

林威, (美) 巴伦 (Barron,O.) , 著







林威先生和欧思林先生分别是财经媒体和投行研究的从业人员,在中国经济金融政策研究的议题上,双方有着广泛的共同兴趣。   两位作者在持续两年的对话中,摒弃文化中的偏见和刻板印象,发现政策对外传播的盲点和误区,用干净和地道的语言,以贴近市场需求的角度和专业的金融知识,为海外投资者了解中国和中国金融市场减少了许多误读和不确定性。外事工作者、金融从业人员以及英文爱好者也可以从中学习到金融领域的跨文化传播和沟通技巧。   林威毕业于厦门大学,目前供职于中国证券报。欧思林先生毕业于圣安德鲁斯大学,目前供职于北方蓝橡。   Wei Lin is a senior writer for Xinhua News Agency, China's official press agency, as well as for China Securities Journal, China's most influential business daily. Lin, a Chinese citizen, graduated from Xiamen University in south China's Fujian Province with a BA in International Communication and Journalism.   Oliver Barron is Head of the Beijing research office for NSBO, a London-based financial services company specializing in providing macro-economic and strategic research on the investment impact of Chinese government policy. Barron, a US citizen, graduated MA Honors Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.




第一章 概览(Big Picture)

第二章 货币政策(Monetary Policy)

第三章 地方政府融资平台(Local Government Financing Platforms)

第四章 房地产市场(Property Market)

第五章 能源(Energy)

第六章 投资与重点工程(Investment and Key Projects)

第七章 未来改革展望(The Outlook for Major Reforms)

第八章 中国的新领导层与新政府(China’s New Leadership and Government)

第九章 国家发展与改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission)

第十章 财政部(Ministry of Finance)

第十一章 人民银行(People’s Bank of China)

第十二章 商务部(Ministry of Commerce)

第十三章 工业与信息化部(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)

第十四章 国有资产监督管理委员会(State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission)

第十五章 中国银行业监督管理委员会(China Banking Regulatory Commission)

第十六章 中国证券监督管理委员会(China Securities Regulatory Commission)

第十七章 中国保险监督管理委员会(China Insurance Regulatory Commission)


《解析与预测:后危机时代的中国金融政策(平)》(Reading Between the Lines)是中美两位作者以十二五规划和中国的新领导层(新政府)为主要框架用两年时间对话酝酿而成,在外国人真正关心的中国财经政策议题上,进行全面阐述、预测和解释。
  China is at a crossroads, with change and reform needed to ensure its meteoric rise onto the global stage contains. Reading Between the Lines contains the most comprehensive review of current economic policy and a realistic outlook as to what reforms may come to pass. The authors analyze the unique historical conditions that have led China’s economy to where it is now, and how historical and cultural factors affect the decisions that are likely to be made in the future. This work sheds light on the        Chinese economy and explains why and how some quintessentially Chinese practices are used to solve problems, highlighting both the positive and negative effects of China’s distinctive economic model. Contained within these pages is everything you need to know to understand China’s economy and how policy is enacted and carried out.

  Chinese policies are not easy to get and follow. They are always mixed with unclear messages. Therefore, to make sure we end with the correct interpretation, the authors, one Chinese and one American, continually exchanged views in careful discussion for more than two years. The dialogue was not simply a question and answer or fact-seeking process, but rather, a consensus forming, and balancing-out process, creating new ideas and broadening perspectives.

  This book has two uses. First, it provides a comprehensive look at the background and history of economic policy and a review of what reforms are likely to be enacted in the medium term. The second is to act as a reference manual for all things related to China’s economy. Whether it is the structure of the government, the tasks of each agency or the particular leanings or influences of each person, the information can all be found in this book.


  《解析与预测:后危机时代的中国金融政策(平)》既包含了西方社会如何看待中国的经济发展和新领导人,但是又强调了正进行着这场伟大改革的中国人自己的视野。两位作者的背景决定了这本书的特点。欧思林(Oliver Barron)是一名美国的中国经济分析师,他站在局外,能看到我们这些身在局中的中国人所忽视的地方,分析直指问题的本质;林威(Wei Lin)是《中国证券报》的一名中国记者,了解中国政府的运行和操作流程,注重细节,查漏补缺,矫枉而不过其直。


尺寸24 × 17装帧平装


解析与预测是外文出版社于2013.出版的中图分类号为 F832.0 的主题关于 金融政策-研究-中国-英文 的书籍。