

吴炜, 著







Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Questions1.3 Significance of the StudyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Framework2.2 Relevant Studies2.2.1 The Efficacy of Grammar Correction2.2.2 Feedback Focu2.2.3 Feedback Strategy2.2.4 Error Type2.3 Methodological Problems in Previous Studies2.3.1 Problems with Artificially Setting up Experiment and Control Groups2.3.2 Problems with Focusing on One Dimension of the Feedback Issue

Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Questions1.3 Significance of the StudyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Theoretical Framework2.2 Relevant Studies2.2.1 The Efficacy of Grammar Correction2.2.2 Feedback Focu2.2.3 Feedback Strategy2.2.4 Error Type2.3 Methodological Problems in Previous Studies2.3.1 Problems with Artificially Setting up Experiment and Control Groups2.3.2 Problems with Focusing on One Dimension of the Feedback Issue2.4 A Possible Solution: Multi-Dimensional Interactivre AnalysisChapter 3 Research Design and Methodology3.1 Research Design3.1.1 Participants3.1.2 Procedures3.1.2.1 Grading of the First and Revised Drafts3.1.2.2 Delivering Teacher Feedback & Collecting Revised Drafts3.1.3 Coding of Teacher Feedback: An Analytic Model3.1.3.1 Feedback Strategy: Explicitness3.1.3.2 Feedback Focus & Error Type3.1.3.3 Student Revision Ratings3.2 Research Methodology3.2.1 Theoretical Conceptualization of Multi-Dimensional Interaction3.2.2 Statistical Methods of Multi-Dimensional Interaction3.2.2.1 Full Factorial Variance3.2.2.2 Multiple Comparisons:Games-Howell3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Results and Analysis4.1 Effectiveness of Teacher Feedback4.1.1 Descriptive Statistics and Reliability4.1.2 Paired Samples T-test4.2 Analysis of Three Factors: Feedback Strategy,Feedback Focus,and Their Interaction4.2.1 Full Factorial Variance Analysis4.2.2 ANOVA and Multiple Comparisons of Feedback Strategy4.2.3 ANOVA and Multiple Comparisons of Feedback Focus4.2.4 Interaction between Feedback Focus and Feedback Strategy4.2.4.1 Definition of a New Interaction Variable4.2.4.2 ANOVA Analysis4.2.4.3 Results of Multiple Comparisons and Analysis4.2.5 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis4.3 Feedback Strategy and Error Type4.3.1 Feedback Strategy and Language Error Type4.3.1.1 Full Factorial Variance Analysis4.3.1.2 The Interaction of Language Error Type and Feedback Strategy4.3.1.3 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis4.3.2 Feedback Strategy and Content Error Type4.3.3 Feedback Strategy and Structure Error Type4.4 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire4.4.1 Students'Perceptions of the Difficulties of Error Types4.4.2 Students'Perception of the Helpfulness of Teacher Feedback4.4.3 Students'Perception of Feedback Focus and Feedback Strategy4.4.4 Students Revision StrategiesChapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications5.2.1 Pedagogical Implications5.2.2 Methodological Implications5.2.2.1 Experiment Design Method5.2.2.2 Use of Multi-dimensional Interaction Method5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchReferencesAppendicesAppendix 1 Writing RubricsAppendix 2 Language Error CodesAppendix 3 Classification of Error Types with Some ExamplesAppendix 4 Coding of Teacher Feedback and Student Revision RatingAppendix 5 A Sample First Draft with Teacher Feedback,and Second DraftAppendix 6 中国大学英语写作修改过程调查问卷


《大学英语写作教学中教师反馈的多维交互研究(英文版)》采用多维交互研究方法,定量研究大学英语写作教学中三个教师反馈自变量(反馈焦点、反馈策略、错误类型)以及它们之间的交互作用对学生修改作文效果的影响。研究结果表明针对不同方面的写作问题和错误类型,教师应该选择不同的反馈策略。  《大学英语写作教学中教师反馈的多维交互研究(英文版)》系统介绍了教师反馈相关研究、多维交互研究方法,以及相关的统计分析方法,对从事外语写作教学的一线教师及相关研究的学者具有参考价值。


尺寸23 × 19装帧平装


大学英语写作教学中教师反馈的多维交互研究是清华大学出版社于2014.出版的中图分类号为 H315 的主题关于 英语-写作-教学研究-高等学校 的书籍。