

蒋磊, 主编







Project One Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation

Chapter1 Basic Concepts of International Business Negotiation

Work Objectives

Module Ⅰ Lead-in Reading

1.Opening Your Eyes

2.Case Discussing

Module Ⅱ Linking-up

Ⅰ A Brief Introduction to Negotiation

1.Implication of Negotiation

2.Correct Understanding of Negotiation

3.Elements of Negotiation

Ⅱ Definition and Characteristics of Business Negotiation

1.Definition of Business Negotiation

2.Characteristics of Business Negotiation

Ⅲ Types and Contents of Business Negotiation

1.Common Types of Business Negotiation

2.Contents of Business Negotiation

Ⅳ Goals of International Business Negotiation

1.The Best Target

2.The Intermediate Target

3.The Acceptable Target

Module 3 Notes to the Related Language Points

Module 4 Building Up More Skills

Task 1 Mini Negotiation Reading

Task 2 Simulation Drills

Module 5 Learning More

Task 1 Learn Negotiation Tips by Heart

Task 2 Extending Writing Project

Module 6 Showing Your Talent Fully

Chapter 2 Principles of Business Negotiation

Work Objectives

Module Ⅰ Lead-in Reading

1.Opening Your Eyes

2.Case Discussing

Module Ⅱ Linking-up

Ⅰ Basic Principles of Business Negotiation

Ⅱ Principles of Business Negotiation

1.Principle of Collaboration Negotiation

2.Principle of Trust in Negotiation

3.Principle of Interest Distribution

4.Win-Win Principle

Module Ⅲ Notes to the Related Language Points

Module Ⅳ Building Up More Skills

Task 1 Mini Negotiation Reading

Task 2 Simulation Drills

Module 5 Learning More

Task 1 Learn Negotiation Tips by Heart

Task 2 Extending Writing Project

Module 6 Showing Your Talent Fully

Chapter 3 Psychology in Negotiation

Work Objectives

Module ⅠLead-in Reading

1.Opening Your Eyes

2.Case Discussing

Module ⅡLinking-uP

ⅠThe Need Theory and Negotiation

1.The Need Theory of Maslow

2.The Application of the Need Theory to Negotiation

ⅡModern Negotiation Theories

Module Ⅲ Notes to the Related Language Points

Module Ⅳ Building Up More Skills

Task 1 Mini Negotiation Reading

Task 2 Simulation Drills

Module 5 Learning More

Task 1 Learn Negotiation Tips by Heart

Task 2 Extending Writing Project


Chapter 3 Psychology in Negotiation

Chapter 4 Procedure of Business Negotiation

Project Two Practical Business Negotiation

Chapter 5 Five Links of International Business Negotiation

Chapter 6 Strategies of International Business Negotiation

Chapter 7 Sale Negotiation

Chapter 8 International Investment Negotiation

Chapter 9 International Technology Trade Negotiation

Chapter 10 International Business Contract Negotiation

Project Three Culture Influence on Business Negotiation

Chapter 11 Intercultural Awareness in Business Activities

Chapter 12 Business Protocols, Etiquette and Negotiation Styles





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国际商务英语谈判是对外经济贸易大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 国际贸易-贸易谈判-英语-高等学校-教材 的书籍。