaft v. Wang Chenyun et al Infringement on Exclusive Right to UseTrademark 17.Application of Laws Concerning Rush Registration of Trademark byDistributors 144  ──Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. v. Shanghai Hotin Commercial Trading Co,Ltd. et al Infringement on Ownership ofExclusive Right to Use Trademarks 18.How to Define the Scope of Patent Right Protection Where ThereAre Obvious Errors in Wording of Claims 150  ──Beijing Sico-Sst Hospitality Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. v.Guangzhou Fanyu Halmay Hotel Co., Ltd. et al Invention Patent Infringement 19.Determination on the Content of Functional Attributes in Claims159  ── Qu Shengbo v. New World(China)Technology& Media Co., Ltd., et al.Infringement on Utility Model Patent 20.Comparison of the Infringement upon Appearance Designs withComposition 184  — Toyroyal (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. v. Yang Leizhen, et al. Infringement on Appearance Design Patent 21.Assignment of Burden of Proof on “New Product” in Disputes overInvention Patent Infringement on Manufacturing Method of New Product 194  — 3M Company v. Zhejiang Daoming Reflective Materials Co., Ltd. Infringement on Invention Patent 22.Ascertainment on Whether Stating Judicial Facts-in-issue toSpecific Subject in the Industry Constitutes Commercial Defamation 205  ── Xuanda Industrial Group Co., Ltd. v. MECS, Inc., et al. Dispute over Commercial Defamation 23.Judgment on Infringement on Commercial Signs CounterfeitedBeforehand 220  — Zhang Sheng v. JiSheng F&B Management Co., Ltd. Shanghai, etal. Dispute over Unfair Competition 24.Determination on Trade Secret of Database of RegistrationInformation of Network Users 236  —Quzhou Wanlain Network Technology Co., Ltd. v. Zhou Huimin,etc. Infringement on Trade Secret 25.Role of Amount of Money of Crime Affirmed by Criminal Judgment inDetermining on Compensation for Damage Caused by Civil Infringement 250  ──Techniques Surfaces Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. v. WeiChenggang, et al. Dispute over TradeSecret Infringement 26.Determination on and Protection of Right to Special PackagingDecoration of Well-known Goods 266  —Mercis B.V. v. Shenzhen Minify Sport Goods Co., Ltd. et al. Disputeover Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use Trademark and Unfair Competition 27.Identification of Product Placement in Movies and TelevisionPlays and Determination on False Propaganda 279  —Beijing Kela Diamond Network Technology Co., Ltd. v. ChinaSyndication Entertainment Co., Ltd., et al.Dispute over Unfair Competition 28.Path to Juridical Protection of Property Right and Interests inNames of Celebrities 296  Yue Tongyu v. Zhou Libo Dispute over Infringement on Ownership ofNetwork Domain Nam 29.Registering Other’s Enterprise Name as Domain Name WithoutAuthorization Shall Bear Corresponding Civil Liabilities 309  ──Shanghai Long-distance Bus Station Co., Ltd. v. Mainone InformationTechnology Co., Ltd., et al. Disputeover Infringement on Network Domain Name 30.?Determination on Intentional Distribution of CounterfeitedProducts, Authenticity of Involved Commodities and Sales Amount 322  ── Crime of Chen Youzhi’s Distribution of Commodities Bearing Counterfeited RegisteredTrademarks 31.Determination on Crime of Infringement on Copyright 335  ──Fu Xuyi, et al Crime ofInfringement on Copyright 32.The Ascertainment of Criminal Liability for Using"Plug-in" to Fabricate and Sell Online Game Virtual Currency 346  Copyright Infringement Committed by Yu Gang et al 33.Identification of the Act of Illegal Fabrication of Other’sRegistered Trademark and the Computation Rule of Fabrication Quantity 369  — The Case of Illegal Fabrication of Registered Trademark Symbols byShanghai Leiyou Industry Co., Ltd. et al 34.Whether A Foreign Work Can Be Accounted as the Object ofCopyright Infringement 383  -- The Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by You Haibao et al 35.Identification of the Crime of Selling Infringing Duplicates 392  ─ The Case of Copyright Infringement and Selling InfringingDuplicates Committed by Zhang Le et al 36.Judicial Recognition of Copyright Infringement in InternetEnvironment 407  ─ The Case of Copyright Infringement Committed by Yan Peng 37.Criteria for Judging Similar Commodities 418  ─The Appeal of Zhejiang Metecno New Building Panels Co. Ltd. Againstthe Decision of the Administration of Industry and Commerce to Close the Case 38.The Judicial Review of the Customs' Administrative Measures ofIPR Protection 441  ──The Case of the Refusal of Shanghai B&B Import & Export Co.,Ltd. to Accept the Customs' Decision to Temporarily Detain the Products




尺寸23 × 17装帧平装
页数印数 2000


知识产权案例精选是知识产权出版社于2013.2出版的中图分类号为 D923.405 的主题关于 知识产权法-案例-汇编-中国 的书籍。