

张道真, 主编







UNIT 1 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills How Are You These Days? PART Ⅱ Text A Standard English for the 2008 Olympic Games PART Ⅲ Text B Summer Holidays in England PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Simple English SentencesUNIT 2 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills May I Introduce Mr. Collins? PART Ⅱ Text A What Is a Typical Day Like for a Child in England——A Diary of a Boy in England PAPT Ⅲ Text B Talking about Food PART Ⅳ Wrting Work How to Write Correct Compound Sentences by Using Coordinating ConjunctionsUNIT 3 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills You've Done a Very Good Job PART Ⅱ Text A A New Era for World Economy PART Ⅲ Text B The History of Money PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Complex Sentences (1) Noun Clauses

UNIT 1 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills How Are You These Days? PART Ⅱ Text A Standard English for the 2008 Olympic Games PART Ⅲ Text B Summer Holidays in England PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Simple English SentencesUNIT 2 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills May I Introduce Mr. Collins? PART Ⅱ Text A What Is a Typical Day Like for a Child in England——A Diary of a Boy in England PAPT Ⅲ Text B Talking about Food PART Ⅳ Wrting Work How to Write Correct Compound Sentences by Using Coordinating ConjunctionsUNIT 3 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills You've Done a Very Good Job PART Ⅱ Text A A New Era for World Economy PART Ⅲ Text B The History of Money PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Complex Sentences (1) Noun ClausesUNIT 4 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Please Accept My Congratulations PART Ⅱ Text A Eating Problem PART Ⅲ Text B Bike for a Better City PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Complex Sentences (2) Adverbial Clauses.UNIT 5 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Thank You Very Much! PART Ⅱ Text A The Start of American Music PART Ⅲ Text B The Titanic PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct Complex Sentences (3) Attributive Clauses.UNIT 6 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills I'm So Sorry for That PART Ⅱ Text A Horse Shoeing in New York PART Ⅲ Text B About London PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct English Sentences by Using"There be" Patterns.UNIT 7 PART Ⅰ Communication Skills Goodbye, and Have a Nice Day! PART Ⅱ Text A Reaching Next Town PART Ⅲ Text B A Story of Little Mozart PART Ⅳ Writing Work How to Write Correct InversionsUNIT 8UNIT 9UNIT 10UNIT 11UNIT 12UNIT 13UNIT 14UNIT 15UNIT 16UNIT 17UNIT 18UNIT 19UNIT 20综合练习


为了更好地体现现代高等教育英语教学的特点和要求,真正做到以学生为主体、适应课堂教学和自主学习相结合的特点,本套教材在以下方面下了一些功夫: (1)紧密结合教学大纲的要求和课堂教学实际。编写队伍全部都是来自教学第一线的教学骨干,充分地把各位编者的教学经验融入到教材中,特别是在选编课文时,注重选编短小精悍的短文,让师生在一个教学单位时间内能够完成一个相对完整的内容。 (2)选材新颖。无论是交际技能,还是课文学习,抑或是写作训练,从形式到内容,编者都注重选择最新的语料,并努力使英语学习寓于趣味性、娱乐性之中,以使得课堂教学和课后自学都不会枯燥乏味。 (3)注重基础训练。各册内容特别注重基本知识和基本技能的训练,设计了数量可观的练习;同时,考虑到部分学生入学时需要加强英语基础知识的学习,本套教材特别编写了《预备教程》,以供有需要的班级和学生在语音和基础语法方面加强复习和练习。 (4)编排形式科学。本套教材的主体部分按照交际技能、课文学习、综合练习和写作训练进行编排,努力做到在听、说、读、写、译五个方面提高学习者的英语水平。 (5)强调自主学习的特点。现代教育强调“教师为主导、学生为主体、学生自主学习”的理念;同时,高中毕业后进入高等院校继续学习的学生对母语已经掌握得比较好了,而有些学生英语语感相对较差。为此,我们特别编写了《基础英语语法》,以使英语学习者更好地利用母语优势。 (6)结合现代教育技术和利用辅助教学手段。与纸质教材配套,我们充分利用了现代计算机和多媒体技术制作了供学生使用的多媒体光盘和供教师使用的课堂教学软件,以使得课堂教学和课后自学都更加直观和有趣。




实用大学英语教程是中国人民大学出版社于2007.出版的中图分类号为 H31 的主题关于 英语-成人教育:高等教育-教材 的书籍。